I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] US to invade Edmonton

So the US invaded Afghanistan and Iraq so that Muslim women there wouldn't have to wear  hijabs any more?  Never mind that they didn't have to in Iraq before, and few did, but plenty do now, thanks to the predicable rise in religious fundamentalism following the destruction of Iraqi society and infrastructure.

Well, here in Edmonton, they won't allow Muslim school girls to play soccer with  hijabs.  They claim the decision is for reasons of safety. Did the girls tear off their scarves?  No, they are staying on the sidelines and appealing the decision, speaking with an intelligence and articulation that puts virtually 100% of the lowbrows arguing on the issue on the Internet (particularly on the Ultrazine list).  They have demanded to know of one person who has ever been injured playing soccer while wearing a hijab.  They have not received a response.

There is only one solution.  The Canadian wimps have not gone far enough.  The US military must invade Canada, forcefully removing those hijabs, maybe raping and murdering the girls while they are at it. That is, of course, part of their job. To destroy in order to save.

And take all the oil in Alberta, too while they are at it.

And then they should liberate orthodox Jewish men and Catholic nuns from their oppressive head coverings as well.  Especially if they have something worth stealing.

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