Friday, April 30, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Rant about wingnuts.


It's good to listen to what the right wingers are saying, it softens my dismay at liberals a bit. 

I've been listening to right wing talk radio a bit lately, as a friend of mine has a show, and he's been playing some of my stunt music remixes.  I'd be happy to be be played on left wing radio or college radio, but I take exposure where I can get it.

But I really can't listen for very long at a stretch, it's just one long unbroken screed of lies, deception, and ignorance.  You can't turn it on and listen for 5 minutes without being overwhelmed by the hate and stupidity.  Just one example:  Rusty Humphries, some nationally syndicated (don't ask me why, its not because he's excellent) commentator, was saying you can't go anywhere in the world without documents on you, like Arizona is just catching up with the rest of the fascist world out there with their new South African style law.

I sent an email to my friend: 

"Rusty Humphies was just plain wrong. It's never occurred to me to bring my passport with me when I go out anywhere in Brazil, or Botswana (or Canada!), or anywhere in Europe.  Sure, you show your passport at the border (except in the EU, where once you're in, you're in, you can cross borders freely). I just leave my passport back in my hotel room and move about freely, I've never looked over my shoulder or worried about it all, and I've never been hassled anywhere. I thought I was a pretty paranoid guy, but I guess I'm pretty calm compared to conservative talk radio hosts, and the US government.

In part, Americans aren't aware of their eroding freedoms because they don't get out enough.

There's billions of people in the world, and all the smart ones and all the good ideas are not contained in one part of North America."

He brought up my email on the air today to mock me.  Facts mean nothing to these people.  They took it to heart when the demented Reagan said "Facts are Stupid Things."  Just ignore the facts and press on with the ignorance, by all means.

And whatever you do, don't notice that there is freedom and prosperity, and health, and love and all the good things we cherish in many, many places in the world... even as it's being leached out of the system in the US by both branches of the business party.

My wife grew up in South Africa. Carrying documentation on you at all times was a fact of life there. Of course, only some people had to show the documentation. Isn't this what they want in Arizona?  Who needs that?  Of course, Reagan loved the apartheid regime in South Africa, maybe the wingers really do think this is a good thing.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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