Friday, May 06, 2005

[iChat] As we suspected all along

Well, duh!

They may SUSPECT this is true now, but they KNEW it was true 18 months
ago when they were twice as smart. 18 months from now, they will be
on the street with a tin cup, but fortunately they will be so stupid
they won't care - they'll think they have jobs, and they'll be voting
Republican. That's how it goes.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Darci Chapman Hanning <>
Date: May 5, 2005 7:51 AM
Subject: [iChat] As we suspected all along

"Data from the library job market and mounting anecdotal evidence show
that there is cause for alarm. The number of full-time, professional
positions in libraries is dwindling, salaries continue to be
depressed, more entry-level positions are being liquidated or
"deprofessionalized," and qualified job seekers are having trouble
securing work. Meanwhile, an industrywide MLS recruitment drive is in
full swing, ensuring another large crop of graduates will be spilled
out into the job market each year. Even with this bumper crop of new
professionals, library administrators complain about the lack of
qualified applicants for available positions."

Full article:

Darci Chapman Hanning
iChat mailing list

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