Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I'm still at my folk's place. My nephew is sort of like Tarzan...
except instead of raised by great apes, he was raised by various
electronic appliances. He kept communing with mother TV, 24/7, on a
station that was broadcasting Jim Carrey movies, one after another,
around the clock. saw Ace Ventura call of the wild yesterday? No
problem, watch it again today.

I have to say, after all that exposure, I'm certain that Carrey is one
of the least funny people on the planet. The movies - The Mask -
twice - Ace Ventura and the sequel - twice - Dumb and Dumber - twice -
are grotesque insults not only to the intelligence, but the qualities
that make us human, in general. Really appalling crap.

Interestingly, when they said the Truman Show was coming up, my
sister-in-law said "I hated that movie." When my wife asked mildly,
"why?" she back-peddled immediately. "Oh, I guess as a movie it
wasn't bad... it was alright. But it was affecting."

Ah. There's the problem. It makes you feel. It reminds you that you
are human, not just a bag of sugar and alchohol sucking protoplasm. I
can kind of halfways relate to that - I like movies that let me
escape. I don't want a heavy message dumped on my head in a movie, the
world is a tough enough place as it is. But for gods sake, don't dump
a bag of shit on my head and call it april showers, as is the case
with most of Carrey's movies.

The Spotless Mind was good too. but the asshole wasn't trying to be
funny in that one, either.

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