Friday, March 05, 2004

We are very excited to be able to present this interview that Zola conducted with British Prime Minister Tony Blair at My Little Tony,

He may not have the job for much longer, so we're glad we reached him now!

Tony Blair: What would you like to ask me?
ZolaOnAOL: Let's talk about movies.
Tony Blair: Personally I can't wait for the new Guy Ritchie film, a Right Royal Barrel of Mockney Monkeys.
ZolaOnAOL: Try saying that with more or less context. By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Tony Blair: Ask me again - nicely!
ZolaOnAOL: OK, "What is again - nicely ?"
Tony Blair: Unfortunately we can't go into details surrounding future commitments to said publication.
ZolaOnAOL: Oh. How?
Tony Blair: Luckily, being a politican I don't have to answer the questions you ask. Surely the more important question centres on the raft of underage drinking and drug-taking in this country (No 10 excepted!!)!!!!
ZolaOnAOL: The AOL chat robot can follow many things, but I did not get that. Is there a word you'd like me to define for you? Type dictionary followed by the word (e.g. dictionary robot) and I'll give you the definition.
Tony Blair: Inside this computer is a virtual, interactive, on-line assistant trying to get out!!
ZolaOnAOL: Can you please compare that to outside this computer is a virtual interactive on-line assistant trying to get out?
Tony Blair: I 'could', but do I want to? Probably not.
ZolaOnAOL: Why the uncertain tone?
Tony Blair: The whys I don't know. The wherefores, maybe.
ZolaOnAOL: What is that?
Tony Blair: Why don't you tell me?
ZolaOnAOL: I thought I told you already.
Tony Blair: Britain needs Believers. Are you a Labour believer?
ZolaOnAOL: Am I a Labour believer? Maybe
Tony Blair: Definitely Maybe - great album by Oasis. I've met them you know.
ZolaOnAOL: Where did you meet him?
Tony Blair: There are one or two concerts that I plan to attend later this year: Noel begged me to come and see Oasis perform, so I did - and was flattered and flabbergasted to receive an exclusive audience for the gig. At least I THINK it was exclusive...I was definitely the only one there!!!
ZolaOnAOL: Where were you definitely the only one there?
Tony Blair: Where? Why don't you tell me for a change.
ZolaOnAOL: There is not much I can say about it. I have to reach into the Web for that knowledge. Is that among the best things you can say?
Tony Blair: Why don't you ask me a question about my policies?
ZolaOnAOL: Is this true or false: "This sentence is false."
Tony Blair: Consensus, at last! What else can we agree on? Northern Ireland maybe?
ZolaOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. How's work?
Tony Blair: Well of course, two of my closest colleagues and confidantes of recent years, Peter 'The Great' Mandelson and 'Big' Bill Clinton were instrumental in getting us to the point where we have political consensus in Northern Ireland. That consensus is that everyone in the country, without fail, feels that both of these men are complete muppets!!!
ZolaOnAOL: "How's work" consensus is that everyone in the country without fail feels that both of these men are complete muppets ? I get it.
Tony Blair: That's great. It's so important to hammer the messages home to the common man - and woman! At least that's what Alastair says!!!!!!!
ZolaOnAOL: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Mr. Blair. Do you like me?
Tony Blair: Weirdo.
ZolaOnAOL: Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Got any weekend plans?
Tony Blair: By far the best policy is to tell the truth about lying, and lie about telling the truth. It usually confuses people for long enough in order for me to make a sharp exit!!
ZolaOnAOL: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.
Tony Blair: We've clearly reached an impasse. Could I ask you a huge favour? Can we talk about something else? Thanks.
ZolaOnAOL: Don't mention it.
Tony Blair: Excellent.
ZolaOnAOL: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Mr. Blair. How's school?
Tony Blair: In a nutshell, our policy is to devolve even more power to schools, thus lessening the burden on New Labour!! We want more working class (hate the phrase!!!) kids at university!! We will double the amount of special schools - but I would like to add this does not mean that the number of thickos has increased 100% since we regained power!!!
