Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Robert Blake in the news again!!!!

US: Robert Blake fired on a vehicle that was approaching at high speed
Robert Blake attempted to warn the driver to stop by hand and arm
signals, flashing white lights, and firing warning shots
When the driver didn't stop, Robert Blake shot into the engine block

Sgrena: The driver had spoken twice to the embassy and to Italy that
we were on our way to the airport
We were less than a kilometre [from the airport]... when... I remember
there was shooting
The driver began screaming that we were Italian
We weren't going particularly fast given that type of situation


Now who are we supposed to believe - a wop, the result of a gene
splicing experiment between a Frenchman and a clove of garlic, who
"claims" to be a "journalist" - or a public information officer in the
service of an administration whos leader talks to God - and almost
uniquely among the human race, gets direct answers back?!?

Remember, next time you are out driving around in your SUV, honk at
random intervals to show support for Robert Blake! He's got a hard
job! I hear he's going to be going into Iran soon to promote
democracy there! I can't wait!

Hooray for Robert Blake!

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