I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Bust bias on Facebook


Facebook kicked me off for no reason. I don't want facebook contained, I want it destroyed. Why don't you help me with that?

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 1:23 PM Firefox <Mozilla@e.mozilla.org> wrote:
Tackle the midterms on your terms
Get smart before you vote
Feeling a little uneasy on Facebook this election season? Firefox has your back.

We're offering two powerful tools — one from ProPublica that helps you understand what advertising you are seeing on Facebook and why.

The other is Facebook Container, which helps prevent the social network from following you around the web and gathering your personal information that can be used to target you with ads.

Make an informed choice this fall and get free of manipulation and misinformation with Firefox.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] RE your article: Facebook Has Removed More Than A Dozen Big Conservative And Liberal Political Pages


What about a story about people getting kicked off facebook for no reason?

It doesn't seem like it happens to a lot of us, but it happened to me.  How about an update on this guy's article:  http://www.optimizationtoday.com/social-media/what-i-learned-when-facebook-disabled-my-account/

He doesn't seem to be on the beat any more, I've been wating for days for my comment to pass moderation and be posted:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.

My account was disabled about a month ago, after 12 years of happy and uneventful activity. I went looking for information, and found this article, which offered cold comfort. At least I wasn't alone, but I was prepared for the worst. Still I cooperated with them, did everything they asked, and told them every couple of days how much I looked forward to being on Facebook again. My wife and friends urged me to make a new account, which I resisted because after reading other people's experiences here, I believed they would shut down both my old and new accounts. I eventually decided I really had nothing left to lose, so I did this. After about 12 hours, they disabled my new account, and the old one was apparently wiped out in the process of creating the new one. This time on my departure, I wasn't so friendly towards them. I sent them this message. It's not an idle threat, and I urge the rest of you to do as I am about to do. "You have disabled my account in error of fact or judgement twice now. I am going to contact my senator and suggest that Facebook be dismantled or restructured as a public utility. You folks have been getting a lot of push back from that crowd recently, though not on this issue. I hope I can contribute to their awareness on this topic. I am going to advise everyone I know to do the same. What a shame that you have made somebody who has been your friend for a dozen years into your enemy. How many others are there out there like me? I look forward to finding out with lively anticipation."

There are something like 250 comments posted since he wrote his article in 2012, and while you can see how some of them have likely done sometthing to get them disabled (the guy that called it "jewbook" for example) the comments from grandmothers who only posted pictures of the grandkids and rescue dogs was a familiar one.  12 years of no problems, not even a warning - now without even a single warning they have thrown me out.

My experience was identical to that of Andrea T Mesich https://www.facebook.com/help/community/question/?id=804287426255468

Except she was suspended, I was kicked out.

I would have liked to left a comment on the article webpage, but guess what? You have to have a Facebook account. How far does my online shunning go because some spoiled rich kid billionaire can't properly run his social network?


Craig Silverman is a media editor for BuzzFeed News and is based in Toronto.

Contact Craig Silverman at craig.silverman@buzzfeed.com.

Got a confidential tip? Submit it here.


Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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Thursday, September 20, 2018

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: If you don't like what you see ...


Blah blah blah more mush from the neoliberal train wreck friend of wall street and enemy of everybody who isn't rich everywhere.
I wish the Obama myth to join the unicorn and the flat earth in the category of things that reasonabel peole no longer believe in.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 3:31 PM Barack Obama <info@ofa.us> wrote:
We have a better story to tell. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA.
Organizing for Action
Matt --

It's no secret that I'm a big believer in hope and change.

But I'm also a big believer in reality. Hope that is not rooted in reality will never lead to the change we desire.

If you don't like things you see, you can't just close your eyes and long for something better. You've got to open them, embrace reality, and channel that hope into action.

America didn't become that shining city on the hill by wishing for it. We built it with clear eyes, righteous ambition, and unwavering determination.