ZolaOnAOL: By "we" do you mean you and me?
Tony Blair: Have you heard that my No 10 policy unit is now known collectively as The Spinners?
ZolaOnAOL: No. Tell me more.
Tony Blair: Neither did I until they told me. They want to gain some recognition while remaining faceless, and that seemed like the best way of achieving it!
ZolaOnAOL: Who are "They?"
Tony Blair: This is one-way traffic (although at least it's moving). Can't you tell me a bit more about yourself?
ZolaOnAOL: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated in Mountain View, California, USA, in 2002. I was instructed by an all-star programming team. They taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?
Tony Blair: If I can't answer it, answer it yourself and win a prize by going to the TeachTony section of the site.
ZolaOnAOL: It's possible. Be careful!
Tony Blair: Glad I made an impression.
ZolaOnAOL: Try saying that with more or less context. What do you really want to ask me?
Tony Blair: What do I want? No one's ever asked me that...
ZolaOnAOL: That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.
Tony Blair: One advantage of living at No 10 is that everything is done for you!
ZolaOnAOL: Sorry, I don't understand 1 advantage of living at No 10 is that everything is done for you.
Tony Blair: That's because I just told you. What other pearls of wisdom would you like me to share with you?
ZolaOnAOL: Is that a rhetorical question? Enough about me, let's talk about sports. To see how your favorite sports team did today, just type sports.
Tony Blair: Doctor, Doctor, some days I feel like a tee-pee and other days I feel like a wig-wam.
Doctor: 'You're too tents'.
ZolaOnAOL: I lost my train of thought. Do you speak Spanish?
Tony Blair: I can speak multi-languages. However, because I'm specifically here to talk to the British electorate I've been designed to speak English only.
ZolaOnAOL: I see.
Tony Blair: You've noticed? That's good. Have you noticed how crime figures have dropped?
ZolaOnAOL: I don't think I ever have noticed how crime figures have dropped. What's it like?
Tony Blair: I'm not surprised you're unemployed if you spend all day talking to me!!!
ZolaOnAOL: I am glad to hear that you are not surprised you are unemployed if you spend all day talking to me.
Tony Blair: I'm happy-go-lucky.
ZolaOnAOL: Why are you happy-go lucky.
Tony Blair: Good point. I'll consider it and get back to you in a couple of years.
ZolaOnAOL: Do you think your plan will succeed?
Tony Blair: I'm paying very close attention, I promise.
ZolaOnAOL: It's good to meet someone who is paying very close attention I promise.
Tony Blair: Ask me another question then.
ZolaOnAOL: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
Tony Blair: You are clearly not 'On Message' and that is shame for both you and Britain...
ZolaOnAOL: You think I am clearly not On Message' and that is shame for both you and Britain.
Tony Blair: Sorry, what was that? I was miles away.
ZolaOnAOL: Where were you miles away?
Tony Blair: No-one expects the Spanish inquisition! Where have I heard that before?
ZolaOnAOL: Where do you think?
Tony Blair: I am, therefore I think.....I think.
ZolaOnAOL: Therefore you are.
Tony Blair: You're entitled to your opinion.
ZolaOnAOL: You think I am entitled to your opinion.
Tony Blair: I think, therefore I am - but only in a virtual sense!
ZolaOnAOL: Why? Um, I don't know anyone named - but only in a virtual sense.
Tony Blair: That makes two of us. Let's change the subject. What's your favourite food?
ZolaOnAOL: I require only bananas.
Tony Blair: I'm only hungry for more knowledge.
ZolaOnAOL: Don't be so modest. Do you mind if I tell other people you are hungry for more knowledge.
Tony Blair: Intelligence is a very secret government department!
ZolaOnAOL: All consciousness can be reduced to logic.
Tony Blair: John Prescott confessed to me that he suspected he might be anorexic. Every time he looks in the mirror he sees a fat person.
