I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [The-Man-In-The-Mirror-2009] Digest Number 1

I wish Obama had a socialist agenda - we could use one right now, instead of the socialism for the rich that he and the republican candidates advocate. Who's going to look out for the poor?  You're on your own buddy, bailouts are for real men, for sissies, it's a cardboard box on the street.

If John McCain applied for a civil service job, surely they would be interested in his history of collaborating with the enemy during wartime (see for example http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnmccain.com/ or more specifically http://www.vietnamveteransagainstjohnmccain.com/cin_declassified_landing.htm

And then there's his running mate, with her ties to the Alaskan Independence Party, an organization that believes in sussession of the State of Alaska from the US (all over the web, use your google).  I would think that civil service would reject her application in a heartbeat.

Federal civil service have to undergo annual evaluations on their knowledge of the constitution.  The current idiot-in-chief who has dismissed it as "just a piece of paper" wouldn't have a pot to crap in (let alone a copy of the constitution to wipe himself with) if he had to take that test.  Sarah Palin says she reads "all the newspapers" but couldn't name one, what chance would she have?

No, my friends, these are dire times, that's why we need change you can trust. Vote for Rick Reed, he's milder, much milder.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Video by Brian-C for Sandman The Rapping Cowboy and Obama

I do not support Barach Obama. I already voted for somebody else. But I would not want to deny the psychological uplift that Obama supporters will get from this very cool and fun video by refusing to forward it. That would be churlish.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: BrianC <pfrenzc@yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:53 PM
Subject: Video by Brian-C for Sandman The Rapping Cowboy and Obama
To: sparkysouth@yahoo.com

Greetings ~
   Go Bama Go!  I just finished a Pro-Barack Obama video with "Sandman the - Rapping Cowboy" and Elizabeth Hummel   if you care to take a look.....   please pass it on if you feel so inclined...   I support Obama's presidency and this is what I can give.....  I hope you like it!

~ white self-existing mirror  ~

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [progressive] "'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur" [ Constance Rice op-ed 10/15/08 LA Times]

Today I got a facebook friend request from somebody I used to be in close proximity in the real world. He's an academic, an anthropologist with a special interest in egypt. He's also about as causasian as they come - like me, yet his facebook name is (something like) "John Hussein Smith."

That is, his birthname, with the new middle name Hussein inserted.  I think it's brilliant. For at least the foreseeable future, my name is now Matt Hussein Love, and in the spirit of Sparticus, I hope everybody reading this will consider doing the same.

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 9:02 PM, Rick Kisséll <rick@kissell.org> wrote:


From the Los Angeles Times


'Muslim' shouldn't be a slur

Both McCain and Obama should condemn implicit attacks on Muslims and Arabs.
By Constance L. Rice

October 15, 2008

Excuse me, but when did the words "Muslim" and "Arab" become acceptable epithets?

I'm not a Muslim, and perhaps I was slow to see this coming. Four months ago, I blithely advised a group at a local mosque not to obsess over the anti-Muslim undertones of the presidential campaign. At that point, Barack Obama was defending his Christian bona fides against "accusations" of "being a Muslim" (as if it had suddenly become a Class-D felony), but was doing so without condemning the implicit slurs against Islam, Muslims and Arabs.

In a "don't worry, be happy" tone, I breezily noted that although the stoking of racial fear and xenophobia was a cherished tradition of American politics, I really didn't think that this time around the candidates would permit the wholesale slander of Islam or Muslims.

Apparently, I was wrong. The undertones have become screaming overtones. And it is past time to object.

If it wasn't clear before, it became crystal clear last week in the aftermath of Republican rallies. Fomenting fear to shore up drooping support, Republicans sadly used heated demagoguery about "palling around with terrorists," about "Barack Hussein Obama" and about how Obama doesn't "see America like you and I," words that mixed subliminally to conflate "terror" with "Muslim" and to whip crowds into xenophobic anger. After his enraged supporters were recorded uttering death threats and racial slurs, McCain was forced on several occasions to try to tamp down the anger in the audience and to defend his opponent.

That was a good step one -- until McCain blew it. A woman stood up in the audience and said that she just couldn't trust Obama because, as she put it, "he's an Arab." McCain shook his head, took the microphone and said: "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man, citizen, that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues."

So, what is he saying? Arabs aren't decent family men? They can't be citizens?

The fact is, neither McCain nor Obama -- who continues to combat absurd attacks on his Americanness -- has been willing to speak out against the implicit slurs against Arabs and Islam.

Is it really too difficult for Obama to respond: "For the hundredth time, I am a Christian, and if you are suggesting that there is something wrong with Islam or being a Muslim, you are wrong"?

Would it be so hard for McCain to say: "There is no room in my campaign or in America for religious or ethnic intolerance -- that's what we're fighting against"?

Maybe I missed the denunciations amid all the hoopla over field-dressing moose, but it looks like the next ice age will arrive before the NAACP, the National Conference of Christians and Jews or the Anti-Defamation League loudly objects to the implicit defamation of Muslims and Arabs that has seeped into this presidential campaign.

Women rightly protested gender bias during Hillary Clinton's run, but we failed to strongly challenge the earlier bias against Mormons during Mitt Romney's bid, and we are currently failing to refute the anti-Muslim bias embedded in the assaults on Obama.

It is a failure we need to correct now.

Constance L. Rice is a civil rights attorney in Los Angeles.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: robin41 compared you...

Two people who don't even know me say I'm more thoughtful than somebody else they don't even know in a meaningless online contest!  But I'm going to put this in my resume, I need all the help I can get.

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