I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

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preste atenção.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] mattlove1 sent you a video!

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moskau,genghis khan,Hadschi Halef omar
All Melody

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I think Dweebish could learn a few things from these guys... groovy song, rad dance moves, mad style... they have it all.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Fwd: [al-hanoty_2005] Re: [God-Has-Not-Forgotten-Me] This is a good one!

I'm glad for all the support that I've been receiving from many people
who I haven't met yet for my attempts to clarify some issues there
seems to be a lot of confusion about.

There are still some points of confusion that I'd like to make an
effort to clear up.

Within the Christian belief system, Christ sacrificed his life for the
salvation of mankind. People who took up his cause did so voluntarily,
The story goes that the majority of his most ardent followers were
martyred in similar fashion.

However in none of their cases did they die as a result of invading
other countries as part of a military force; their use of napalm on
children is not recorded in the Bible. I missed the part where St.
Paul raped and killed the women of Thessalonia as part of a "hearts
and minds" campaign goes unreported.

Peter's direction of mass assassination programs to achieve rural
pacification has escaped my admittedly desultory reading of the Bible.
Perhaps one of the few of the people on this distribution who have
some disagreement with what I have said can point me to the scripture
that discusses this.

There are plenty of examples in the old testament with the great hairy
thunderer in the sky ordered his chosen people to commit genocide
against competing tribes. My opinion is that his chosen people were
mistaken about his desires. The majority opinion is that God wised
up. In any event, the benign message of the new testament was pretty
much put aside when the Christian Church was Romanized. Generally,
people think it went the other way around, but in fact, the Church
came to serve the goals of empire, rather than the empire serving the
goals of the Church.

I don't believe there is any scriptural support for the idea that
Hairy Thunderer changed his mind yet again, and said "I guess it was a
mistake for me to loosen up. Forget all that 'Jesus died for your
sins' claptrap, I don't know what I was thinking. Give me some more
genocidal wars to cheer me up. Give me some good old fashioned race
based hate. Draw and quarter me up some people that give the wrong
answer to the question 'how many angels can dance on the head of a

Still, this is how the members of some of these group "think" and it's
a terrible tragedy that so many are stuck not only in
pre-enlightenment times, but pre-Resurrection times as well.

Presumably Mary understood why her son died, having been exposed to
the message he delivered for 33 years. Cindy Sheehan understood that
her son died for entirely different reasons, and her unwillingness to
think there was anything Christlike about his death has earned her the
intense hatred of many, many uninformed people. As Shakespeare said,
"He jests at scars, who never felt a wound." The same is true of Pat
Tilman's family. They have fallen from the pedestal because they too
have a clear understanding of why their son died.

Here is some more information on what US servicemen die for.

August 24, 2007
Eyes Closed to History
Bush, Vietnam and Iraq


In his speech at the national convention of the Veterans of Foreign
Wars, the President said the American pullout from Vietnam caused the
deaths of millions in Cambodia and Vietnam. Thus spoken, Mr. Bush
would have us believe invasion and bloody occupation of sovereign
nations is not problematic. Instead, stopping the fighting and leaving
the indigenous citizens to their own affairs is the greater evil.

The facts, however, are at variance with Mr. Bush's statements
concerning the suffering of Southeast Asians. Millions of Cambodians
died on the "killing fields" because secret American carpet bombing
destroyed their nation and created an environment in which armed thugs
led by Pol Pot took over unchallenged. In 1969, President Nixon
ordered every available American plane into Cambodia to "crack the
hell out of them." He wanted them to "hit everything." Secretary of
State, Henry Kissinger, subsequently transmitted the order to his top
aide, Alexander Haig, this way: "Anything that flies or anything that
moves." When Cambodia collapsed under the weight of the American Air
Force, Prince Sihanouk fled to China, and the bad guys took over.
Cambodian life under the bloody rule of the Khmer Rouge is well

