Tuesday, August 18, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [MIDI-support] Hey!


Hey! Jenifer!

This is... quaint. $634 this week working for google at home? Google
Online Promotion is going to send me £500,000.00 GBP (Five hundred
thousand British Pounds).

That's like a million dollars US. But that's just a drop in the
bucket, Mr Philip M. Williams of the Bank Of Swtizerland is getting
ready to split $232,000,000.00 with me. All I have to do is join him
in a criminal enterprise!

I haven't got time to work for $634 a week because I'm way too busy on
getting my movie project to the screen. It's gonna be great, it's the story
of how Michael Jackson went to Dr Jack Kevorkian for a treatment because
he was tired of living, but something went wrong with the procedure, instead
of dying, Michael became Morbius, the living vampire!

We're going to get this great Austrilian guy, Jason Jackson, to play Michael.
See his vid at
scroll down to it, don't be confused by those guys talking about the
Beatles, its a
different vid entirely.

It`s going to be a great movie, full of tears and laughter. It will be called
"The Thriller Meets The Killer" and it will be a musical, so there will be lots
of singing and dancing. We're going to need a whole butt load of music, so
midi programmers who write original material should feel free to contact us.

While on the subject, how about we get back to talking about midis for a change!

Your friend,

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Jenifer<Jenifer445910@knetmail.com> wrote:
> Hey, I made $634 this week working for google at home. This is the most
> money I've ever made and I only work 3-4 hrs a day. I'm recommending this to
> everyone! I got started by reading this guys google blog

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