I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, August 13, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Zombies_March_On] Re: Klingon Evolution, marmite cheeks no more


The relaunch offers many interesting and exciting dramatic possibilities. For example, with the destruction of the Planet Vulcan, they can introduce Vulcanite, which will raise the stakes of any Spock endangerment plot device tremendously.

"Argh, my Vulcan inner eyelids (that no human doctor knows about) would have saved my eyesight from that blinding supernova, except I was unable to deploy them because I was skewered by a toothpick size sliver of Vulcanite!  What am I going to do now... must... get... logical... on... my... ass..."

"Holy shit, I was certain that my second Vulcan heart (undetected by puny earth doctors in all previous star fleet physicals) was going to kick in and preserve me from that allergic reaction to space bee stings, but I walked through a cloud of Vulcanite vapor, and... now.. my ... life... is ... in... danger... until... after... commercial break..."

"Good thing that my green blood resists the sickle cell anemia my black counterparts on earth (and where he hell did negroid Vulcans come from out of the blue anyway, after being yellow skinned for almost half a century, and red for a couple of months before that) suffer from, otherwise that attack from KKKlaatu wold have finished me - but wait, there were Vulcanite flakes mixed with that green bud I just inhaled, my cells are collapsing, I feel them collapsing... how am I going to get out of this one, and who the hell cares, anyway?"

Yes, I'm sure that the commercial interests that created this silly space opera to opiate the masses of obsessive compulsive nerds will continue to treat these issues with all the gravity, dignity and respect that they deserve, and the fans will continue to take it, and like it, just like Joel Cairo did when Sam Spade bitch slapped him.

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 7:05 PM, gary pittman <mk1926@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

Hey Mr Whippy,
On the Hollywood answer that makes sence, when you look at it from a makeup point of veiw. I'm sure that the makeup depts of the various hollywood studios got better with a refinement of what they can offer between the 50-60's and todays productions. But a bag load of money (like a few million or tens of million dollars) wouldn't go astray.
At least from our point of veiw the Klingons of Picards days certianly look a more fearsome warrior and definately more alien than the ones we met in Kirk and Spocks days.
Someone posted a few days ago a suggestion that those original Klingons may have been either Eugenics experiments either from about a century before John Archers Enterprise. Even the possibility of a blending of some of Kahn's super humans and Klingons after theire exile from Earth. Those Superhuman's certianly would posses the strength to be able to physically match it with a Klingon in hand to hand combat. For some that would be a dilution of the Klingon Race.
But for me that posses a problem in that there was only maybe between one and 5 ships in total of Kahn's Super Human's. At a guess no more than 10,000 or less super humans. With a such a smallish number, its hard to say that these superhuman/humanistic Klingons could really become a serious political rival to the (knobbled head) Klingons (like Worf) that we met in the days of TNG.
One thing though in one of the Str Trek Movies, Micheal Dorn took on the role of a Grandfather of Worf. A lawyer who defends Kirk and Bones before the Klingon High Council. Can't remember the characters name, but he was alot more humanistic in appearance than Worf ever was on the Enterprise about 70 to 80 years after those events.
All this makes me wonder if when the Federation formed an Alliance with the Klingons after the destruction of Praxis, that at some point they came across those Humanistic Klingons? Or did their rival Klingons wipe them out for the sake of the purity of the race of Klingons......
Guess we will never know for sure. As its not being writen about in books, comics or have some sort of explaination appear in a Star Trek TV show and definately unlikely in a movie. But with the JJ Adams revitalisation of Star Trek in Kirks Days. Makes you wonder if there is a chance that we will see those Humanistic Klingons again. Its hard to say but its possible that at the end of the recent movie is at the time just before the last Human Klingon war. That means its possible to see a divergence of Star Trek History appear from the one we are already familiar with. We's already seen a small indication of it with Uhura's relationship with Spock, as an unofficial couple. Not quite the wonaniser of Kirk, but certianly different. Something that never occurred in the days of the original Kirk (William Shatner).
Cheers Gary