But what of the Vietnamese people and their other neighbors? In his
speech, Mr. Bush spoke of "boat people" and "re-education camps,"
certainly a chaotic, frightful time for millions of innocent peasants,
but Mr. Bush failed to mention that was not the extent of their
suffering. The tragic aftermath of the American invasion of Southeast
Asia kills and cripples to this day. More than thirty years after the
Vietnam War, the misery index rises even though the shooting has long
stopped. Historians, scholars, political scientists and high-level
government officials have written volumes about America's experience
in Vietnam, and careful examination of a representative sample of this
material reveals a wealth of understanding. Estimates range as high as
3,000,000 Vietnamese men, women and children and an additional
1,000,000 Cambodian/Lao were killed or wounded during the fighting,
but that's only the beginning.

Today, vast expanses of once productive Southeast Asian land threaten
the native population. Death, disease and disfigurement are embedded
in the very soil under their feet. Records show between 1961 and 1971,
the U.S. sprayed approximately 76,000,000 liters of herbicide (Agents
Orange, Green, Pink, Purple and White), 8,800 tons over an area of
6,000,000 square acres, 14% of Vietnam's land mass. Dioxins, the
active family of chemicals in Agent Orange, are known health risks to
humans. Sampling studies undertaken in the 1990's revealed dangerously
high levels of contaminant in Vietnamese forests, soil, fishpond
sediment, fish and fowl tissue and human blood. Agent Orange Dioxin in
human blood samples taken from Vietnamese men and women ranging from
twelve to twenty-five years old clearly show the contaminant chemicals
have moved up through the food chain into humans.

Science has only begun to catalogue the long-term effects of Agent
Orange on the Vietnamese, but the statistics are frightening. As early
as 1970, Saigon's leading maternity hospital reported a monthly
average of 140 miscarriages and 150 premature births in 2800
pregnancies. As compared to others in the region, children living in
areas sprayed with Agent Orange were found to suffer three times as
many cleft palates, three times as much mental retardation, were three
times as likely to have extra fingers or toes and eight times as
likely to experience massive abdominal and inguinal hernias. In
addition, Vietnamese children living in sprayed areas suffered
dwarfism, impaired vision, Down syndrome, heart disorders, enlarged
heads and other deformities. Studies show severely affected children
rarely lived beyond age twenty.

More is known about the effects of Agent Orange from treating American
servicemen, perhaps exposed while flying aircraft that disseminated
the contaminant or ground troops caught in the fallout. Doctors
treating veterans years ­ even decades ­ after exposure have recorded
a procession of life-threatening and life-diminishing symptoms.
American Vietnam veterans are far more likely to suffer immune system
disorders, soft tissue sarcomas, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, respiratory
cancers, liver disorders and even lower sperm counts. Children born to
Vietnam veterans are more prone to birth defects relating to the
nervous system, kidneys and oral clefts. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
is 400% more likely to occur in infants born to the men and women who
served in Vietnam. Anecdotally, friends and family of Vietnam veterans
tell stories of their loved one aging decades, seemingly overnight.
The veteran's hair falls out in clumps and what remains turns white.
Families report their veteran fathers, mothers, sons and brothers
suffer from undiagnosed nerve disorders, irritability, weight loss,
palsies and sometimes, sudden, unexplained death.

The Vietnam War misery index can be further expanded to include the
estimated 100,000 Southeast Asian men, women and children subsequently
killed, maimed or mutilated by unexploded landmines, artillery, bombs,
grenades and a variety of other ordnance that lay concealed but still
lethal in the forests and rice paddies throughout Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos. After the cessation of hostilities, 3,500,000 landmines
remained armed and buried in Vietnam. Short on funds and
organizational support, in 2004, the Vietnamese government claimed to
have cleared 100,000 mines in recent years, but United Nations
estimates are closer to 59,000. According to UN officials, landmines
in Vietnam are a primary obstacle to its social and economic
development. In addition to killing or mutilating thousands of people
each year, many of whom are children, their very presence in the
countryside impedes the healthy development of millions of others.

