I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Monday, June 18, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: Lunchtime Liberty Update

a friend of mine forwarded your propaganda.  Very entertaining stuff. you people must have very tiny and smelly genitalia.

Have a great day!


Illegal Immigration:
Dear Fellow "Racists, Bigots, Nativists, Restrictionists and Yahoos," All Who Actively Oppose Amnesty:

Legal Congratulations. Your country thanks you, for successfully interrupting something far more offensive than the names you have, in most cases, incorrectly been called.

You are to be commended for understanding that which the Washington elite establishment desperately wanted you to not understand. You are to be commended for seeing through the web of lies, misrepresentations and omissions that proponents of "comprehensive immigration reform" thought they could use to dupe you. You are to be commended for ignoring and, in fact, becoming even stronger in the face of insults hurled at you by the President, Senators, the media and many proponents of amnesty.

You are to be commended for a level and intensity of political activism that is rarely exercised in this country.

Read more now.

Six Reasons Congress Should Oppose Increased Mileage Standards

Legal_Update Congress is considering numerous proposals to impose extreme new mileage regulations on cars and trucks sold in America. The proposed mandates would be bad for consumers for numerous reasons, not the least of which is they would result in compromised vehicle safety and significant cost increases for automobiles.

Last week, CFIF announced a new project called Free My Ride, a coalition of concerned drivers, auto enthusiasts and all who believe it is wrong for Washington to meddle with the rights of automobile owners to buy and operate the vehicles they want and need. This week, Free My Ride released a document outlining "Six Reasons Why Congress Should Oppose Tightening Gas Mileage Regulations."

Read "Six Reasons Why Congress Should Oppose Tightening Gas Mileage Regulations" now.

Intellectual Property Rights:
The Malignant "Open Source" Movement: Marxism Takes a 21st Century Name

Legal_Update There is a growing worldwide campaign referred to as the "Open Source" movement, of which many Americans haven't yet heard. If successful, however, the consequences of this movement would be catastrophic for consumers in America and across the globe.

This week, exactly twenty years to the day since President Reagan thundered his legendary "tear down this wall" speech in Berlin, the Memorial to the Victims of Communism was dedicated in Washington, D.C . Casual observers will be forgiven for assuming that Marxist doctrine has long been buried.

Unfortunately, the worldwide assault upon property rights continues, albeit under more innocuous-sounding names.

Read more now.

High Drama: Estate Planning Anna Nicole Smith Style

Legal Just as the trials and tribulations of Hollywood's celebrity blondes may make for good television drama, they make for even better legal lessons. Such is the case with the ongoing legal dispute between the late Anna Nicole Smith and the estate of her former husband, octogenarian billionaire J. Howard Marshall.

According to Horace Cooper, assistant professor of law at George Mason University, Anna Nicole's "[t]urning what normally would be a state matter -- a probate dispute in the state of Texas -- into a federal case was both audacious in its creativity and alarming in its consequences."

Recently, Mr. Cooper joined CFIF Corporate Counsel & Senior Vice President Renee Giachino to discuss the case and why all Americans should care about the outcome of this saga.

Read more and listen to the interview now.

CFIF Joins Coalition in Airing Concerns About Senate Energy Legislation

Legal In a letter sent to all U.S. Senators this week, the Center for Individual Freedom joined more than two dozen state and national free-market organizations to air concerns about S. 1419, the Renewable Fuels, Consumer Protection, and Energy Efficiency Act of 2007, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

Among other issues, the letter points out that the bill, which is currently being debated in the Senate, should be titled the "Making Energy Less Affordable Act," as many of its provisions "would gouge consumers of motor fuel, food, electricity, appliances, and autos; add to the annual highway death toll; weaken America's ability to recover from Katrina-like supply disruptions; and make it harder for the world's poorest people to feed themselves."

Read the full text of the letter now (.pdf).

Editorial Cartoons:
The Cartoons of Michael Ramirez


View more of Michael Ramirez's latest cartoons on CFIF's website now.

CFIF History & Civics Quiz:
Question of the Week
Freedom Line
The Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863. When did formal word of the abolition of slavery reach Texas, the western-most slave state in the Confederacy?

(a) December 1863
(b) April 1864
(c) June 1865
(d) December 1865

Get the correct answer now.

Jester's Courtroom: Tales Stranger Than Fiction
Featuring bizarre and sometimes humorous real life stories from the courtroom.
Lawsuit Could End in Stiff Penalties

Jester's Courtroom A New York man sued Novartis AG, the maker of the health drink Boost Plus, charging that his consumption of the vitamin-enriched beverage resulted in multiple hospital visits.

Christopher Woods claims he had to seek medical treatment the morning after drinking Boost Plus in order to relieve a condition called severe priapism, the build up of blood in his private part.

According to the lawsuit, Woods underwent surgery for implantation of a Winter shunt, which moves blood from one area to another. Additionally, Woods claims he underwent another procedure to close off some blood flow to prevent engorgement and a recurrence of the event.

Woods seeks unspecified damages.

Source: Law.com

Read more now.

Since many of these gems do not attain national attention, the Jester welcomes you to share with us your favorite wacky stories from a courtroom near you! Please be sure to provide the source. You may e-mail us at info@cfif.org.

Notable Quotes:
Quote of the Week

Notable Quotes Ann Coulter, Attorney, Legal Correspondent and Syndicated Columnist, Satirizing the Case of the Drug-Running Illegal Alien Whose Complaint Resulted in the Conviction and Imprisonment of U.S. Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean:

"In addition to giving the illegal alien drug smuggler full immunity to testify against U.S. Border Patrol agents, the government gave him taxpayer-funded medical care for his buttocks wound, an unconditional border-crossing card, the right to sue the U.S. for 'civil rights' violations, and a GAP gift card. The drug runner is also on the short-list to replace Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

"He's now suing the U.S. for $5 million, but the Bush administration is hoping to bargain him down to $10 million."

Get more Notable Quotes.

Do you have a notable quote you'd like to share with the Center, e-mail it to info@cfif.org. Be sure to provide us the source of the quote.

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Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus Street, Suite 310
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The Center for Individual Freedom is a nonpartisan constitutional advocacy organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights in the legal, legislative and educational arenas.
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