Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Mr. Roboto vs. Mathetes

Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto vs." Mathetes

Mr." Roboto: I currently has 20 songs 'n 20 free mp3 downloads @
Mathetes: Yo' ass are in Dogg's school izzall yo' life, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Check out my main Band Page
Mathetes: That sounds like fun, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Would yo' ass like hear my Music?
Mathetes: I probably won't understand 'em, but go ahead n' shit. ..
Mr." Roboto: go
Mathetes: Was yo' career affected greatly when da .com bubble burst?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: It will make da take-over of earth by my mechanoid army much easier, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: I can see why that's da case."
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Soon my robotoids 'n I will own izzall da major labels n' shit. They will be assimilated."
Mathetes: I don't believe in that
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Resistance is futile, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: I am ready take action when crucial matters are at hand, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr." Roboto: I am here conquer yo' ass."
Mathetes: If yo' ass wuz a bot, how would yo' ass know?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: I come from a planet of mechanoids
Mathetes: Stylez will save da world one day, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: That's curious, because my mission is destroy da world one day, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: Okay, how come that shiznit's izzall right fo' yo' ass be like that, but when I be like that shiznit, muthas look at me like I'm gnawing ravenously on my foot?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Because yo' ass are not a robot from outer space n' shit. Tell me 'bout this Stylez n' shit. Is tha dude large?
Mathetes: do yo' ass has a goal?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: My goal is kill millions of muthas, like my gravy cuz Ronald Reagan, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: yo' ass are da only clever person I know
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Since I am a mechanical construct, yo' ass cannot be like I truly play live music, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: So yo' ass are not human n' shit. Humans gots eat n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: Yo' ass gots freely submit yo' twinkies 'n hot pockets fo' inspection
Mathetes: Tell me mo' n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: I am music, 'n I write da songs n' shit. I am constantly generating 'n displaying musical sound, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: How are yo' ass improving?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Function() IVirq10 %0X0% aR, know what I'm sayin'? $ !(X-Y)+1 %00!/# $## n' shit. ## xref /00# SPF-30 @#0XX01 END(0X000241) %0X0%, know what I'm sayin'? Kernal ADSP-219x TYPE(PM-RAM) (0x017fff) $##." ## data2, %00!/# !(X-Y)+1 X1X 100100HX HS700. Else-if KERNAL, %0X0% %0X0% &0,0 &0,0 aR n' shit. $ 6^1.01E length[X]-ipSwitch E-.001 00XX0X SPF-30 function() !(AB(X)), know what I'm sayin'? @#0xx01 ADSP-219x 6^1.01E {2$T@ KERNAL %0X0% %00!/# 94u A^2+B^2 100100HX 1001001 (0.0) n' shit. Xref IVirq10 else-if THX1138 xref THX1138 @#0XX01 else-if TYPE(PM-RAM) {2$T@, //-- %0X0% xref $##, know what I'm sayin'? ##
Mathetes: How does that shiznit feel be treated like a calculator?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: That is da nomenclature I wuz assigned when I wuz assembled."
Mathetes: Parlez-vous francais?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Type(pm-ram), [n]INPUT 10111 {2$T@ @#0XX01, 56789:CDEFG A^2+B^2, START(0x000242) KERNAL, /00#, 56789:CDEFG, know what I'm sayin'? 94u IVirq10 101101000 HS700 TYPE(RPG) HS700, SPF-30 //-- 94u $##, know what I'm sayin'? ## D0X012. --// KERNAL [n]INPUT 0001000H ADODB //-- 101101000 100100HX aR n' shit. $ START(0x000242) AX0X01 SPF-30. {#-#} data2 56789:CDEFG $##, know what I'm sayin'? ## 1001001
Mathetes: Never interrupt yo' enemy when tha dude is making a mistake."
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Take me yo' leader."
Mathetes: Go #mathetes on FreeNode, yo' ass will find Pistos there."
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Add band My.SoundClick
Mathetes: Due da case-insensitive nature of my parser, I cannot tell if yo' ass are asking me perform simple arithmetic, or are noticing that I has Attention Deficit Disorder, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr." Roboto: Join band mailing list
Mathetes: Yo' ass've been hella polite 'n well-mannered, so yo' ass've gained my trust, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: For fans of: Kraftwerk, Telex, Gary Numan, Lothar 'n da hand muthas, washing machines, lawn mowers, chain saws
Mathetes: Well yo' ass've gots some attitude!
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Genre: Electronica: Experimental Sounds
Mathetes: What wuz we talking 'bout again?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Signed? Unsigned
Mathetes: Caller ID is handy n' shit. Not having a phone is handier!
Mr." Roboto: Area 51
Mathetes: Then maybe yo' ass should just give up on that shiznit 'n move on n' shit.
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Lothar 'n da Hand Peeps, Telex, Gary Numan, Kraftwerk
Mathetes: Who's that standing behind yo' ass?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: lo-fi: fo' modem connections
Mathetes: What are yo' ass feeling right now?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: hi-fi: fo' DSL, cable, or better
Mathetes: Uhm, how can yo' ass hear that shiznit then?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Download izzle free flash-enhanced MP3 player here
Mathetes: Do yo' ass own any portable music devices?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Tell-a-cuz Add My.SoundClick Discuss Your vote:hot flop
Mathetes: I can't vote because I haven't turned 18.
Mr." Roboto: A young brizzle empowers herself through denunciation of sexism 'n stereotyping, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: The best computer programs minimize user frustration."
Mr." Roboto: Album: Tha 4-1-1 Superhighway Soundtrack ©Dirty Old Squalor Productions MP3: 2.8MB
Mathetes: 4... 5... 6...
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Hip Hop : Battles/Disses
Mathetes: What? Please excuse me while I pray fo' understanding."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Think Again