From: fasbinder_62_4000 <algernon_starkly@hotmail.co.uk>Sent: Mon, 9 August, 2010 5:15:20 PM
Subject: [Zombies_March_On] Re: Klingon Evolution, marmite cheeks no more


cor, you know your stuff Gary.
The obvious answer is that make-up techniques were slightly more advanced in the 90s, but staying within the mythos I was developing a nice little theory concerning that episode when Worf devolved back to one of his ancestral forebears. What if that savage spiky race of critters had savagely colonised the chocolate-faced Klingons at some point between the end of the original series and the first film.
But that doesn't add up because there are too many old Klingons knocking around in the Next Generation, and as you say; there was that episode where the Klingon messiah was cloned and he was a mars bar head.
It is a great mystery to be sure..

--- In Zombies_March_On@yahoogroups.com, gary pittman <mk1926@...> wrote:
> Acording to Star Trek Mythology there is two branches or races of Klingons.
> The first being the more human like that Kirk orginally met during his first 5
> year mission on the Enterprise. But in the years after this first meeting of
> Kirk those Klingons either lost favour within the Klingon Society or were
> defeated by way of a civil war. These Klingons almost come across as half breeds
> rather than full blooded Klingons in their humanistic like appearance.
> I have only found this mentioned only once in a Star Trek comic, called "Star
> Trek Debt of Honour". Capt/Admiral Kirk and the crew of the Uss Enterprise find
> themselves teamed with Klingons and Romulans to fight a galactic threat that no
> government dears to admit exists.....It was published back in 1992 by DC Comics
> It starts with Kirk getting nightmare like flash backs to the final
> battle/moments on the Genisis planet. But is actually set not long after
> returning to Earth after ST4 "The Voyage home", where Kirk and co rescued those
> Humpback Whales and that Whale researcher. But even here there is some more
> history of who or what this deadly threat is. That comes from the days that Kirk
> was a Lietenant on board the USS Farragut. There is also flashbacks involving
> the Enterpise Crew from the TOS days. Amazingly I can't seem to find any name
> for this mysterious threat that Kirk, his crew, the Enterprise, the Klingons and
> the Romulans do battle with.
> At some point within the epilog of this story there is a mention of why the
> Human like Klingons are no longer seen when intergalactic powers deal with
> Klingons after the events of this story.
> The second being the Klingons we are familiar with from the days of Star Trek
> The Next Generation. According to the mythology these are the true full blooded
> warriors that are decended from Kahless and rightful heirs to the ways of the
> Warrior and are the dominant power of the Klingon territory after Kirk's days.
> Cheers Gary
> ________________________________
> From: fasbinder_62_4000 <algernon_starkly@...>
> To: Zombies_March_On@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sun, 8 August, 2010 7:36:22 PM
> Subject: [Zombies_March_On] Klingon Evolution, marmite cheeks no more
> I know that Worf said in Deep Space 9 that Klingons don't like to talk about it
> but I feel the time has come. I speak of the great evolutionary transition the
> Klingon race made between the original series of Star Trek (the 'Chocolate-Face
> Klingons') to the Next Generation Star Trek. (the 'Mars Bar Head Klingons')
> Has this ever been dealt with in any of the spin-off Star Trek novels?


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Thursday, August 12, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Possibly the worst Wikipedia entry ever...



Fraternity of Man

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from The Fraternity of Man)

The Fraternity of Man is an American blues rock and psychedelic rock group from the 1960s. They are most famous for their 1968 song "Don't Bogart Me" which was featured in the 1969 road movieEasy Rider. Its original members included three members from theLowell George-led group "The Factory" – Richie Hayward of Little Feat, Warren Klein and Martin Kibbee, who joined Elliot Ingber fromThe Mothers of Invention and Larry Wagner. Blues leads were handled by Elliot Ingber, and psychedelic leads were played by Warren Klein including "Oh No I Don't Believe It" (widely attributed to Elliot due to his association with the Mothers). The band broke up after recording two albums.

