Tuesday, September 01, 2009



Dear Ms. Yak,

It's a good think you're not looking for something uncommon, because
that would leave me out. I'm very common, and a common relationship is
what all my friends and family have with me.

You'll find, I think, that I'm very trustee, so let me know what you have in mind


Matt Wildebeest

You're invited to:   I AM INTRESTED IN YOU
By your host:   Lucy Justin Yak,
Date:   Tuesday September 1, 2009
Time:   7:15 pm - 8:15 pm  (GMT +00:00)
Street:   Let me first of all introduce myself to you; my name is Lucy Justin Yak, am 25 years old Girl from sudan. I want to have a common relationship with you, I need to tell you more things, but first I need your help to Stand for me as a trustee.

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Posted By A Typical Matt Love to It's All About Me, Man at 9/01/2009 01:17:00 PM

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