So I'm asking you to recall that unlikely story of America -- a story that forever validates our hope -- and help write its next chapter.

I'm asking you to be neither blind to, nor dismayed by, reality -- but motivated by it.

There is no time to feel discouraged. Now is the time to get organizing with OFA for November's crucial midterms.

Matt, those who believe in democracy and civil rights and a common humanity will always have the upper hand. That's not just something I want to believe; I believe it because history has proven it true.

But history has also proven that virtue alone is not enough. A better vision will only prevail if we work tirelessly on behalf of that vision.

If we want a more representative, more just, more inclusive democracy, we need to keep fighting for it.

If we want policies that lift up the most vulnerable instead of politicians who put them down, we need to keep organizing.

If we want a more perfect union, we need to build it together, from the bottom up.

Say you'll do the work to make this vision a reality:

I'm in

Thank you,

Barack Obama
44th President of the United States

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Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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Thursday, September 06, 2018

[ITSALLABOUTMEMAN] Re: Make Music Not War: Stand with Us on September 21st


Thank you for all the good work that you do. I notice from the string of icons across the bottom of your email that you have a presence on Facebook. I hope you will consider establishing a presence also at https://mewe.com/..

Facebook is an evil and stupid organization that has disable my account after 12 years of happy and trouble free participation on my part. I regret the work I did building a world wide network of friends and musicians, and making Facebook a congenial meeting place for them.

They have plenty of other problems, they are being hauled before the US Congress, and I'm shortly going to contact my Senator and advise Facebook be split up or turned into a public utility.  I doubt that I will have much impact, but millions of people are alarmed by their abuses of power (I overheard two people talking about it in line at the Department of Motor Vehicles today). 

It is a possibility that Facebook will join MySpace, Friendster, Orkut and others in the social media graveyard. It seems wise to not have all one's eggs in one basket. I was forced out of their basket (not deplorable enough for them I guess) - I don't expect you to leave Facebook on my say so, but it would be great if you would make a second home at MeWe, I've set up residency there, we could be neighbors!

On Thu, Sep 6, 2018 at 9:06 AM Musicians Without Borders <info@musicianswithoutborders.org> wrote:
September 21st is the International Day of Peace, but what about the other 364 days?

Beyond Peace One Day

September 21st is the International Day of Peace. The UN General Assembly dedicates this day to "strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples", but we cannot help but ask:
What about the other 364 days?

Today, 2 billion people live in fragile and conflict-affected states. Of these, 1 out of 4 are children. We use our skills and talents to stand with those affected by war, and change the mentality that allows war to continue. 

Music helps people affected by war rediscover connection.

Music raises the voices of the unheard.

Music is our collective voice for social justice and peace.

Music is a stepping stone toward lasting social change.

On this day, and every day, join us in opposing war and stand with us for peace - through music. 
Show Your Support & Donate Today
Watch #MakeMusicNotWar
* Are you a music workshop leader, teacher or music therapist?
* Do you want to take your practice to the next level?

There's still time to apply and join our Training of Trainers course in October. The deadline is September 30th, so make sure to sign up today!

Interview: Ana Petanovska, High Frequency

We talked to Ana Petanovska about her first experience at the 2018 Band Camp & singing with High Frequency.


Community Music Leaders Graduate

Congratulations to the new team of Community Music Leaders in Rwanda! Twenty two new leaders graduated on September 2nd.


Palestine: Paying Attention to Details

Our Palestine Community Music Program Manager, on the connection between attention to detail and effective training.





Come discover the Tolhuistuin on the 29th of September as they open their doors to the public for 24 hours.

Situated in Amsterdam North, the Tolhuistuin is a vibrant cultural center and also happens to be where our office is located! 
Offering a variety of activities from the 29-30th of September, the program will also include a free body percussion workshop for children, from MWB trainer and percussionist, Sherwin Kirindongo.

Join us as we celebrate the day with food, music, art & more.

See you there!
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Posted by: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
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