Dear Marketing,
Wow talk about egg on my face! I sent my email to the wrong place - it's good to know that technical support thinks I have a great idea, but you're the deciders, and I know that.
I don't know how far I should back up, because I don't know if tech support forwarded my message to you or not, but to quickly sum it up (and to add some new information) ever since I saw that commercial where you turn a rock into a phone, I felt you people might be the ones to partner with me and create a cell phone I can shave with while I'm talking to people.
Friends of mine have confirmed its a good idea. Dunstan wants one, too. Ryan told me about this link, and said I needed to get on with my idea right away:
But I'm not worried.... "a cruddy cell phone with a BIC razor hot glued to the back of it"?!? Come on, we can do better than that! And I have it on good authority (Malcolm Gladwell, no less) that you don't have to be the first with an idea, you just have to be the best.
I like your slogan, "everything we do starts with you," and when you say "you" I think you are talking about "me," thatps pretty cool because I've always wanted to be on the ground floor of somebody's everything, and I hope this idea will become one with everything.
Which reminds me of what the Delai Lama said to the hot dog vender: "Make me one with everything." But that's another story.
From: HTC <>
Date: Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 2:58 PM
Subject: Regarding your message (11USCW24ENA001786)
Thank you for the email and the great idea.
Matt, this email is for technical support only. Please contact
I wish you the best in your endeavors, Matt.
To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number 11USCW24ENA001786.
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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
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