Monday, February 28, 2005

Evidence that demands something or other

As you probably know, I have a theory that people are becoming half as
intelligent every 18 months. Furthermore, I believe it doesn't matter
- not to people, most of them are happy as pigs in shit wallowing in
their ignorance. Certainly not to the universe, which probably decided
that it doesn't need apes expert at despoiling everything they touch,
and is probably responsible for the decline in human intelligence.

Humans will never achieve a zero IQ; if you repeatedly half a number,
it will get smaller and smaller, but it will never reach zero. there
is a name for this, and I used to know it 18 months ago. However,
when we all get stupid enough, we will simply become unable to
remember to breathe, and that will be the end of it, and us, and
probably not a moment too soon.

How close are we? I am trying to work out a formula before I get too
stupid. I'm afraid it may already be too late; I keep gathering
anecdotal evidence, which I lose before I can build a grand unifying
theory of stupidity on it. I believe that increasing misuse of
language is a good measure of where we are in the process; at least, I
think I do. If I'm right (assuming that's my theory) we're in deep
Prescott/Walker/Bush. Here are two recent examples:

On TV news, re; interviewing neighbors of a recently caught suspected
serial killer , the announcer said, "this neighborhood has become a
verifiable circus."

At 6:06 KUOW yesterday an advocate stressed the importance of
protecting "venerable disabled homeless people from street thugs."

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