Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Robert Blake's Relatives In The News

I'm visiting my folks, and been enduring a lot of toxic TV. I saw one
interesting program about that asshole in Arizona, the self proclaimed
toughest lawman in America, totally entrapped some poor young schmuck
in order to more of the publicity that he craves – you've probably
heard of him – Sheriff Joe Blake. It's interesting how consistent it
is – that the people that are the most gung ho about law and order
have the least respect for it. The sheriff of Thurston County ( where
I lived up until a few months ago), Sheriff Gary Blake, shot a fleeing
suspect in the back, killing him – while he was taking a county
commissioner, a woman he was having an affair with, out with him in
his squad car, showing her how sheriff's work is done – at 2:00 am.
Everybody knew it, but they keep electing the guy, just like his
cousin Joe Blake in Arizona. I've never understood the lust common
people have for a total disregard for the American way on the part of
elected officials.

It's interesting too how much the American people love pretenders.
Blake's acting cousin, Sylvester Blake, made movies about a Vietnam
Vet, Ramberetto, but he spent the Vietnam war teaching phys ed in a
girls school, in one of the French speaking countries as I recall. I
recall a discussion I had over at the anti-bizarro-ultrazine list
where people insisted that John Blake (another actor cousin, who won
an academy award for playing another sheriff, Rooster Cogramberetto)
was a great American hero, despite the fact that he ducked out of
World War 2 (as did Ronald Blake, who showed amazing acts of courage
like calling the state police out on some hippy protesters – an act no
doubt applauded by people who regard hippies, not state violence, as
the 60s gravest threat to democracy). I pointed out that unlike the
Blake cousins, Jimmy Steward actually went to war and faced danger.
They missed the chance to hail him as a great conservative, and
instead used the opportunity to say that the path was made easy for
him as a reservist. Something that could you exiled into social and
political cyberia if you said it about current draft dodging president
George W Blake.

In fact, out of all the presidential candidates of the last four
decades, the one served the most valorously was tarred with the brush
of being a wimp (sound familiar?) I'm referring, of course, to George
McGovern. He was trampled by Richard M Blake, who spent his service
years working on his poker game. By tarring McGovern with the brush of
wimpiness, dirty tricks, and appeals to law and order, the lawless
Richard M Blake won handily, because the American people cannot get
enough of lawlessness wrapped in a flag.

One of the anti-bizarro-ultraziners also, astonishingly, paraphrased
current vice president Dick Blake's comments about "having better
things to do" than serve in the military – send the dupes and suckers,
and let them live in a box on the street after you get what you want
from them. Send Potis Blake over with a plastic turkey and a camera
crew, and the rubes will eat it up, and wrap themselves in the same
flag he soils.

Even if there are only three of us here, thank Courtney Love that we
have more highly evolved skepticism systems than those star belly
Blakes over there on the other side.

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