I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [ImpeachGeorgeWBush] funny)

I just hate reading this kind of bullshit.  The US government has no interest in speading democracy to the middle east, and never has.  Attempts at representative government in the Middle East have been crushed, first by Britain, later by the US, for the last century, and I'm sure honest scholars of history can find examples before that.

Nobody would believe the crap coming out of the Cato Institute if they weren't so well funded by the people who manufacture the snake oil they sell.

Hey, but at least these shitheads are honest:  " Perhaps the time has come for Washington to adopt a more realistic approach and stop looking for democracy in the Middle East while pursuing a policy that secures the real interests of the Western democracies in the region."

Translated into plain English:  "drop the lofty rhetoric, and let them wallow in poverty while we extract our oil, which God in his mysterious ways decided to locate under their soil."

In " Democracy Not an Export Item," Leon Hadar, a Cato research fellow, writes:  "[T]he U.S. push for democracy in the Middle East has been a self-defeating strategy that has made the region safe for nationalism and other radical forms of ethnic, religious, and tribal movements that regard the U.S. and its allies in the region as the source of all evil. It's difficult for American neoconservatives who fantasize about a global multicultural community committed to liberal democratic values to admit that perhaps the Muslims are not 'like us' after all.

"They laugh, but don't appreciate our sense of humor. They want to be free, but don't share our concept of liberal democracy, a set of values and institutions that can only develop through a long process of trial and error and in a hospitable environment. Perhaps the time has come for Washington to adopt a more realistic approach and stop looking for democracy in the Middle East while pursuing a policy that secures the real interests of the Western democracies in the region."

Greg Garner, editor, ggarner@cato.org

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