Saturday, April 11, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Join the demand for Matt Love

This is working out great for me, I got some great comments back, and I got a demand from a guy to do a show in Huntington, WV!


J writes:

Hey, I'm still under that age by a year! Even though I'm working my way through my second mid-life crisis listening to "Rainy Days and Mondays" by the Carpenters and singing along while my second marriage threatens to go the way of the first... But I'm young at heart really!  And I've lost weight and fit into dresses again! And... What was the question??     

M writes:

how long is the trip from you to us? you have an open invitation to crash here and jam anytime in chicago, and when i figure out some good places to have shows, well, you'll know because you probably will get some mass email thing. and i could get you at least 3 people. and possibly on some homemade podcasts.

W. writes:

You have so obviously gone over the edge.  Thank God for universal health care system and the mental health care so abundantly available,  and I might add necessary in the province of Alberta.

L writes:

hi matt happy  easter to you and thank you so much for all  well iam 47 and not in that age ..  for that what you have writen  to me.. will be away now for some time not online  for 3 months now xx or more x

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