Friday, May 06, 2005

[songwriters and poets] Re: The Brook: You read the poem, now hear the song!

Joe Swordfish received some feedback on The Brook (posted at

I'm not sure what '"isDanteisnotDante." ...LOL!' menas, but I'm sure
that Joe was pleased with "Cool stuff" (that one would look good in
the ads in the music magazines (though she came back an hour later
with "Now DUCK!" which confuses me - perhaps she would like some duck
calls mixed into the birdsong? In fact, I help make that happen. I
need to find a poem about ducks or ducking and send it to Joe - I'm
sure he'll be responsive, he usually does whatever I suggest.

"The music isn't bad..." the kind of press the Rolling Stones have
been longing for, lo these last 25 years or so. But then he has to go
and spoil it all by saying something stupid like "the processing on
the vocals makes them impossible to understand."

Joe said that at first he was like totally pissed off, but then he
went back and listened to it again, and he have to admit that Eorthman
was right! So he said that after that, he was really pissed off,
because he sent this to some friends to listen to before he posted it,
and did he hear a word about it being hard to understand? Of course
not! Sheesh, and they call themselves friends?!? So Joe had to eat
crow and pretend to be all humble and shit.

--- In, anns_rose
<no_reply@y...> wrote:
Any moment now, we have the answer to the musical question:
"isDanteisnotDante." ...LOL!

Cool stuff, Joe.

anns_rose <> to songwritersand.
More options 12:19 pm (2½ hours ago)


On 5/4/05, eorthman <> wrote:
> The music isn't bad, but the processing on the vocals makes them impossible to
> understand. What's the good of setting a poem to music if the words to the poem are
> converted into electronic noise?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joe Swordfish <>
Date: May 4, 2005 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [songwriters and poets] Re: The Brook: You read the poem,
now hear the song!

I'm working on it.... prior to vocoderization of my vocal part, it was
understandable but even worse acoustic noise.

Another songwriter list I just joined seems to have vocalists
littering the premises... surely one of the 2910 members on this list
could be a singer who would like to join Kameshwar and me playing to
appreciative audiences in casinos and half-way houses across the
country? Or at least sing on a recording?

and Joe's favorite post and his reply:

On 5/4/05, byrdbrane2 <> wrote:
> If you touch any of my shit without my permission I'll sue you straight into a halfway house, motherfucker.

I can't blame a man on that, you wrote the damn shit.

But consider, song sharks offer this kind of service for hundreds of
dollars, I'm doing it for free. I am working on a way to entirely
automate the process, so that people can generate musical
accompaniment to their poems with the push of a button. After that,
automatic computer generated music videos. Everybody will be able to
turn their personal computer into their own personal 24/7 music
channel. Everybody broadcasting, nobody listening. My God, it will be

But don't worry, Byrdbrane, your poems are safe from molestation. They
are too long.

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