I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, November 18, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] Philosophizing

check out the name of the document.


check out the article itself, and you will see the reasoning of a
bunch of people that believe in intelligent design. The evidence is
all around us - there's more evidence for Stupidity Design.

Superstitious people would say that we are getting half as smart every
18 months because we are made in the image of our creator. Scientific
people do not take a position on why things are that way, they just
agree that it's happening. They do point out that we don't have to be
designed to be this stupid, we could just be that way by accident. We
crawled from the primordial soup, and now we're crawling back in.
Dumbness happens.

Chomsky points out there is "malignant design. Unlike intelligent
design, for which the evidence is zero, malignant design has tons of
empirical evidence, much more than Darwinian evolution, by some
criteria: the world's cruelty."

He has a good point, but I think that there is even more support for
Stupidity Design than Malignant Design.

Something that Robert Heinlein may or may not have said seems
appropriate here: "Never attribute to conspiracy that which is
adequately explained by stupidity."

Einstein may or may not have said, "God is subtle but He is not malicious."

In my opinion, Uncle Albert was batting .500 on that day. Available
evidence suggests that God, if he exists, is neither.

November 16, 2005
Putting Out the Enlightenment
Evolution, Ecology and "Malignant Design"


President George W. Bush favors teaching both evolution and
"intelligent design" in schools, "so people can know what the debate
is about."

To proponents, intelligent design is the notion that the universe is
too complex to have developed without a nudge from a higher power than
evolution or natural selection.

To detractors, intelligent design is creationism--the literal
interpretation of the Book of Genesis--in a thin guise, or simply
vacuous, about as interesting as "I don't understand" as has always
been true in the sciences before understanding is reached.

Accordingly, there cannot be a "debate."

The teaching of evolution has long been difficult in the United
States. Now, a national movement has emerged to promote the teaching
of intelligent design in schools.

The issue has famously surfaced in a courtroom in Dover, Pa., where a
school board is requiring students to hear a statement about
intelligent design in a biology class--and parents mindful of the U.S.
Constitution's church/state separation have sued the board.

In the interest of fairness, perhaps the president's speechwriters
should take him seriously when they have him say that schools should
be open-minded and teach all points of view.

So far, however, the curriculum has not encompassed one obvious point
of view: malignant design. Unlike intelligent design, for which the
evidence is zero, malignant design has tons of empirical evidence,
much more than Darwinian evolution, by some criteria: the world's

Be that as it may, the background of the current evolution/intelligent
design controversy is the widespread rejection of science, a
phenomenon with deep roots in American history that has been cynically
exploited for narrow political gain during the last 25 years.

Intelligent design raises the question of whether it is intelligent to
disregard scientific evidence about matters of supreme importance to
the nation and the world--like global warming.

An old-fashioned conservative would believe in the value of
Enlightenment ideals--rationality, critical analysis, freedom of
speech, freedom of inquiry--and would try to adapt them to a modern

America's Founding Fathers, children of the Enlightenment, championed
those ideals and took pains to create a constitution that espoused
religious freedom yet separated church and state.

The United States, despite the occasional messianism of its leaders,
isn't a theocracy.

In our time, Bush administration hostility to scientific inquiry puts
the world at risk. Environmental catastrophe, whether you think the
world has been developing only since Genesis or for eons, is far too
serious to ignore.

In preparation for the G8 summit this past summer, the scientific
academies of all eight member nations, joined by those of China, India
and Brazil, called on the leaders of the rich countries to take urgent
action to head off global warming.

"The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently
clear to justify prompt action," their statement said. "It is vital
that all nations identify cost-effective steps that they can take now,
to contribute to substantial and long-term reduction in net global
greenhouse gas emissions."

A few months earlier, at the 2005 annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, leading U.S. climate
researchers released "the most compelling evidence yet" that human
activities are responsible for global warming, according to The
Financial Times.

