I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] More pictures from the O'Blerg's tour [4 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from matt love included below]

P1080018 - This chandelier was made from empty Guinness bottles - though it was a departure from the usual O'blerg's decor (tm) I thought it was very interesting so I photographed it. True fact: all O'blerg's pubs are first built in Dublin, then dismantled and shipped to their final location, so they are all extremely authentic.  But only a man with a very cold heart would reject local innovation, don't you agree?

P1080024 - This is a Himalayan Yak - prized for it's delicious milk, which the locals ferment and drink in great quantities.  When this is mixed with Guinness, it creates a delicious, cosmopolitan beverage!

P1080025 - this handsome beast is a Gobi desert cow.  My understanding is that consumption of the milk is avoided, per local tradition, it is poisonous, and therefore verboten, as Jewish people would say.

P1080103 - an Asian elephant. They differ from the African variety in that they have smaller ears.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 


Attachment(s) from matt love

4 of 4 Photo(s)

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