Monday, May 31, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Thank You


Thank you for sending Mr. Shamsudeen to interview me for your magazine. He was delightful, I made a little animated film of our encounter:

I am looking forward to your website being fully restored so that people can read the full interview there.

You might also be interested in another new project I have going, working with Australian, Brazilian and American artists:

We hope you will find our music worthy of coverage or streaming at your website... we would be pleased to have you do this, at no expense, it would be a great honor to be played along side great artists like Adol, I love your streaming channel. 

We are also interested in coming to Nigeria to play, to collaborate with local artists. Is this something you can assist us with?

Thank you very much

Matt Love

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

Recent Activity:


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