In March 1964, five months before the first American bombing raid on
North Vietnam, the United States organized a secret bombing campaign
in Laos. Using unmarked planes, pilots initially attacked the Ho Chi
Minh Trail, the increasingly important Communist supply route from
North to South Vietnam. However, as the months passed, the air war
intensified, and targets included Laotian villages, which drove a
million peasants from their homes. For nine years, Laos was the most
bombed country in the world. In 2004, Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D
­ Minnesota's 4th District) testified on the floor of the United
States House of Representatives, "From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. flew
580,000 bombing runs over Laos ­ one every nine minutes for ten years.
More than two million tons of ordnance was dropped on Laos, double the
amount dropped in the European theater during the entirety of World
War II. As many as 30% of the bombs dropped on Laos did not explode,
leaving up to 20 million unexploded submunitions, also known as
'bombies' littered throughout the country.

"These American 'bombies' may be thirty years old, but they continue
to kill and maim children as well as farmers clearing land for
planting. In the first five months of 2004, 39 people died and 74 have
been maimed by unexploded ordnance. In the thirty years since the end
of the Vietnam War, an estimated 10,000 Lao people, including
thousands of children, have died. And while Lao families struggle for
food and survival, tens of thousands of acres of land cannot be put
into agricultural production because the earth has been contaminated
with this deadly cluster ordnance."

The negative effects of the American invasion of Southeast Asia ripple
across the generations, and similar damage may already be done in
Iraq. Researchers have yet to calculate the long term effects of
depleted uranium (DU) munitions. Consider this testimony from Dr.
Jawad Al-Ali, director of the Oncology Center at the largest hospital
in Basra, Iraq at a 2003 conference in Japan: "Two strange phenomena
have come about in Basra, which I have never seen before. The first is
double and triple cancers in one patient. For example, leukemia and
cancer of the stomach. We had one patient with two cancers - one in
his stomach and kidney. Months later, primary cancer developed in his
other kidney. He had three different cancer types. The second is the
clustering of cancer in families. We have 58 families here with more
than one person affected by cancer. Dr Yasin, a general Surgeon here,
has two uncles, a sister and cousin affected with cancer. Dr Mazen,
another specialist, has six family members suffering from cancer. My
wife has nine members of her family with cancer.

"Children in particular are susceptible to DU poisoning. They have a
much higher absorption rate as their blood is being used to build and
nourish their bones, and they have a lot of soft tissues. Bone cancer
and leukemia used to be diseases affecting them the most, however,
cancer of the lymph system which can develop anywhere on the body, and
has rarely been seen before the age of 12, is now also common."

Sadly, thirty years from now, another generation of researchers will
examine the aftermath of America's misadventure in Iraq. We can only
hope the politicians of that era will not ignore the facts when making

William Schroder is a Vietnam veteran and with Dr. Ron Dawe, co-author
of Soldier's Heart: Close-up Today with PTSD in Vietnam Veterans.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Just when I thought it was safe to.......

Even Reaganites have turned against the current Messianic war:

August 24, 2007
A Hegemonic Hubris
More War on the Horizon


No pullout from Iraq while I'm president, declares George W. Bush.

On to Iran, declares Vice President Cheney.

Israel is a "peace-seeking state" that needs $30 billion of US
taxpayers' money for war, declares State Department official Nicholas

The Democratic Congress, if not fully behind the Iraqi war, at least
no longer is in the way of it.

Nor are the Democrats in the way of the Bush regime's build up for
initiating war with Iran.

The Bush regime says it is going to designate part of Iran's military
-- the Revolutionary Guards -- a terrorist organization, whose bases
and facilities Bush intends to bomb along with Iran's nuclear energy
sites. Three US aircraft carrier strike forces are deployed off Iran.
B-2 Stealth bombers are being fitted to carry 30,000 pound
"bunker-buster" bombs to use against hardened sites. Politicized US
generals assert that Iran is providing arms and aid to the Iraqi
resistance to the US occupation. The media are feeding the US
population the same propaganda about nonexistent Iranian weapons of
mass destruction that they fed us about nonexistent Iraqi weapons of
mass destruction. A former CIA Middle East field officer, Robert Baer,
has written in Time magazine that the Bush regime has decided to
attack the Revolutionary Guards within the next 6 months. Remember the
"cakewalk war"? Well, this time the neocons think that an attack on
the Revolutionary Guards will free Iran from Islamic influence and
cause Iranians to back the US against their own government.

