Sunday, July 05, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] hey from Botswana

Watching "When We Were Kings" on TV.  Profoundly depressing.  Dictators and criminals get together to stage a fight between two men beating the hell out of each other.  B B King, perhaps the most boring "entertainer" to ever take the stage, and James Brown, the most overrated, performed.  That evil, money grubbing Republican sings "we're going to have a funky good time" 160 times in a row, and people proclaim him a genius.

Narration from useless wastes of air George Plimpton and Norman Mailer, who mericifully are no longer wasting it.  Mailer and his stupid race and sex shit is especially embarrassing.  He was a relic, a holdover from a previous age.

I was impressd with what a supreme asshole Mohammad Ali was.  and that creepy little slime Spike Lee.

The only person that comes off as any sort of decent person is George Foreman.  It was inexplicable how Ali could portray this as a fight of good against evil, black against white, god against the devil - and get so many people to agree with his sick and pathetic delusions.  

I'm glad Foreman still seems to have his health, he has a sense of humor, he has his grills... in some ways the world is a better place. I hope we continue to progress away frm the kind of world this documentary glorifies.  Let the dead bury the dead.  Let the living move on.

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