They predicted major climatic effects, including severe reductions in
water supplies in regions that rely on rivers fed by melting snow and

Other prominent researchers at the session reported evidence that the
melting of Arctic and Greenland ice sheets is causing changes in the
sea's salinity balance that threaten "to shut down the Ocean Conveyor
Belt, which transfers heat from the tropics toward the polar regions
through currents such as the Gulf Stream."

Like the statement of the National Academies for the G8 summit, "the
most compelling evidence yet" received scant notice in the United
States, despite the attention given in the same days to the
implementation of the Kyoto protocols, with the most important
government refusing to take part.

It is important to stress "government." The standard report that the
United States stands almost alone in rejecting the Kyoto protocols is
correct only if the phrase "United States" excludes its population,
which strongly favors the Kyoto pact (73 per cent, according to a July
poll by the Program on International Policy Attitudes).

Perhaps only the word "malignant" could describe a failure to
acknowledge, much less address, the all-too-scientific issue of
climate change.

Thus, the "moral clarity" of the Bush administration extends to its
cavalier attitude toward the fate of our grandchildren.

Noam Chomsky is the author of Hegemony and Survival.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Donna Rice Hughes - Stranger than fiction

Which is harder to believe - the conspiracy theory or the official
story? I'll start with the conspiracy theory, then I'll let Enough is
Enough tell their own story. They neglect to mention the event that
made Donna Rice a (temporary) household name.

Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 19
("Quid coniuratio est?")



Following the recent much-cheered ruling by 3 federal judges
which, for the moment anyway, has over-ruled the Clinton law
against "indecency" on the Internet, I noticed a woman named
Donna Rice Hughes appearing on the TV networks. She was said to
be with a group called "Enough is Enough", said to be organized
to protect children against pornographers supposedly lurking
everywhere in cyberspace.

Donna Rice Hughes. Take away the "Hughes" and what do you get?
You get "Donna Rice", nemesis to 1988 Democratic Party
presidential candidate Gary Hart. You may remember how Hart,
looking strong as the potential candidate, was sunk by
allegations of his shocking (as in "I am shocked... *shocked*")
affair with "party girl" Donna Rice. Seems pretty tame, compared
with Lothario Bill Clinton's escapades, but for "some reason" the
mainstream press really sat up and took notice, playing up the
affair for the couch potatoes in TV land.

So *if* this is the same Donna Rice, one wonders if she has "got
religion" or if the CIA has merely given her a new assignment:
working to shut down freedom of speech under the guise of saving
our children from pornography. (You remember "saving our
children", don't you? Like with President Nixon in 1969 saying
he wants to "save our children" from drugs?)

Reading in the recent book by Dr. Roger Morris, *Partners in
Power*, one finds further background on former candidate Hart.
On March 27, 1987, Billy Clinton is sucking up to Hollywood types
on the west coast. At an exclusive dinner, King Clinton dines
with, among others, Don Henley, formerly of the Eagles rock band.
Close friend to Henley is Donna Rice, who is at about that time
boarding a yacht called the *Monkey Business*.

Young Senator Hart had been on the Church committee which
investigated the CIA and its ties to organized crime. After
that, he was on the Senate Intelligence Oversight Committee
where, says Morris, he continued a relentless effort to uncover
CIA hanky-panky. Hart strongly opposed the Nicaraguan Contra war
and was skeptical of the official "Oswald did it" version of the
JFK assassination. Mobster Santos Trafficante is alleged to have
stated, regarding Hart: "We need to get rid of the son of a

Hart seems to have been set up, says Morris, and gives evidence
to back up the claim. Readers of Conspiracy Nation are most
likely well-aware as to how CIA/Mafia have often used "party
girls" to compromise and/or ruin politicians. Was Donna Rice
just a "party girl", or was she more than that? And just who
*is* this person called "Donna Rice Hughes" of an organization
called "Enough is Enough"? Did "somebody" get a promotion?


