I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: President asks for volunteers to build border fence

I was just in Europe. After we landed in Copenhagen, I traveled
through 4 countries and never showed my passport once. The public
transportation was amazing. Our train from Copenhagen drove right
onto a ferry that crossed to Germany. We traveled on pulbic
transportation everywhere we went . It was fabulous.

Folks, if you like living in Fortress America, that's just grand
(though it's a tough break for those of us that would like the US to
be a more positive and humane place to live in). Instead of spending
money on infrastructure, you can have have the great wall of North
America while the country rots from the inside out - a country ruled
by Bush and Clinton dynasties, just like China of old.

Why are people flooding into the country now? Because of Clinton/Bush
NAFTA, which is ruining the economies of their homeland? Do ya think?
Well, do you?

If you believe a better future is possible, pass this message along;
be alert and don't set fire to the grass!

On 8/16/07, President of United Stooges <arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Steve Elliott alert@grassfire.net wrote:
> From: "Steve Elliott" alert@grassfire.net
> Subject: President asks for volunteers to build border fence
> Grassfire.org Alliance
> We've just learned that the President is calling on border
> agents with welding and construction experience to finish
> 70 miles of fencing on the border!
> This is no joke. This Administration is actually asking for
> volunteers to help build the fence--demonstrating once again
> that they aren't the least bit serious in enforcing our border.
> Since $1.2 billion, has already been allocated toward the fence,
> I have little doubt that private contractors by the hundreds
> would love to get a piece of that pie!
> And here's something else... just 13 of the 854 miles of double-
> layered fencing authorized and promised us along our southern
> border has been built--only it's a single-layered fence!
> We're not even getting the fence that was promised us!
> It's the same old song. Congress is not listening
> to the American people who made themselves clear during the
> amnesty debate. Americans don't support any type of amnesty,
> and we want our borders secured!
> And it gets even worse. We've also heard that following their
> summer break Congress is planning to push a piece-meal amnesty.
> + + Message to Congress, "Where's The Fence?"
> Thanks to you and tens of thousands of citizens we literally
> derailed the Bush-Kennedy amnesty train. No one thought we
> could do it. We were mocked even by our President and many
> Senators. But in the end, we did it!
> Now it is up to grassroots Americans to once again mount up
> and demand this Administration and Congress build the 854
> miles of double-layer fence, that our borders are secured,
> and that existing laws regarding illegal aliens and those
> who hire them are enforced, Congress is poised to return
> with another bad amnesty plan!
> Grassfire has had enough, and we hope you have too.
> We've made a specific language change in our
> national petition, making building the fence a first priority:
> "America must stop the flow of illegal immigration
> by investing all necessary resources in securing our
> borders. The 854 miles of double-layered fencing
> authorized by Congress and promised to the
> American people is the backbone of any plan to gain
> control of our border and the illegal immigration crisis
> threatening our land."
> We are alerting ALL members of our team to this language change,
> and are asking you to re-sign our "Where's The Fence?" petition
> by clicking here to quick sign if you agree with this language:
> http://www.grassfire.org/42/petition.asp?RID=14077532
> Even if you have already signed, take just a second to click
> on the link to re-sign and re-commit to helping Grassfire
> see that the promised fence is built, and our borders are
> secured.
> Our goal over the next 30 days is to rally an additional
> 250,000 citizen signers to push our petition total to
> ONE MILLION strong!
> Grassfire will take these petitions DIRECTLY
> to the Department of Homeland Security demanding
> they stop dragging their feet and give the people what
> they want--a border fence!
> We'll also take these petitions DIRECTLY to those
> in Congress who continue to press for amnesty for
> the millions of illegal aliens living in our nation.
> Please take just a second or two to recommit to securing our
> borders by clicking here:
> Despite being bound by law, Congress and
> the Administration have no intention of building the double-
> layered fence promised the American people...
> A secured border will only happen if citizens rise up and
> demand the fence!
> Just for fun...
> Call the White House and tell them you'd be willing to pick up
> a shovel to help build the fence that was promised us. Here's
> the contact number: 202/456-1111.
> Thanks for signing again, and for your continued commitment to Grassfire.
> Steve Elliott, President
> Grassfire.org
> + + Feedback or comments on this update?
> Go to http://FireSociety.com
> and post your comments so that the
> Grassfire staff along with thousands of citizens can
> benefit from your thoughts and opinions:
> http://www.firesociety.com/comments/16596/Discussion/?src=111
> + + Technical questions only:
> For technical questions regarding this email, go here:
> (Not for comments/feedback on this update)
> http://www.grassfire.org/techemail.asp?ind=15
> + + + + +
> Grassfire.org Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy
> organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong
> network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give
> you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to
> Grassfire.org are not tax deductible.
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