I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] Americans -- "they love us everywhere we go..."

On 2/2/06, kdhaisch@aol.com <kdhaisch@aol.com> wrote:
Matt writ...
> Calling Turks and American NATO allies is something like
> calling Poland and Germany Axis allies.  The government
> of this country is so arrogant and delusional, they think
> they can always impose their will by force. 
You mean, Bush is engaging in revisionist history
when he says Turks & U.S. are allies -- or, as the
National Enquirer would say: "thisclose."

The Turkish government, unlike most of the NATO countries, complied with what 95% of their citizens wanted and did not join the coalition of the willing.  The withstood bullying and bribes, and were no doubt aware that the this has put them on the list for subversion and overthrow. Despots (Noriega, Saddam, Marcos spring to mind) are fine as long as they are responsive to the US.  To operate independently isn't tolerated. So there was a little bit of hyperbole - the US didn't march into Turkey and install the government.  but it's hardly a relationship between peers, and colleagues.  And surprise, surprise, the Turkish people are aware of that, even if we aren't here.

> 1. They didn't know the US overthrew Iranian democracy to
> put a despotic monarch back on the throne
> 2. The few that did just assumed it was the Iranian's job to
> forgive and forget

Are you talking about the Shah of Iran?  The shah who
stole $25-billion from the Iran treasury, then fled to
the U.S. -- and Iran retaliated by taking Americans
hostage for 444 days?

That's the guy!  He was also a torturer and despot along the lines of Saddam, and again, that was just fine as long as he could deliver the goods.  My understanding is that initially the hostage takers demand was that Carter return the Shah.  He refused, on the grounds that he wouldn't get a fair trial (and they probably had something along the lines of the kangaroo court trying Saddam in mind). 

But the US demands that other countries not harbor terrorists, yet the US harbors them - The Shah, Pasada, I believe Rios Mott, who visited unspeakable horrors on Guatemala, resides in this country. 


> Torture and oppression just don't mean as much to the ones
> that are doing it as they do to the ones that are having it done
> to them.
Torturing people, like prisoners?  Are you referring to
Lynndie England?

No, not really. I'm talking about the widespread practice of torturing prisoners, under orders that come from the very top.  England was just trying to do her job, it isn't her fault that she's borderline retarded.  But it does make her a convenient scapegoat.  Did you notice how she messed up her own trial, because it was clear that she didn't even understand what she had agreed to plead to? 

That really was yet another low point in US "justice."   I want to see them put Gonzalez and Rumsfelt, and yes, even your own dear "Condi" Rice on trial, perhaps Cheney and Bush as well, though in a nice bit of symmetry, I think Bush is as dim as Lynndie England, and only has a very dim comprehension of what's going on, if that.

She called this: "Taking the dog out for a walk."

> And I got a huge kick out of this one: "Turks traditionally idolize
> their soldiers; most enthusiastically  send their sons off for
> mandatory military service." Is that truly a national trait? How
> do you measure their enthusiasm?

> Could it be greater than here?  Every evening on the news they
> profile another "fallen warrior." they interview their parents who
> are always proud that they went off and died in the noble cause
> of making sure that Dick Cheney's stocks increase in value.

>But if you want demonization, take the case of Cindy Sheehan
> who objects to her son's pointless death.  They say that she's insane,
> that she's a megalomaniac who's glad that her son died because it
> gave her a platform, a liar, a bitch, they say that because she has
> a young sounding voice she was sexually molested as a child --
wouldn't that make her a victim?

Yes, I've been reading right wing blogs, and they are stupid as they are vicious. But the point is, I guess, if a woman was sexually molested, they are such weak vessels that they collapse, and they never again can say or do anything that is not crazy. I am sort of surprised that I haven't seen anybody advocating we stone her to death for her own good.

and oh, yea, they say she's ugly, because good people are beautiful (like Barbara Bush).

> the most grotesque and sick insults imaginable directed at somebody
> exercising her free speech rights.

and they are posting jokes about her on the Internet...

Gee, it looks to me like that's a joke about Dubya.  But it does raise a serious issue. Bush's children are the right age for the service.  Why aren't they over their right now?  It's a noble cause, right?  So how about it?  He has 8 nieces and nephews that are the right age, yet none of them are fighting for the noble cause.  If you oppose the war, you are attacked as some kind of american hating cheese eater.  They don't oppose the war.  They just ignore it. because they can. because it isn't in their interest to call attention to it.  and how they aren't there.

> I suppose that next the right wing cooks will be calling for a
> blacklist for Busey and Zane.
Well, they can't act for shit anyway.

I really wouldn't know about that.  I'm given to understand that Bob Geldorf isn't much of a musician, that he wouldn't amount to much if he wasn't so good at organizing those huge concerts.

But John Wayne wasn't much of an actor, and he was a phony chickenhawk, and people revere him... so since when did an inability to act keep a person from practicing the craft (or at least the vocation) of acting in Hollywood?




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