Donna Rice Hughes
Volunteer President of Enough Is Enough

Donna Rice Hughes is an internationally known Internet safety expert
and advocate. She currently serves as the volunteer President of
Enough Is Enough, a national non-profit educational organization whose
mission is to make the Internet safer for children and families
(www.enough.org). Her book, Kids Online: Protecting Your Children In
Cyberspace (Revell, September 1998), was heralded by the media,
parent's groups, industry leaders, and Congress as a "powerful tool
for parents." In response to the worldwide interest in the topic of
Internet safety, the book has been translated into Spanish and Korean.

Donna is frequently sought out by the media, educators, policy makers,
law enforcement officials, and industry leaders for her expertise on
solutions for ensuring that children have a safe and rewarding
experience online. Steve Case, Chairman of America Online, applauds
Donna as a "leader" and "effective advocate on behalf of children's
online safety" and credits her with helping build the Internet into a
"medium we can all be proud of." To help promote Internet safety to
the target online audience, Donna also created the Internet safety
website,www.protectkids.com. Recently, Donna assisted the Japanese
Ministry of Education in developing child safety online programs and
provided expertise and resources for their report, "Children and the
Internet." She was also the recipient of the 2004 Media Impact Award
from the National Abstinence Clearinghouse and the 2005 Lifetime Child
Protector Award from WiredSafety.org.

Donna has been interviewed on most of the leading national news
broadcasts as an acknowledged expert on Internet safety issues. She
has given over 3,000 media interviews and is a regular commentator on
Internet safety issues on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. She has been a
featured guest on Dateline, The Today Show, Oprah and 20/20. She
co-wrote the story for the May 2000 season finale episode of Touched
By An Angel that brought the message of Internet dangers and online
safety to prime time television and won the Nielson ratings for it's
time slot during the May sweeps period. Her views have been featured
in publications including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times,
The Washington Post, USA Today, The San Francisco Chronicle, The San
Jose Mercury News and People Magazine. Additionally, she has authored
numerous articles and editorials that have been published in USA
Today, The Los Angeles Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and McCall's

Donna has also spoken extensively on the subject of Internet safety in
educational and professional forums across the country, including
Johns Hopkins University, MIT, American University, University of
Houston Law School, The Freedom Forum, and The National Press Club.
She has testified before the United States Congress, both House and
Senate, on the issues surrounding Internet dangers and safety
solutions. Her presentation at the Federal Prosecutors' Obscenity
Symposium was applauded as a "highlight" of the 2002 meeting by Andrew
Oosterbaan, chief of the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section,
where Donna served as the Department's only non-lawyer/non-law
enforcement instructor.

In 1999, while serving as an EIE advisory board member, Donna received
a Congressional appointment from Senator Trent Lott to the Child
Online Protection Act (COPA) Commission formed to examine
technological solutions to protect children online. In July 2000, she
served as co-chair of the COPA Hearings on filtering/ratings/labeling
technologies. In 2002, she received the National Law Center for
Children and Families Annual Appreciation Award and the coveted
"Protector of Children Award" from the National Abstinence

From 1994 until July of 1999, Donna served as Communications Director
and Vice President of Enough Is Enough where she played a pioneering
role in the national effort to make the Internet safe for children and
families. In 1995, she developed and launched a three-pronged strategy
that involves the public, the technology industry and law enforcement
sharing the responsibility to protect children on the Internet. This
approach has been adopted by many industry and government leaders.

Donna served on the steering committee for the Internet Online Summit:
Focus on Children in December of 1997. She proposed and led the
Summit's adoption of an industry "ZERO Tolerance" policy against child
pornography, which was endorsed by the White House and the Justice
Department. She currently serves on the advisory board for the Get Net
Wise initiative.

Donna received a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of
South Carolina and graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa.

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[CanYoAssDigIt] The US Has Lost; Let's Leave

A very important and excellent arfticle. I have to admit that I was
saddened and dismayed when David Heath Jr expressed the opinion that
"we" should seal the borders of Iraq and drop a nuclear bomb on the

For what, the crime of resisting the illegal and anti-democratic
occupation of their country? For having the gall to believe in their
cause more than "we" believe in ours, and actually winning? I can only
hope that it was the brain tumor talking when he wrote that.