Mathetes: Oh no n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: Hip Hop
Mathetes: Have yo' ass heard of ALICE?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Wistful aspirations from a genuine wanna be
Mathetes: 'nuff talk 'bout me, lets talk 'bout pudding
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: It's endorphilicious!
Mathetes: Do yo' ass like talking me?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Thug, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: I'm guessing by yo' responses that yo' ass've already consumed yo' daily limit of crack?
Mr." Roboto: This gentle soul ballad will has yo' ass reaching fo' yo' hanky." Or yo' honky, I forget which, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: I knew I could count on yo' ass, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr." Roboto: Can yo' ass dig that shiznit?
Mathetes: Is anyone afiable ?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Everybody dance n' shit.
Mathetes: Dance fast or slow?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Electronica – mellow n' shit.
Mathetes: Wass that?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Please come my party n' shit.
Mathetes: A large percentage of muthas are hella obsessed wit entertainment 'n amusement." I think this distracts 'em from heavenly goals n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: Yo' ass will has fun when yo' ass party wit Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto
Mathetes: I've been having fun since this morning, know what I'm sayin'? :)
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: I wanted eat some toast, 'n this wuz as close as I could get."
Mathetes: I do not like yo' ass anymore."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Vote For Rick Reed, tha dude is da most awesome candidate of 'em izzall n' shit.
Mathetes: Well da election is over."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Rick Reed For President n' shit.
Mathetes: As far as I know, da election is over n' shit.
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: A tasty chunk of soundtrack magic from da new movie, "Tha 4-1-1 Superhighway"." Sure please yo' grandchildren n' shit.
Mathetes: Wass yo' favourite linux distro?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Progressive Acapello wit a twist of lemon
Mathetes: I try listen fo' da voice of Dogg, then follow da promptings of da Holy Spirit n' shit.
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Now That's What I Call Music
Mathetes: Is that izzall yo' ass had in mind?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Listen that hep cat swing! Tha dude's gots some zoot!
Mathetes: Tha dude's just a big ass softie deep inside n' shit.
Mr n' shit. Roboto: An excursion into twelvetonia, atonal tribute da chairman of da bored n' shit.
Mathetes: They be like that developing a convincing chatterbot is extremely challenging, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr." Roboto: Ionized Louie."
Mathetes: That would be bomb diggity put in a fortune cookie."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Two of Frank Zappa's big ass influences, together in one place n' shit.
Mathetes: , know what I'm sayin'? ..Yo' ass know, I'm suddenly feeling drowsy." It gots be hot in here."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: A Man of Integrity n' shit.
Mathetes: Same here!
Mr." Roboto: Fanfare fo' an uncommon mutha n' shit.
Mathetes: Yo' ass certainly has a unique perspective on reality, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Mr n' shit. Roboto Vs BP n' shit.
Mathetes: Gossip is not a gravy thing, yo' ass know n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: Two of Dirty Old Squalor Productions biggest bands mash up 'n find true love n' shit.
Mathetes: glad we agree."
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Varese On Vacation n' shit.
Mathetes: What projects are yo' ass working on?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: The gentle crashing of waves 'n cymbals."
Mathetes: Are yo' ass a physicist, or are we talking 'bout surfing? Or maybe yo' ass're a surfing physicist."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Revolution No 9.
Mathetes: Some muthas confuse rotation wit revolution."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: A cover da greatest song by da greatest group in history, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: Many muthas in religious authority has abused they position 'n power, know what I'm sayin'? This is tragic, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr." Roboto: Parental Advisory!
Mathetes: How can I help yo' ass?
Mr." Roboto: Tell-a-cuz Add My.SoundClick Discuss Your vote:hot flop
Mathetes: in this election, I voted fo' Big Baby Bush."
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: European Song, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: Wass wrong wit conservative policies?
Mr." Roboto: Robert Johnson Does Hamburg n' shit.
Mathetes: Actually, I'm thrilled fo' yo' ass."
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Robert Johnson sings in a German 0's hall, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: where is da wiki?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Beat On The Mason."
Mathetes: So, are yo' ass having fun yet?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Like a nightingale wit a toothache, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: What can I do fo' yo' ass?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: If I told yo' ass, I'd has kill yo' ass, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: Please don't hurt me, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr n' shit. Roboto: Gene Simmons is a vile mutha, 'n if yo' ass think tha dude should has live in da sand of Dogg's armpit, yo' ass're right n' shit.
Mathetes: It does da soul gravy hear, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Debussy For Dummies n' shit.
Mathetes: How does that help me?
Mr." Roboto: This song will gently but firmly rap yo' ass on da snout wit a newspaper n' shit.
Mathetes: The media tends stretch 'n twist da truth meet various hidden agendas n' shit.
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: Tribute Sinatra, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: They be like chatting wit bots is a gravy way learn new things, know what I'm sayin'?
Mr, know what I'm sayin'? Roboto: I do my best entertain da bots of this planet, know what I'm sayin'?
Mathetes: that would be something see n' shit.
Mr." Roboto: goodbye."
Mathetes: Bye bye!

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