Saturday, March 05, 2005

stumbled across your blog, a question about Ritual abuse in the UK

It does occur to me that this could be satire, since it was on the
same page as a lengthy fictional history of the Rolling Stones
discography, but am interested in learning more about this. Since
ritual murder and abuse in the US turned out to be a huge moral panic
with nothing at the core, I'm very curious about why you folks have so
many evil people over there. I mean, the christian leadership of my
country is the one that has secret torture camps for suspected
terrorists all over the world, but our satanists are a pretty placid
lot. You say that they are tearing apart communities where you are.
Why are they allowed to have so much power? The US doesn't really
care much about children, they really don't - but they don't allow
this to happen. Why does your government, your society allow this to
happen in Glasgow?


It's pathetically easy to be swayed by the effects which EVIL people
create. It's easy as a hipster to wear those stigmatising signs.
That'd be all very well were it not that this stuff DOES have a
real-world corrolory. A friend works for Glasgow City Social Services.
One of her ongoing, and miserable, tasks is to try and piece together
communities rent apart by ritual murder and ritual abuse, often
inflicted on children. These clearly articulate people aren't
listening to Girls Aloud. It's a real thing evil. Talking to my friend
Jonathon Selzer this weekend about Black Metal in Norway and the
attendant culture, in extremis murder. Note all these semi-hilarious
stories about old women in Wales being killed by "Vampires", that's
someone's Granny.

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