I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, March 25, 2005


Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know what I'm up too these days. I
appreciate the support you've given me in the past, those quarters you
tossed into my guitar case kept me in ciggies and mad dog. I'm
currently not doing much music. After hearing the genius of Alex Carr
(check his stuff out at http://www.alexcarr.org) I decided it was time
to try my hand at something else for a while. It was like, "never as
good as you, Alex," you know what I mean?

I was a little aimless for a while, but I sort of fell into
performance art when I tripped on a chair leg at a coffee shop open
mic a while back. I impaled myself on a mandolin. It was painful, but
the applause from the audience made it worth it, and convinced me I
was onto something.

My current performance involves sawing off my head with the serrated
edge of a shark's tooth, and then reattached it with twine made from
miles of spider web. After that I release a single butterfly while a
hundred Taiko drummers thunder. Oh yeah, there's also a horse.

It's about the fragile balance of nature, abuse and recovery, the need
to nurture your inner child, all that kind of shit. I've done this
performance several times, and the audience is always moved. And I've
found that performance art pays better than music – it has a good
pension plan, and generous health care and vacation packages!

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