I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

[CanYoAssDigIt] But not everything is wrong in the world...

I'm sure you want to know... You would not believe anything I
said about how the show went if I told you, because never in my
wildest dreams would I have believed it. But Anne captured the whole
thing to digital media, and it will be going up on YouTube eventually
where you can see for yourself.

It was total fucking Mattmania. It was like Napoleon Dynamite when he
danced in front of the school and the student body went apeshit.

I don't want to kid myself. Well, maybe just a little, but anyway, it
was because Luciana delivered her regular audience to me... and told
them to be nice.to me, and they were (see for example the latest blog
entry at: http://lulina.blogspot.com/ it's mostly in english)

But if it hadn't been good, I think they only would have been polite.
As it was they were clapping along and chanting "Matt Love Matt Love
Matt Love Matt Love" and they want me to come back next week... and it
was an unusual thing for the band too. the bass player, who actually
has excellent English under normal circumstances, came up to me after
and shook my hand and said "thank you... thank you... thank you.... I
don't have words... thank you...." it was very touching, to say the

But I won't let this go to my head, I promise. I have some new
requirements about the m&ms in my dressing room, but that's about it
so far

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