I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, March 27, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [MIDIChat] Scary Theme

sorry, didn't scare me as much as  4 more years of republicans - now that scares the shit out of me.  I can only hope that voters just say no to Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Bob McCain, Condolleezza Rice, and any other right wing thug or pirate that's thinking about running. And the Supreme Court and the people that make the voting machines let us have the person we vote for.

BTW, was it this list where I said that there was something wrong with anybody who didn't think they could do a better job than the current regime in dealing with disasters, and there was a massive response from people eager to say that they indeed are less competent (and who wanted me to lie and say the same thing about myself)?

Well, it it was - how do you feel about it now?  Do you still want people to think you are so stupid and incompetent?

On 3/10/06, Bob < rasrealtor@comcast.net> wrote:

If you need to exercise some facial muscles, I give you the link below.
<Stan: Take a deep breath before viewing. Then buckle up.>

If this doesn't scare you...nothing will.  Click below. 

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1 comment:

sloonat said...

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