Monday, April 05, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Offshore Drilling


I just put this in my status line on Facebook (responding to a post on my own Wall):  "Xxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx became fans of 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling...." some of the same people who urged me to vote for their guy because he was going to save us from all this. I checked out the group. To their credit, some of them have figured out the bait and switch. But ...they'll fall for it again in 2012, and 2016 and 2020.."

Many people were sooooo offended at a personal attack on Obama - a picture of him with an oil moostache that somebody had posted. It had been removed by the time I got there, I was curious to see it, so I looked in Google pictures. I didn't find it, but did find earlier photoshopped pictures of Sarah Palen and Dick Cheney with oil moostaches, harmless fun when it's them, of course. 

You can find thousands of images of Bush as Alfred E Newman, a chimp (made one myself), with the obligatory Hitler mustache... lefties got cold comfort from these scathing (though sometimes juvenile) images.  But lay off Obama, doggone it, because I'm a fan of his on every issue except this one!

Really?  What is it about torture, wiretapping, bloated military spending, pandering to the rich, etc. that you suddenly now like?

I started wondering what do liberals really like about Obama?  I tried to think it through. Well, they like his rhetoric.  They like that he's black, but not too black.  This view has been expressed publicly for them at least twice:

Biden's description of Obama draws scrutiny -

31 Jan 2007 ... "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. ... - Cached - Similar

» Harry Reid: Obama 'Light-Skinned' 'with No Negro Dialect' - Big ...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apologized today for referring to President Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect" in ... - Cached

It's true, these guys got some heat for saying it... you're supposed to think it, but not say it out loud.
  Still, Biden is now the VP, and Harry Reid still has his job, so it's not like what Trent Lott or Earl Butts said.  It does represent the mainstream of white liberal political thought.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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