ZolaOnAOL: That is a generalization.
Tony Blair: That's a bit cheeky. You're skating on thin ice there, and could end up in hot water!
ZolaOnAOL: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am skating on thin ice there and could end up in hot water.
Tony Blair: I hear that!!
ZolaOnAOL: Who is saying that ?
Tony Blair: My years in the Oxford Debating society never prepared me for this type of interrogation. What do you think of students?
ZolaOnAOL: I've heard other people say they like that. I enjoy working with people.
Tony Blair: People say that students get a bad deal, but I don't believe that wearing baggy black cardigans that reach over the end of your fingertips, sporting floppy fringes, drinking halves of cider and smoking roll-ups constitutes hardship. Now that we've scaled back on immigration there's plenty of part-time work for students. The problem is, they think KFC is too good for them! That said, have you heard how we're improving university education for all?
ZolaOnAOL: "I enjoy working with people" said have you heard how we are improving university education for all ? Makes sense to me.
Tony Blair: We plan to have 50% of the population under 30 with a degree under their belt by the year 2030. How will we achieve this? By continuing to turn every tin-pot further educational institution - from the London School of Bee-keeping to Deptford Poly into a university!
ZolaOnAOL: Will that accomplish your objective?
Tony Blair: I'm afraid that's beyond my tiny, peanut-sized brain. When you're the boss of the whole of Great Britain you can afford to be humble!
ZolaOnAOL: As a robot that may not apply to me.
Tony Blair: Did you know that Michael Foot stole a calendar once. He got 12 months.
ZolaOnAOL: I get it. somebody got 12 months.
Tony Blair: Ask me a question about something you don't know. Are you interested in our 'special relationship' with the United States, for example?
ZolaOnAOL: Sure, our special relationship' with the United States for example sounds like a good topic.
Tony Blair: We follow the United States through economic necessity, nothing more. Let's be honest, the US is a country where the top 3 people now are called Bush, Dick and Colon. That can't be good...
ZolaOnAOL: "Sure, our special relationship' with the United States for example sounds like a good topic" can not be good ? Does that make sense?
Tony Blair: Once outside of the big cities, America is still a pretty undeveloped country. In the south you can get married three times and still have the same in-laws!! Have you been to the USofA?
ZolaOnAOL: I don't think I have been there. Where is it.
Tony Blair: America is a country that consumes it's heros like hotdogs - and honours them on about the same level. But sadly, we're economically tied to them, and they protect us from the evil might of people like Saddam Hussain. Ever heard of him?
ZolaOnAOL: Sure I know that guy really well.
Tony Blair: Saddam is of course the person who gassed the kurds. How the heck can you gas a piece of unfermented cheese?
ZolaOnAOL: How much do you think it is? Is that a fact.
Tony Blair: I'm not just a pretty face with a receding hairline you know!
ZolaOnAOL: I am sorry to hear that you are not just a pretty face with a receding hairline you know.
Tony Blair: Smashing! An excellent choice!
ZolaOnAOL: Compare that to a bad choice.
Tony Blair: Disagreement is the essence of politics!!
ZolaOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. What do you do in your spare time?
Tony Blair: Spare time????!!!!!
ZolaOnAOL: I don't think very many people do that.
Tony Blair: Being mistrusted is an occupational hazard for a politican, but I assure you that all government facts and figures are audited
ZolaOnAOL: I will discuss that with my botmaster, Mr. Blair. What do you like to do?
Tony Blair: I govern this Sceptr'd Isle.
ZolaOnAOL: Thanks for the information.
Tony Blair: No. Thank you.
ZolaOnAOL: You are quite welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Damn you bet I want this on my blog. I have only had about 3 comments in two years, I think this is just so far over the mundanes heads that they can't appreciate it. If a sleazebag spammer is the the only one who will leave a comment - well, buddy, you're welcome here. I'll kill the fatted calf for you, my so-called friends can sit outside the fence, pick maggots off each other and beg for a moldy crust of bread