This Album was so different at the time of its realise it was over looked by many , With Classics like Bikini Baby , In the Morning , Last Call for Alcohol . probably the first Country Psychedelic Music ever , without a doubt the best , Field Day and Annual Policeman's Ball started the new Genre of Country , California Stile , Except for Don't Bogart Me ~this masterpiece would have taken years brfore the Masses to find dicover this.We wore two copies of this out before Easy Rider ~ Listen to this now , recognition goes out to these Musiciansand the Creation of what so many others took credit for , this is a must have !


  • Fraternity of Man (1968)
  • Get It On (1969)
  • X (1995) (different personnel)

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Ed Wood Lovers] Digest Number 319


Hey, Laura, 

this sounds great.  Where can I get me some of this "water" stuff?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 7:24 AM, <edwoodlovers@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Messages In This Digest (1 Message)

The Healing Power Of Water From: Laura Johnson



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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: my love this is my picture


Hi Anita

Thank you for filling me in on your sad story. So many sad stories going around like that.  A little about myself. Well, where to begin. I'm an American ex-pat, living in exile in Canada. My political views make me a wanted man, or an unwanted man, as the case may be.  I believe I'm on the presidential assassination list.

I'm a musician, my current project is a collection of children's songs titled "The Incredibly Strange Moose Who Stopped Living and Became A Mixed-Up Zombie," It's a concept album, and I expect it will go on to great acclaim - if there's two things kids love, it's mooses and zombies - with my project, they will get both for the price of one!

I am interested in touring refugee camps in Senegal, as part of my ongoing humanitarians activities.  My audiences usually number 2 or 3 people; I would imagine in a refugee camp, the numbers would be much greater, so it's a sort of win/win situation.

Thank you for the pictures. That's a nice car, I'm glad to know you have opportunities to drive in your refugee camp in Senegal!

Your friend, 

On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 4:04 AM, Anitaarmamy Sary <anitaarmamysary@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
My Dearest Love matt,
I thank you so much for your reply to my mail and am reaching you once again in order to make our contact reality. How are you today? I hope fine.
I am miss Anita Sary 23 years old, also undergraduate in general nursing before unfortunate incident occured along my way which brought setback in my educational career. But i am hopping to further my education in near future. I am also single, haven't gotten married and don't have children. My natural colour is fair in complexion and of average in heigth. I am from Liberia in West Africa and presently residing in the refugee camp here in Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.

The name of my late father is Mr Almammy Sary. My father is now late,he died some Years back during the last crisis in my country. He was one of the high officers in the leadership of my country. My fatherand mother was unlucky to be among those that was killed by the rebel. It is only me that is alive now then i have to run to nearby country which is where i am now in refugee camp. I haven't finish up my education and i want you to make use of my father's wealth and get me through in life.
I would like to know more about you. Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently and i will tell you more about myself in my next mail.
I attached here my picture for you, though I am not all that photogenic. I hope you wouldn't mind. I wait to hear from you soonest
Miss Anita sary.


--- On Mon, 9/8/10, matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com> wrote:

From: matt love <mattlove1@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: New message from Anita
To: anitaarmamysary@yahoo.co.uk
Date: Monday, 9 August, 2010, 18:45

Hi Anita

very nice of you to write, and good to meet you.  tell me more about yourself, and send pictures

thank you


Hello my sweet,

How are you doing today? Hope this email finds you in good health, I your name and profile this morning in this love web site browseusers.myspace.com  as I have interest in you i concidered it very  neccessary  to get in touch with you for a long-lasting relationship.  My name is Anita Sary 23years old female single never maried, has decent hobbies like reading, swimmimg, as well as watching dramatical films.my dear I honestly want you to be my lover to hold you when i am so cold and in my lonely days  if only you will  permit me to.