Lies, unprovoked aggression, and delusional expectations -- the same
ingredients that produced the Iraq catastrophe -- all over again. The
entire Bush regime and both political parties are complicit, along
with the media and US allies.

According to Baer, the Bush regime has given no consideration to
whether Iran's response to a US attack might be different than to
welcome it as liberation. What if Iran really were to arm the Iraqi
resistance and/or to sink our aircraft carriers? How can any
government, even one as incompetent, delusional and unaccountable as
the Bush regime, initiate war without any thought to the consequences?

The Bush regime's planned war against Iran casts light on the large
increase in military armaments that the US is supplying to Israel.
With Iraq in chaos and civil war, an attack on Iran leaves as
opposition to Israel only Syria and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.
Israel cannot finish off the Palestinians until Hezbollah is
destroyed. An Israeli attack on Syria while the US attacks Iran would
leave Hezbollah without supplies in the face of a new Israeli attack.

The agenda unfolding before our eyes may be the
neoconservative/Israeli/Cheney plan to rid the Middle East of any
check to Israeli territorial expansion.

Nicholas Burns said that the $30 billion in military aid was not
conditional on any Israeli concessions or progress toward resolving
the conflict with the Palestinians. Israel's ghettoizing and ethnic
cleansing of the Palestinian West Bank proceeds apace.

Meanwhile in America, while more money is poured into more war,
condemned bridges collapse killing Americans who trusted their
government to provide safe infrastructure. Devastated residents of New
Orleans remain unaided. Financial difficulties deepen for more
Americans as falling home prices and jobs lost to offshoring push more
Americans into desperate straits. The US dollar continues to fall as
the government's war debts build up abroad.

Except for the armaments industry, where is the gain to America in
Bush's wars? Before Bush invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban had stamped
out drug production. The US invasion has brought it back.

On August 22 Bush told the Veterans of Foreign Wars that US troops are
the "greatest force for human liberation the world has ever known."
Tell that to the 650,000 dead Iraqis and the 4 million displaced
Iraqis, and the tens of thousands of slaughtered Afghans, and the
coming civilian deaths in Iran. Tell that to all the bombed civilians
from Serbia to Africa who are blown to pieces in order that a US
president can make a point. Bush goes far beyond George Orwell's
"Newspeak" in his novel, 1984, when Bush equates US hegemony with

America's hegemonic hubris is a sickness. A country that tolerates a
war criminal while he openly plans to attack yet another country is
definitely not a light unto the world.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the
Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street
Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He
is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

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Friday, August 24, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [God-Has-Not-Forgotten-Me] This is a good one!

Not a bad idea. If enough people would take their place in front of the troops, just as the patriot and Vietnam Vet S. Ron Wilson knelt before a munitions train to try to stop a shipment of weapons so the Ronald Wilson Reagan (Mr. 666) could commit his Christ-like slaughter against the innocent people of Central America.

Oh, but they didn't listen to S Ron Wilson, no, they ran him over, maiming him, mutilating and removing both his legs.  This is how the empire treats the real patriots, people who come back from war knowing what the real score is. Not only that, but the Navy enlistees, so eager to help in the effort to maim and destroy children in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala, tried to sue Wilson for supposedly traumatizing them!

The courts were not so debased then as they are now - they would not hear this case.  A good thing, think of all the millions of people that could sue churches for subjecting them to pictures of that other martyr for peace while he was hanging on a tree.

