I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, June 03, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [progressive] Comedians for Sarah Palin


If comedians think the Bush terror regime was funny, but the Obama terror regime isn't, maybe they just need to work harder.  Or perhaps the whole enterprise of providing a safety valve for our anger is wrong headed.  Remember how we used to think Jon Stewart was on our side, but with his farcical march on Washington and his stupid "a pox on everybody to the right or left of me" he showed his true colors?

The Dems are so very very eager to have Sarah Palin run against Obama, they are so gleeful in their imagining of what their dull, ruthless, conservative corporate bureaucrat will do to the ditzy kook.

I don't have to think far back to remember a brain damaged right wing kook who was always spouting crazy and ignorant things winning an election over a dull, articulate bureaucrat only 4 years after an extremely corrupt Republican regime was turned out.  8 years later a guy people viewed as an effete, inarticulate twit, but who was actually a ruthless infighter, up to his neck in Iran-Contra, one of the most astonishing illegal governmental activities ever to come to light (before they decided to save themselves some problems and just make that kind of thing legal).  He easily defeated his dull, bureaucratic opponent.

For 8 years, the rightist technocrat Bill Clinton did hold onto office, despite vicious Republican attempts to dislodge him, inflicting damage on workers and the poor that Reagan only have dreamed of doing. 

His dull, competent bureaucratic heir apparent lost the next election to an incompetent religious kook who acted vastly stupid (though there's some evidence both the religion and the stupidity were acts).

Perception of the candidates is shaped by the mass media, particularly television. If the owning class decides they'll be better off with Sarah Palin, imagine the frustration and confusion of Obama and his supporters when they strip him of rock star status and drape the mantle of gravity and competence and vision around Sarah's slight shoulders. 

As a rock star, Obama is somewhere in the Leo Sayer or Gilbert O'Sullivan league; vulnerable on many fronts, it wouldn't take much to shift the advantage to his opponent, and they can gild whatever turd happens to be at hand - I've seen it happen so many times already, and I'm only just eligible for AARP membership.

I'm not predicting anything. I'm just saying you can't rule anything out, and the people the Dems hate and riducule the hardest have a habit of winning elections.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 10:56 PM, Scott Peden  wrote:

: Comedians for Sarah Palin

Support Palin! Put a comedian to work!
By Dean Obeidallah, Special to CNN
June 1, 2011 10:12 a.m. EDT

(CNN) -- It's been a tough two and half years for comedians. We have been in a political comedy recession since Barack Obama took office. 
Sure, President Obama gives us some material here and there. But unlike his past two predecessors, he has not provided us with a clear comedic angle. It used to be so much easier. With George W. Bush, it was his well-documented struggles with English, and Bill Clinton was known for his "sextracurricular" activities.

But honestly, what's funnier -- a joke about Section 3002 of Obama's health care law, which deals with "Improvements to the physician quality reporting system," or a joke about Bush mispronouncing al Qaeda as "El Key-eeda"? A terrorist group? No! A Mexican restaurant. 

We comedians can wait no longer for this comedy downturn to end. We have decided it's time to take matters into our own hands. We are putting aside our petty differences to actively support the candidate who will best help our comedy careers.

That is why I'm excited to announce the formation of: "Comedians for Sarah Palin." Our slogan is: "Comedians putting aside their differences and the good of America for comedic material." You can follow us on Twitter @ComicsforPalin<http://twitter.com/#%21/search/@comicsforpalin>.

To comedians, Sarah Palin is not just a less-than-one-term governor with few achievements on the national or international stage. Sarah Palin is comedy gold. Comedians haven't been this excited over a political figure since George W. Bush was president -- in fact, comedically speaking, the only difference between Palin and Bush is lipstick.

It wasn't easy for Palin to lock up our endorsement. Many comics liked Donald Trump -- he could never stop talking, and his hairstyle made you appreciate Justin Bieber's. But, alas, he is out. 
And there are a few other lesser-known presidential candidates who show comedic possibilities, such as Michele Bachmann, who in March confidently proclaimed<http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/12/bachmann-increases-public-profile-makes-another-gaffe-in-nh-trip/> that the American Revolution had started in New Hampshire. (Right answer: Massachusetts -- but you knew that.)

And making a late attempt to win our endorsement was Herman Cain, the former head of Godfather's Pizza, who last month confused<http://www.politifact.com/georgia/statements/2011/may/25/herman-cain/cain-mistakes-declaration-independence-language-co/> parts of the Declaration of Independence with the U.S. Constitution, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

No -- it's Palin, with her proven track record. Others might be able to promise us comedy, but she has already delivered .

After all, she is the person who told us: "Obviously, we gotta stand with our North Korean allies<http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/11/25/political-hot-topics-thursday-november-25-2010/?iref=allsearchhttp://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/130721-palin-gaffe-we-gotta-stand-with-our-north-korean-allies>." (Right answer: South Korean.)

But Palin had lain low and avoided the spotlight -- good for her, but bad for us. The only time Palin isn't providing comedy material is when she isn't talking. We worried that maybe she had lost her comedy mojo.

Then in March, she showed us she still had the right stuff. During an appearance on Fox News, she discussed America's involvement in Libya. The Chicago Sun-Times says<http://www.suntimes.com/news/roeper/4564425-417/sarah-palin-questions-whether-military-attack-was-a-squirmish.html> she posed the question: "Do we use the term 'intervention'? Do we use 'war'? Do we use 'squirmish'?"

That's right, "squirmish." In her defense, Palin probably thought that in light of the recent success of the movie "Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel," it was acceptable to add the "squi" sound to the beginning of any word. Next up: "Squimmigration."

If we had any lingering doubts, they were erased this past weekend when she dressed in leather, jumped on the back of a Harley-Davidson and declared: "I love that smell of the emissions!"

Sold! Our ticket to the promised land of comedy.

Plus, to show you that we are not just selfish comedians, you should consider (we really have) that a Palin candidacy would create jobs. How? When Bush left office it resulted in massive layoffs to those working in the Bush "comedy industry," from the publishers of the Bush calendars which featured a different Bush misstatement each day, courtesy of Slate's Jacob Weisberg, to Weisberg's books filled with those "Bushisms." 

And do the makers of the Bush dog toy, Bush action figure and the Bush toilet brush not deserve to make an honest living? A Palin victory would immediately put those people back to work.

That is why comedians across America are climbing aboard the Palin express. We hope you will join us. We know that Sarah Palin may not be the right choice for America, but she's definitely the right choice for comedy.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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