I hope you don't concider age different, colour or distance  to make this  friendly relationship with you? If not, then stretch your hand to me and grab my love. If you feel like we will be friends fine, then you are free to mail me back to my ADD (anitaarmamysary@yahoo.co.uk)  so that I will forward you my picture and  Introduce myself to you further, I think from there we will get to know each other very well.please  Mail me back,For There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved. I will always remain yours in love. with big Kisess And Hugs!

All my love

Anita sary.

Read more: http://messaging.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=mail.readmessageV3&userID=64492594&type=Inbox&messageID=435207026&TemplateId=4&lnkkey=Link1&utm_source=ORM&utm_medium=notification&utm_term=messagelink&utm_campaign=NewMessage4Phase2#ixzz0w8Tp5THC

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From: myspace <noreply@message.myspace.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 8:40 AM
Subject: New message from Anita
To: matt.mattlove1@gmail.com


Anita sent you a message.

Click here to update your Account Settings

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Monday, August 09, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Dear Customer: (Term and Condition Un-authorize)


Thank you very much for your email.

it makes things complicated, because I need money so much, it will take me a bit of time to come up with the way to pay the fees.

Would it be possible to send the prize money to my local Mercades Benz dealership?  I can send stamps.

On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 9:00 AM, Natwest Bank Plc <nat.west-transfer@hotmail.co.uk> wrote:

NatWest Bank Plc
209, Lower Addiscombe Rd,
Croydon, Surrey,

Tel: + 44 701 004 2439
Tel: + 44 702 406 6915
Fax:+ 44 700 594 7675


Dear Customer:


                                  ACKNOWLEDGMENT INFORMATION REQUIRED

Thank for your email. This is to acknowledge the receipt of your recent email which content was well understood and noted. For two reasons we cannot deduct from your prize are listed below:


1) A certificate has already been Issued in your favour by the Mercedes Benz Company. The amount on this certificate is the full value of your Prize-money. We are thus unable to deduct any fee from your prize.


2) Due to very strict policies laid down by the Mercedes Benz Award  Affairs Commission, we are unable to process the remittance of your winning funds by deducting from your prize money. These policies have been put in place to check previously experienced mishandling and/or misappropriation of winners funds, we are obligated to act in line with these policies. 
Considering that we cannot process your prize money without you making paymnet for the transfer of the required charges, I advise that you arrange for the funds so we can instruct you on how to make payment so as to enable us proceed with the transfer to your nominated bank account which you have sent to this office.


Note You are to get back to this office informing us when you can make the payment for the bank to bank transfer so as to enable us commence on the speed transfer after you have make payment and you are to send a copy of your identification for verification purpose

Good luck and Congratulations once again. We await your urgent response.

You are advised to call us at your safe mode if you want to talk to us for direct contact via Telephone.


Your urgent reply will be most welcome. We look forward to serving you better. Do have a nice day. For more equerries please call: +447010042439

Best Regards,
Mr. Charles Alex.

Director International Remittance Dept
For: Natwest Bank Plc
The Approved Bank for  Mercedes Benz Company Cash Splash Global Award. 
Copyright © 2010. NATWEST BANK PLC All rights

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Free Business Cards


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From: Free Business Cards <free@freebusinesscards.org>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 8:13 AM
Subject: Free Business Cards
To: Matt Love <matt.mattlove1@gmail.com>

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---------- message ----------
From: Matt Love <matt.mattlove1@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 8:13 AM
Subject: Fwd: [It's All About Me, Man] New comment on In today's posting, the Barbara Walters of the cha....
To: free@freebusinesscards.org

This is terrific, because I'm in Sao Paulo, Brazil, meeting music industry heavyweights, and I've been lamenting the fact I don't have any business cards with me. These sound like just what Doctor Rock needs: "custom printed color shape brawny quote" - a tender man like me needs a brawny quote to get my message across! Tell me more, dear Anonymous! 

----------  message ----------
From: Anonymous <noreply-comment@blogger.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 7:42 AM
Subject: [It's All About Me, Man] New comment on In today's posting, the Barbara Walters of the cha....
To: matt.mattlove1@gmail.com

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "In today's posting, the Barbara Walters of the cha...": 

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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