The confusion that some people have between empire and Christianity would be sidesplitting if it weren't so terribly depressing. Many different Christs came to us through the bible - some of them rebellious, some of them in favor of tolerating empire and slavery... but none of them for embracing the slaughter of innocent people for oil or strategic purposes. 

I hope I keep getting nonsense like this in my inbox, it is always good for a hearty laugh, and a few tears, and a reminder of the huge odds that real Christianity is up against... devil worship wrapped in an American flag.

And I'll keep supporting the troops by trying to bring them home, so they won't get killed and more importantly, they won't have to kill more innocent people for the sake of empire.

On 8/24/07, Bobbie B. Knechtel <missbobbiebinsc@yahoo.com> wrote:


A mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die in Iraq?"

A mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die in Saudi Arabia?"

A mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die in Kuwait?"

Another mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die in Vietnam?"

Another mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die in Korea?"

Another mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die on Iwo Jima?"

Another mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die on a battlefield on a field in France?"

Yet another mother asked President ...
"Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?"

And yet another mother asked President .
"Why did my son have to die on a frozen field near Valley Forge?"

Then long, long ago, a mother asked...
"Heavenly Father ..
why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem ?"

The answer is the same ..
"So that others may have life and dwell
in peace, happiness, and freedom."

This was emailed to me with no author.
I thought the magnitude and the simplicity were awesome.




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[CanYoAssDigIt] Please hate these people for me

In my opinion, they have no sense of humor, and have a very snooty and
arrogant attitude. Upset at being labeled "psychotic." really! If
they don't like it, they shouldn't make such psychotic music!

From: Pogrom Synod
Date: 24/08/2007

Subject: RE: Your music, my music...

Body: No thank you. We have a busy schedule that does not allow for
dabbling with vintage music to which we have no reference at all.

If people choose to call our music psychotic then that is their
business not ours. I don't see how that tag is relevant in any way.
Predatory would be more appropriate.


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Matt
Date: 12 Aug 2007, 21:33

Dear Pogrom Synod:

Some discerning last.fm listeners tagged my music as "psychotic". It
was an honor, as very few groups have earned that designation. You,
too, are among the few, the brave, and the proud.

I wish to collaborate with my musical peers on a collection of covers
of classic songs of both the rock and the roll eras.

Here are a some of the songs I would like to cover:

Tie A Yellow Ribbon 'Round The Old Oak Tree: Tony Orlando and Dawn
I Write The Songs : Barry Manilow
Little Arrows: Leapy Lee
In the Year 2525: Zager and Evans
Muskrat Love: Captain and Tennille
Yummy Yummy Yummy: Ohio Express
(You're) Having My Baby: Paul Anka
Honey: Bobby Goldsboro
Achy Breaky Heart: Billy Ray Cyrus
MacArthur Park: Richard Harris

Please drop me a line and let me know what you think.


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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: My boyfriend's prick is too big for my mouth.

Carla, I have the same problem, my wife's prick is too big for my
mouth, too. I like the idea of doing what you did, and getting a shaft
that is best than civil, and sort of putting my manhood up against
hers (like George Bush did with Walter Mondale) but it doesn't really
solve the small mouth problem. That might be something that can be
corrected by surgery. You might consider asking your boyfriend to get
penis reduction surgery, but good luck on that one - my wife was dead
set against it! No, I think mouth expansion is the way to go, that's
why I'm looking into it.

And thanks for the tip on the yen, I base all my financial decisions
on the day's spam. It's an investment strategy that's paid off

On Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:26:45 -18-30, Karla U. Thomason
<Karla@cs.columbia.edu> wrote:
> Womens always whooped at me and even youths did in the urban toilet!
> Well, now I giggl at them, because I took M_E GA D IK
> for 6 months and now my shaft is indeed best than civil.
> pick up http://mazikadg.com/
> --------------------------
> Druckenmiller next indicated that the fund did have a larger yen
> or destabilizing.
> The hearing room was packed, and eventually it was standing
> for a year. It did not seem to matter to Gonzales that Soros had suffered
> Confirming that the Soros Funds main losses were due to its incorrect

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