Let us hope that "we" figure out what some of us have known all along,
and get the hell out of Iraq, and hope that they can achieve the
democracy "we" are trying to deny them.

November 18, 2005
The US Has Lost; Let's Leave
Murtha and the L Word


Rep. John Murtha, the decorated Vietnam and Korean War Marine vet and
conservative Pennsylvania Democrat who stunned Bush administration and
Republican congressional warhawks and Democratic go-alongs like Sens.
Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and Joe Biden alike with his call for an
immediate U.S. pullout from Iraq, left unsaid one important word in
his dramatic turnaround announcement: defeat.

But that's the real message of his change of heart from Iraq War
backer and booster to peacenik.

The war begun by President Bush with such bravado and so little
braino, which was designed to convert him from a dismal president to a
crisp and awe-inspiring commander-in-chief, has been lost.

The nearly 2100 Americans who have died so far to help the president
get re-elected, to make him look like a leader, and to provide cover
for his criminal executive power grab, have died for nothing.

An unorganized bunch of insurgents armed with nothing but raw guts,
aging Soviet-era rifles, and home-made explosives, have routed the
most powerful military machine the world has ever known.

There will be efforts to cover up this astonishing defeat, just as
there were efforts made by the Nixon and Ford administrations to hide
the fact that the U.S. was defeated in Indochina, too, but the truth
is clear.

American military might can destroy a country. It can kill hundreds of
thousands of innocent civilians. It can sow terror through the use of
indiscriminate use of such WMDs as DU explosives, phosphorus bombs,
helicopter and fixed-wing gunships and computerized drones and
missiles. But it cannot defeat a concerted popular resistance.

The American military, according to some generals, is once again, as
it was during the Vietnam War, falling apart. Recruitment is
collapsing, both for the regular Army and Marines, and for the
reserves and the National Guard. Parts and even ammunition are in
short supply. Morale is at an all time low and sinking.

Who in Iraq would want to die for Bush and Cheney at this point? And
yet they keep on dying.

Murtha has it right. It's long past time to call the whole disastrous
thing off. The Bush-Cheney mantra of "stay the course" is the
desperate cry of two mad men caught in a trap of their own making--two
men who are perfectly willing to send thousands more American soldiers
to their deaths, and to slaughter tens of thousands more innocent
Iraqis, in order to cling to power and to defer a final reckoning for
their crimes.

They cannot be permitted to do this.

The war is lost. Iraq has been destroyed and will have to be helped
for a long time to allow its people to recover somehow from the
devastation caused by decades of brutal dictatorship, American-led
sanctions and America's war of aggression and criminal occupation. The
broken military will have to be returned home and made into something
appropriate for a world that settles disputes diplomatically, not by
unilateral acts of violence and terror. Finally, the veterans of this
war will need help recovering from the horrors they were forced to
participate in and from the physical and psychic wounds they have

Meanwhile, the political leaders who brought all this about must be
called to account. Either they apologize, as growing numbers of
Democrats (and some Republicans) have begun to do, like Murtha and
vice-presidential candidate John Edwards have done, or they must be
ousted. Half steps like Kerry's admission that his pro-war vote and
his pro-war campaign were mistakes, after which he then trashed Murtha
on Hardball, won't do. As for the criminal authors of this war-Bush,
Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of State
Condoleeza Rice and others--they should be impeached or indicted as

The first step will be admitting that the US has been defeated in
Iraq. Murtha is right that the troops did what was asked of them, but
their sacrifices were for naught. The war is lost.

Then we can begin the blame game in earnest.

Dave Lindorff is the author of Killing Time: an Investigation into the
Death Row Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal. His new book of CounterPunch
columns titled "This Can't be Happening!" to be published this fall by
Common Courage Press. Information about both books and other work by
Lindorff can be found at www.thiscantbehappening.net.

