Hello, Miss Stelvin
Thank you for your inquiry regarding a long lasting relationship with me. I happen to have that item in stock. I think you'll find that if you compare my long lasting relationships with the competitors, you'll find that mine are of the highest quality; durable, reliable, and with an agreeable odor.
I'm looking forward to serving you in this capacity.
Matt Love 23
stelvinbabe217 4 hours ago
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Hello dear
am miss stelvin i just
come across your profile on Netlog.com
it impressed me so i decided to
drop a note requesting for a long
lasting relationship with you.
please i will like you to contact me
by sending me an e mail on my e mail at
(stelvin.angel@yahoo.com) as you receive
this message for my photo on more about me
reply to ..........(stelvin.angel@yahoo.com)
stelvin Daniel wrote a comment on one of your pictures.
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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.