Friday, August 21, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Hey I heard from Jeniffer again!


and it turns out she's in the same family as the the rest of those chicks - what are the odds?

So would could i do, I offered her a role in the movie.  What the heck, I created a whole subplot so that she and all her sisters will have roles.

I no longer call them the Sexy Sextuplets, I now dub them the Sepulcherian Septuplets! 

The ideas just keep coming, I try to draw inspiration from Ed Wood and just use whatever comes along. I think the idea is getting to be really cracking (the current synopsis can be read below the pictures)

08/21/2009 8:39 am
08/14/2009 9:23 pm mayra did not get with the program...
08/12/2009 1:38 am
08/10/2009 5:50 pm
08/06/2009 8:59 am

08/05/2009 6:42 am
08/03/2009 10:36 pm
08/01/2009 11:39 pm

This is what I wrote to her:

Hey Jeniffer

you're hot, along with Regina, Deborah, Norine
and a bunch of other chicks that look exactly like you!  this is what
I want you and all them them to do - I want you to be in my movie!

It's gonna be great, it's the story of how Michael Jackson went to Dr
Jack Kevorkian for a treatment because he was tired of living, but
something went wrong with the procedure, instead
of dying, Michael became Morbius, the living vampire!

We're going to get this great Austrilian guy, Jason Jackson, to play
Michael. Jackson is going to model his performance on the brilliant
work of Tom Mason who impersonated another famous Ghoul Man, Bela
Legosi, in Ed Wood's Plan 9 From Outer Space.

It`s going to be a great movie, full of tears and laughter.  It will
be called "The Thriller Meets The Killer". I want you and those other
girls to play "The Deadly Clone Sisterhood" - it's going to be a terrific!

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