I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt>>> FYI Only Take it or Leave It

I spent a fair amount of time sometime in the 80s studying up the Kennedy Assassination, and it wasn't time well wasted.  I read a lot of stuff, some of which seemed plausible, some of which was really rank junk.This one really seems like a third rate hoax to me.  The author has exactly one source for everything in the story - a lifetime fuck-up, supposedly a meth addict for twenty years, a meth dealer for ten of those years (though he was probably the only source of that information as well) - a man who was broke and had financial incentive to tell any kind of story to make some money - who apparently had a deep rooted hatred of his father, and probably a genetic predisposition to tell wild stories, and a lack of scruples.

His whole life story is one giant cliche, right down to childhood sexual molestation, which is the universal explanation for lifetimes full of failure.  He claims to have a copy of a list of conspirators in E Howard Hunts handwriting, and an audio tape, which the author seems to imply that he's seen and heard, but he never comes out and says it. Perhaps the print version has a picture of the document, along with another sample of Hunt's handwriting to compare it to, but I doubt it. Maybe the writer is in on the con.

Sing along with me:

Two conmen scamming history,
That don't bother me, at all

This ain't the 60s anymore, man. Rolling Stone is now known chiefly for getting female rock stars to pose on the cover in their underwear, or less.

Does anybody know what became of Judith Campbell Exner's death bed confession that she was the bagman (bag lady?) for Sam Giancana, and he did in Kennedy? She told her story to People Magazine, which has at least as much credibility as RS in my book.

Phil Roettinger, a retired CIA guy and critic of the agency, told me that E.Howard Hunt who he served under while overthrowing the government of Guatemala, told me that E. Howard Hunt was a total screw up who never did anything right in his life. But then, he told me that everything that Marita Lorenz said (the anti-castro cubans along with sturgis and hunt did it) was true, it was all going to come out - this was about 15 years ago, I think.

Roettinger was a hell of a nice guy, and enthusiastic in his anti-CIA work, and he was telling me everything I wanted to hear.   Harold Weisberg, who seems liked the crustiest of cranks (his Whitewash series are fat books with tiny typewritten type) told me that Marita Lorenz was a pathological liar, who had been discredited years before.  He also told me that the George Bush mentioned in CIA documents as a CIA agent, in connection with the Kennedy Assassination may or may not have been George WH Bush - there were at least 3 George Bush's on the CIA payroll at that time, and GWHB may or may not have been one of them.  It tuned out that it was Weisberg's own research - he pried 100,000 pages of government documents loose through FOIA requests, until they changed the laws, primarily aimed to stop him alone.  He was the rarity among Kennedy Assassination researchers - he was cautious.  And I learned from Kerry Thornley, Oswald's pal from his days in the Marines, and one of Garrison's suspects, that he was result of Vril breeding experiments that had been conducted for centuries.  Though he testified before the Warren Commission, and the House Subcommittee on Assassinations that he had nothing to do with the plot, later in life he realized he actually did, though without his knowledge.  He had been created to play a role in the assassination - his entire familial line had been bred for hundreds of years just to produce him so he could do this job.

My favorite Kennedy assassination theory is that the CIA, the Mafia, Johnson, The Cubans and the Russians all did it.  Most of the crowd at Dealey Plaza were armed and they were all shooting. Somebody was bound to hit him, even if none of them were any better marksmen than Oswald.  And then there was the theory advanced in Time Magazine a few years ago, that it really was Oswald, but he was trying to hit Connelly, and hit Kennedy instead, which solves that problem.

The Kennedy Assassination, while fun, is a rabbit hole. You can follow that bunny in and never find your way back out again - like Thornley, or David S. Lifton.  Shoot, I had fun taking this walk down memory lane, but there are so many pressing concerns happening in the world right now, it's still not time well wasted.

On 5/20/07, sissonltd@comcast.net <sissonltd@comcast.net> wrote:

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The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

He was the ultimate keeper of secrets, lurking in the shadows of American history. He toppled banana republics, planned the Bay of Pigs invasion and led the Watergate break-in. Now he would reveal what he'd always kept hidden: who killed JFK

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