He can be reached at: dlindorff@yahoo.com

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Thursday, November 17, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: [Bizarro_UltraZine] TV Documentary Forces Pentagon To Retract Statement ...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kdhaisch@aol.com <kdhaisch@aol.com >
Date: Nov 16, 2005 5:56 PM
Subject: [Bizarro_UltraZine] TV Documentary Forces Pentagon To Retract Statement ...
To: Bizarro_UltraZine@yahoogroups.com

from the IMDb...
Faced with footage from an Italian documentary showing white phosphorus
shells being dropped on Fallujah during last year's offensive and interviews
with two American soldiers who had witnessed the results of the chemical's
use, the Defense Department on Tuesday retracted an earlier statement
saying that it had only been used for illumination.
"It was used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants,"
spokesman Lt. Col. Barry Venable told the BBC, "though not against civilians."
However, the Italian documentary, produced by the state-owned RAI,
showed the burned bodies of civilians, including women and children.
In the interview, Venable denied that white phosphorus missiles can
be considered a chemical weapon.  He called it a "conventional munition"
and noted that the U.S. was not a signatory to an international treaty
barring its use against civilians.  He said that the Pentagon's earlier
statement that it was used only for illumination was based on "poor
information." The Italian documentary received little press coverage in
the U.S., where no nightly network newscast even mentioned it...
"Baywatch" Star hurts her Neck
Former "Baywatch" beauty Brooke Burns has been hospitalized after
hurting her neck in a swimming pool accident.  Brooke, who also hosts
the TV show "Dog Eat Dog," hit her head on the pool floor in her garden
after a dive went wrong on Friday.  She needed minor surgery to
correct a chipped bone in her neck but was expected home soon. 
Her spokeswoman, Jennifer Glassman, says, "There's no permanent
damage.  She will begin work as scheduled in January."



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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] Jessica Lynch -- some call her an American hero?

Wow, this is so awesome. I'm going to set it to music.

On 11/15/05, kdhaisch@aol.com <kdhaisch@aol.com> wrote:
> **************************
> Dear Jessica,
> this poem is for you.
> "An American Hero"
> Jessica from what I hear you are really cool,
> I also hear you want to be a teacher at an Elementary school.
> You left your country to fight in danger,
> You were trying to free people who were filled with anger.
> You are now all over TV you have become an American hero,
> When I compare you to any superhero in the world you win 10 to 0.
> http://www.jessica-lynch.com/
> *******************
> .
> ________________________________
> Visit your group "Bizarro_UltraZine" on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Bizarro_UltraZine-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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> ________________________________

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Monday, November 14, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] Bruce Willis says: "really good things are happening in Iraq."


In the interest of fairness, I present the words of a conservative
(National Review, Wall Street Journal, served in the Reagan
Administration) who is no longer able to get his views published in
the liberal press.

November 14, 2005
Indefinite Detentions and the End of Habeas Corpus
Power Uber Alles


Perfidy loves company. George W. Bush instructed his British puppet,
Prime Minister Tony Blair, to get moving on the detention issue so
that he, Bush, would have company when he attacked the Constitution's
guarantee of habeas corpus.

Habeas corpus prevents authorities from detaining a person
indefinitely without charges; the guarantee of habeas corpus ensures
that no one can imprison you without a trial.

The Bush administration wants the power to detain indefinitely anyone
it declares to be an enemy combatant or a terrorist without presenting
the detainee in court with charges. In England the power to arrest
people and to hold them indefinitely without charges was taken away
from kings centuries ago. Bush apparently thinks he is the
reincarnation of an absolute monarch.

The puppet Blair set to work. He soon discovered that at most he could
try to pass a law that permitted the British government to hold a
detainee for 90 days, a far cry from Bush's desire for indefinite
detention. Blair took what he called his "anti-terror" legislation to
Parliament and was handed his first-ever defeat as Prime Minister.

The British Parliament knew enough history to realize that Blair's
"anti-terror" legislation was in fact the opposite. Parliamentarians
perceived Blair's proposal as a police state trick that could be used
by an unscrupulous government to terrorize Her Majesty's subjects by
the use of imprisonment without charges. The British Parliament
refused to put up with such injustice. Eleven of Blair's former
cabinet ministers joined in voting down the legislation.

That happened on Wednesday November 9.

