Pundits are always eager to make us as complicit in the crimes of those in power as they can, like the idiots i heard on NPR the other day. "We were all fooled" by Bush, yadda yadda yadda. Bullshit, some of us weren't fooled, and resent the idea that because our research and analysis were ignored back then, somehow now we are complicit the crimes they committed supposedly for our benefit.
I am certain that I am as capable of dehumanizing an enemy, when I have one, as anybody else. However, the people of Afghanistan are not my enemy, the only people in this scenario who might be my enemies are the people that insist on lying to me and about me - that I support these atrocities, that these atrocities are being committed to make me safer, etc etc.
Sebastian Junger | We're All Guilty of Dehumanizing the Enemy
Author and 'Restrepo' film director Sebastian Junger at the Restrepo
outpost in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan in 2008.
Sebastian Junger, The Washington Post
Junger writes: "As a society, we may be disgusted by seeing U.S. Marines
urinating on dead Taliban fighters, but we remain oddly unfazed by the
fact that, presumably, those same Marines just put .30 caliber rounds
through the fighters' chests. American troops are not blind to this irony."
personal mail from
I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.
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