I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, April 06, 2009

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] First George Bush, Now Britney Spears

These Canadians will let anybody in.  Well, anybody except George Galloway.  She's in Edmonton, and it's total slutmania around here.  Why anybody would get excited about this woman, who is so far removed from talent she doesn't even know what it is - it's totally beyond me.

And why she's even on tour at all is mystifying... she's either too drug addled or mentally ill to manage her own life.  She makes Judy Garland look as steady as the Rock of Gibralter.

But I guess the real question is "WHY IS SHE FAMOUS AND I'M NOT???"

Check out some tunes I did with yet another musical cast of characters, and you'll toss out all your Britney Spears CDs, I guaren-damn-tee it.


Latest News

Is Britney Spears Trying to End Her Father's Control?

Sam Lutfi's sister testified in a Los Angeles court that she recently sneaked a cell phone to the pop star Source: People.comThursday, Apr 02, 2009

Is Britney Spears trying to end her father's control?

It seems Britney Spears's life has gone from soap opera to spy novel.

Sam Lutfi's younger sister Christina testified in a Los Angeles court Wednesday that she recently snuck a cell phone to the pop star at a Beverly Hills hotel - a plan allegedly hatched by Spears herself.

Spears, 27, whose phone access is strictly limited by her father Jamie, had initially called Sam's cell phone number in mid-January to speak with Christina.

"[Britney] told me she wanted to get a hold of Sam," said Christina, 25, whose brother had once been Spears's manager. "She wanted him to help her find a lawyer, and wanted someone to get a prepaid cell phone to her. She was scared because her father was blackmailing her with visitation rights over her kids."

Gym Rendezvous
Spears allegedly told Christina to meet her on the fifth floor gym of the Peninsula Hotel on Jan. 16. When Christina arrived, Spears was working out with her mother while a bodyguard stood nearby. But they rendezvoused in a sauna where Christina gave her a phone, saying it was from Sam and ex-boyfriend Adnan Ghalib, which Spears then hid in a locker. "She asked me, 'Will Sam be able to help me?'" Christina added.

The phone, however, was later discovered by Spears's security team and confiscated from her purse.

Earlier on Wednesday, Blair Berk, a lawyer for Jamie Spears, testified that Britney "was in such fear [of Sam], she asked if I could get him arrested, to keep him away from her." As for a purported recording of the pop star circulating the internet in which she allegedly asks for a lawyer's help in ending her father's legal control, Berk said the singer repeatedly denied she was seeking outside legal help. Berk also expressed doubt in the recording's authenticity.

Restraining Order at Issue
For more than a year, a probate court has ruled that Spears "lacks the capacity" to hire any lawyers on her own.

The ongoing hearing is to determine whether to extend a restraining order against Lutfi, 34, whom Britney's father alleges is harassing his daughter and is conspiring to disrupt his legal control over her life.

Lutfi's attorney, Bryan Freedman, has denied his client has committed any wrongdoing. "Sam's only crime was trying to help out a friend," Freedman says. "When someone asks for your help, that person is obviously not scared of you or in need of a restraining order."

Jamie Spears and a lawyer were granted indefinite legal control over the singer following her two forced hospitalisations in early 2008. Their authority will end only after the singer proves to a court - backed by doctors' opinions - that she can handle her own affairs.

Closing arguments in the restraining order case will be heard on April 21. Lutfi is forbidden to have contact with her until then.

Photo: INF/People.com

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