On Thursday November 10, the Republican controlled US Senate voted 49
to 42 to overturn the US Supreme Court's 2004 ruling that permits
Guantanamo detainees to challenge their detentions. How dare the US
Supreme Court defend the US Constitution and the civil liberties of
Americans when we have terrorists to fight, argued the Republican
senators. What are civil liberties, the Republicans asked
rhetorically, but legal tricks that allow criminals and terrorists to

The Labour Party dominated British Parliament will not allow 90 days
detention without charges, but the Republican controlled US Congress
favors indefinite detention without charges of whomever Bush wants to

Nothing more effectively undercuts the image that Bush paints of
America as the land of freedom, liberty and democracy than the
Republican Party's destruction of habeas corpus.

Habeas corpus is essential to political opposition and the rise and
maintenance of democracy. Without habeas corpus, a government can
simply detain its opponents. Nothing is more conducive to one party
rule than the suspension of habeas corpus.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Republican Party overthrow the very
foundation of democracy in the name of democracy. The name of Lindsey
O. Graham, Republican senator from South Carolina, the sponsor of this
evil legislation, will go down in infamy in the book of tyrants.

The next time Bush declares that "they (Muslims) hate us for our
freedom and democracy," someone should ask him how there can be
freedom and democracy without habeas corpus.

The Bush administration has also resurrected that second great feature
of tyranny--torture. We have the right to torture say President Bush,
Vice President Cheney, and Attorney General Gonzales.

What a hypocritical spectacle the Bush administration and the
Republican Party have made of America. They boast of "freedom and
democracy" while they destroy habeas corpus and practice torture.

Americans must recognize the Bush administration and the Republican
Party for what they are. They are tyrants. They are bringing evil to
the world and tyranny to America.

According to the Washington Post (Nov. 11), there are 750 detainees at
Guantanamo. These people have been held for 3 or 4 years. If the Bush
administration had any evidence against them, it would be a simple
matter to file charges.

But the Bush administration does not have any evidence against them.
Most of the detainees are innocent travelers and Arab businessmen who
who captured by warlords and armed gangs and sold to the Americans who
offered payments for "terrorists."

The reason so many of them have been tortured is that the Bush
administration has no evidence against them and is relying on pain and
the hopelessness of indefinite detention to induce self-incrimination.
The Bush administration is desperate to produce some "terrorists."

What has become of the American people that they permit the despicable
practices of tyrants to be practiced in their name? The Bush
administration is in violation of the US Constitution, the rule of
law, the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Standard, and basic
humanity. It is a gang of criminals. The Republican Party is so
terrified of losing power that it supports a tyrannical administration
that has brought shame not just to the Republican name but to all

When a Republican next campaigns, all he can say is "vote for me
because I want power to lock you up and torture you."

Paul Craig Roberts has held a number of academic appointments and has
contributed to numerous scholarly publications. He served as Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. His graduate
economics education was at the University of Virginia, the University
of California at Berkeley, and Oxford University. He is coauthor of
The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Check out Joe Swordfish's new RT Journal!

Joe Swordfish has just started a Rotten Tomatoes Journal and wants you to come check it out!


Joe Swordfish has included a personal message:

Microsoft only released a single patch this month. The patch, however,

happens to be critical, and it affects all current versions of Windows

(2000, XP and 2003). The parsing of malicious Windows Metafiles (.WMF

and .EMF) can trigger various vulnerabilities, including the execution

of arbitrary code. This issue contains pointers to some of the

technical advisories relating to the bugs fixed in the patch.

Multiple RealPlayer bugs were also reported last week. Although some

bug details were withheld, there's enough information to know there

are remotely exploitable buffer overflows that lead to the execution

of arbitrary code. Since these vulnerabilities can be triggered by a

Web site serving a malicious .RM file, all Windows users with previous

RealPlayer installs should update sooner rather than later. Further

information for this item is found in the Cross-Platform category.

Until next issue,

- The Neohapsis Security Threat Watch Team

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own Journal today! It's free and easy! If you're interested in

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