Thursday, April 28, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] Long time no post...

So in quick succession they've brought two NPR bigshots (Kevin Klose
and Warren Olney) into the studio at KUOW, where they heard over and
over again from listeners that they are unhappy with the new
center-right orientation of the network, and they deny it, and try to
maintain that devoting most of their broadcasting time to government
propaganda and food programs is "objectivity."

It reminds me of Richard Nixon's famous "I am not a crook."

It's been proved over and over again, by FAIR for example, and I've
made the case repeatedly in this forum so many times that nobody even
bothers to argue with me about it anymore.

It is sad that KUOW didn't consult with their listeners about what
THEY wanted the Tavis Smiley show with - I would have lobbied hard for
Democracy Now! Because it isn't either/or, there are many NPR
stations that carry DN! and if KUOW did, I'd put up with the smarmy
and obsequious toadies kissing up to conservative think tank
mouthpieces and retired generals (enriching themselves "consulting")
etc etc that you get with NPR news - but no, they gave us the anemic
"The World".

Speaking of smarmy and obsequious toadies, I imagine that Scott Simon
will be dishing out more of the same "we are the world" slop, in the
face of overwhelming evidence that we orphaned NPR listeners are
actually much more accutely attuned to world opinion, while they
desperately cater to their funding sources on the right.

I am sorry to have to say "KUOW sucks" - it would be interesting to
know what they said to Ross Reynolds and Steve Sherer - "ok, when you
have Greg Palast on, forget the way you treated him in the past, be
rude, treat him like a conspiracy theorist, a member of the tin hat
crowd" and "treat Ralph Nader like a worm, a kook, a canker sore" and
perhaps "never talk to the Transportation Choices Coalition again,
only industry and government from now on."

What the hell is going on, anyway, and why does it seem like only a
handful of people even notice?

At least they are breaking with the decades long NPR ban on Chomsky,
that's something.

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