Wednesday, August 19, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Zombies_March_On] ZOMBIE invasion


Just do a quick google, and its all over, for example:

what bbc and others failed to include was the part of the phrase, "if
they existed...." so the authors of the study, good solid canadians
are skeptics, they were just interested in the mathmatics of zombie

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 6:51 AM,
nibirumalachy23<> wrote:
> Late last night I was watching BBC News24- the ticker tape with breaking
> news etc at the bottom of the screen had the usual Isreal/Obama/thousands
> dead etc then this came up (no lie);
> 'Scientists say that if Zombies attack it would lead to the collapse of
> civilization unless dealt with quickly and aggressivley.'
> The BBC.. the bloody BBC News, did anyone else see this or am i going more
> doo-lally than usual.
> A bientot Peeps

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