I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, September 28, 2012

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Pussy Riot


Hey, great, now how about stepping up the campaign for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange? Those are some people who really deserve some support.

However, with your record on supporting peopel who commit hate crimes against relgiously devout people, your next campaign will no doubt be one for Nakoula Basseley Nakoula.

Oh, Amnesty International, how far you've fallen. Just another propaganda arm of the Anglo-American establishment.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 2:58 PM, Amnesty International UK <sct@webmail.amnesty.org.uk> wrote:
Appeal hearing begins in Moscow on Monday - Pussy Riot need your help again. Call on authorities to release them. View this email online
Amnesty International UK Home
Amnesty International UK
Free Pussy Riot – appeal hearing begins on Monday 1 October
Pussy Riot in court

Right now Maria, Ekaterina and Nadezhda are locked up for 2 years each. Their 'crime'? Performing a peaceful protest gig in a church.

Your support has already helped reduce the women's sentences and given them strength to fight on. Now Pussy Riot need your help again. Let's seize this chance to make sure the authorities do the right thing and release them.

Take Action

Dear Matt,

On Monday 1 October, Maria Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samutsevich of Russian punk band Pussy Riot, will appeal against their two-year sentences for 'hooliganism' in a Moscow court.

Justice for Pussy Riot – send an email now

The authorities claim their treatment of Pussy Riot is aimed at protecting the public from religious hatred. We believe their real aim is to silence three outspoken women who dared to challenge the repressive Russian State.

Ask the Moscow prosecutor to free Pussy Riot and drop all charges

When the trial verdict was announced in August, you joined us in expressing outrage at this injustice. The messages you sent to the women – which we have passed on to them ahead of the hearing - express it better than we here at Amnesty ever could. You said:

'You are an inspiration to me. I know you will never give up. One day Russia will thank you.'

'We won't stop, we will keep nagging and sharing and thinking of you.'

'You are courageous and brave, people all over the world support you and will fight for your freedom.'

And we received this message back from the women to pass on to all of you:

'THANK YOU. Your support encourages us and helps us to be strong at this difficult time.'

Now, with just days to go to the appeal hearing, we need to keep shouting, nagging, sharing, and giving strength to these three inspirational women.

Since we took up this case back in March, we have seen the threatened seven year sentence reduced to two as the Russian authorities bowed to international pressure. We believe that with continued pressure, the women will get justice at last. Call for the unconditional release of Pussy Riot

Please help us reunite Nadya, Maria and Katarina with their families and young children, so they can continue to do what they do best – put on their balaclavas, make music and challenge repression.

Take Action

Thank you for your continued support - it really is making a difference,

Champa Patel signature

Champa Patel
Head of Casework and Activism

Pussy Riot Copyright: David Shrigley

Taken action? Now wear the t-shirt
Artist David Shrigley has added his support to our campaign to free Pussy Riot, by designing this t-shirt. All profits will help fund Amnesty's work on cases like this, so order yours today

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Copyright © Amnesty international, UK 2012. Registered in England no 01735872, registered office. Amnesty International UK is a company limited by guarantee. Amnesty International UK Section Charitable Trust number 1051681. Questions or feedback? sct@amnesty.org.uk

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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