I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, December 10, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: A MUST READ

If people were warning about the rise of Judao-fascism and praising Hitler for how he handled them, everybody would see it for what it is, yet when they talk this way about Muslims, very few people in the US see anything wrong with it. 

Islam has been on the short end of the stick from the West, the West have been the aggressors, colonizing and exploiting, putting in "royalty" when they've had elections (like in Iran in the 1950s)... this retarded asswipe suggests that Saudi Arabia is one of the most easily reformable of the Middle Eastern states.  Why?  Because it's House of Saud princes you always see laying fat wet kisses on the cheek of our House of Bush prince. 

In fact, Saudi Arabia is one of the worst of the countries, and it may blow, and who could blame them? It's a hellhole.  That is why the US is occupying Iraq - so they can have a base there when the "lose" Saudi Arabia.  As I said, it would take too much time to try to refute everything he says, you can craft a lie in a second, it takes time to build an argument based on facts.

I'm acting as if this thing is real, it could just be another made-up thing from some other retard who lives in his parents basement and gets everything he "knows" from Faux news and video games.  Because he doesn't present as knowing much about anything that's happening in the real world.

The great majority of the world sees the Christo-fascist Bush administration to be a bigger threat than Al Quada, and they are seeing things clearly.  Being in the United States is like being in the bottom of a well, with occasional scraps of propaganda being tossed down by Rupert Murdoch and Carl Rove.  People in the US should get out more, they would see that there are some amazing and wonderful things happen, and with some perspective they could see that their country is sliding into the dark ages.  Maybe they'd be inspired to try to do something about it.

It is not surprising that before he was selected (by the supreme court) to be Resident of the United States, Dubya had never been out of the country.  He is a man of the people - the ignorant and xenophobic people.  If you are going to run in 2008, you should try getting out more.  Go to Denmark, Ireland, Australia... you will see amazing things. Shoot, go to Canada.  Even though they are virtually a colony of the US, supplying raw materials to the States, virtually donated to the empire by a right wing administration, they still have a free press... and it's worthwhile to get real news once in a while.

It doesn't bother me if you post this stuff to any of my lists or pages. Look, I've posted it myself.  But troubles me is that you'd bother to forward it to anybody at all.  And apparently, using Bobbie's advice, you are now BCCing it so that I won't have the opportunity to share the facts with the other recipients.

Easy and powerful as lies are, the truth doesn't have any fear of them, am I right?  As John Milton, "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience above all liberties.   . . .   And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength.  Let her and falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?"

On Dec 9, 2007 10:23 PM, Rick REED RxR <arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
Oh, WELL !!!!
At least you don't have to woRRy
about my posting it on your pages.

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