I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, September 23, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Will your leaders sign the Contract?


Can somebody explain to me what this is all about?  If politicians sign this thing, then what?  So what?  Are we supposed to vote for them?  I think what we need to do is find a way to not get suckered in by facile liars like Obama, don't you?

It would appear that what this is about is saying "hey, facile liars, just affix your name to this meaningless pledge, and I'll support you, and you're free do screw me!"  Why should we do their work for them?  Their job is to fool us, and our job is to try to not get fooled, you see what I'm saying?

I've asked for clarification from you before about some of your goofy mailings... I said if you couldn't answer my questions, remove me from your mailing list. Well, maybe it's time to remove me, you don't seem to be responsive.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Daniel Mintz, MoveOn.org Political Action <moveon-help@list.moveon.org> wrote:
Now is the time to start building a wave of support for the Contract for the American Dream among elected officials and candidates as we head into an election year. Can you help by asking your local leaders to sign the Contract?

Ask your leaders to sign
Dear MoveOn member,

Over the past several months, the new American Dream movement did something that has eluded our elected leaders for far too long: we made a plan to fix our broken economy.

More than 100,000 of us helped write the plan—the Contract for the American Dream—and we're about to hit 300,000 signers nationwide.

Now people all over the country are starting to get their elected leaders and candidates for office to step forward and endorse the Contract. Just this week in Arizona one local organizer got four state representatives, a state senator, two school board members and a city council member to sign the Contract.1

That's just one example—but from school boards to state legislatures to Congress, now is the time to start building a wave of support among elected officials and candidates as we head into an election year.

Can you help by asking your local leaders to sign the Contract for the American Dream? Click here for the Contract endorsement page:


On the endorsement page you'll find a signable version of the Contract you can download and present to elected officials and candidates in your area, sample talking points about why we need the Contract, and an online form where your leaders can add their endorsement and contribute a personal statement of support.

Over the past several weeks, tens of thousands of people submitted and rated ideas for how to put the Contract to work. Getting candidates and elected leaders to sign it was one of the most popular and highest-rated ideas. That's because the payoff for getting enough endorsements will be enormous: not only will we have an increasingly powerful story to tell the media and the country as a whole about just how much support the American Dream movement can generate, we'll also have political leaders at every level of government ready to take action.

Ultimately our goal is to get thousands of endorsements from elected officials and candidates for office who are ready to help get our economy back on track. It won't happen overnight and it's going to take as many of us as possible getting in touch with our local leaders and asking them to sign the Contract.

Are you ready to be a part of building that kind of support? Click here if you can help by asking your local leaders to sign the Contract:


Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Elena, Robin, Peter, and the rest of the team


1. "Arizona Democrats tout plan to stimulate state, federal economy," Cronkite News, September 21, 2011

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Matt Love on September 23, 2011. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: The Theft of 2012


I`ve been a big Palast fan for a long time, but I`m kind of mystified by this. what exactly is the theft of 2012? Coke steals from Pepsi? Tweedledum steals from Tweedledee? 

Whether it's Obama stealing from Perry, or the other way around. Maybe that was the whole point of the Obama administration - to be so close to a thug regime we woundn't care or notice when the tipping point was reached, and real fascism was achieved.

Both wings of the ruling party have worked together for so long to make sure that decent candidates would never get close enough to be elected that the election would have to be stolen from them, that I really dont give a rats ass if they Yankees broke league rules and stole the election from the Mets. I don't care if Swanson's frozen dinners got the edge over Birdseyes.  I can't tell the difference between Jack Daniel and Johnny Walker, and i have no loyalty to either brand, and I don't give a shit any more.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Greg Palast <palast@gregpalast.net>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:49 PM
Subject: The Theft of 2012
To: "mattlove1@gmail.com" <mattlove1@gmail.com>

The Theft of 2012

by Greg Palast
September 21, 2011

That was nuthin': In 2000, the Palast investigations team uncovered the purge of 58,000 legal Florida voters, most of them African-Americans, by Katherine Harris.

In 2004, we uncovered the "caging lists" which 're-elected' George Bush.

That was nuthin' too ... compared to the theft of 2012 that is now in the making.

Major TV and print outlets are finally recognizing that the Palast team has the expertise, the cojones and the nose to sniff out mass vote bending.

We are planning our strategy right now for the hard-core, dig deep, multi-state research that we need to get the details, the documents and the proof of the fix of 2012.

So, for the first time in this entire year, I am asking—frankly, I'm pleading—for your financial support to get this investigation going right now.

First, I'm looking for 24 donors to commit to provide $2,000 each, at minimum, to launch the Missing Ballot Investigation. It's tax deductible, it's non-partisan, it's hard-core journalism, "so relevant it threatens to alter history," says the Chicago Tribune. Donate and I'll proudly list you as a producer of our Election year prime-time broadcast.

And I am counting on 200 generous souls to donate at least $150. You'll receive a signed hardbound copy of my new book, Vultures' Picnic, which will be sent to you the week of its release on November 15. In the meantime, I'll send you 5 signed copies of Steal Back Your Vote, the world's first investigative comic book, co-authored by Bobby Kennedy with full color ink work of genius cartoonists Ted Rall and Lloyd Dangle.

Our work for BBC TV and the Guardian, once ignored by the US media, is now in demand. Unfortunately, "in demand" doesn't mean "in the money." PBS, The Washington Post, ABC-TV, The New York Times, LA Times are all taking our research, our film, our evidence ...but they don't pay for it. Well, we're not going to complain ... and we're not going to stop working.

We already have hot, hot leads... What's planned for voters, especially voters of color is sick, is slick ... But we're on to them. My co-author for my 2008 Rolling Stone exposé, Bobby Kennedy and I figured 6 million votes and voters were "disappeared" in 2008. The 2012 race will get uglier.

Our other work continues. Our Arctic to Amazon investigation took us on a hunt inside the dark blood vessels of Big Oil in FIVE continents. We have the exclusive discoveries on the real cause of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, on the coming disaster in the Arctic and out NEXT oil war ... in Central Asia. Our work is splashing all over the major media in Europe, and we will soon release it in the USA. But the cost of the investigation has left us totally busted.

And that's the truth. Our work on elections has been lauded by the US Civil Rights Commission, by Senators Kerry and the late Ted Kennedy...and Katherine Harris, who calls me "twisted and maniacal" - I'll take that as a compliment. But that don't pay the phone bill.

We rarely send requests for your donation—only when the need is real and the effort supremely difficult and important.

You can't count the votes unless you find the ballots... And the voters who've gone "missing" from the voter roles. Our work created the entire journalistic field of elections investigations ... But the more tricks we uncover, the trickier they get.

This is not about electing a candidate, it's about the soul of our democracy. Jim Crow elections are still with us ... But now they've gone to cyberspace.

Help us hunt down the missing ballots. Make a donation RIGHT NOW. It's your vote for democracy.

The Palast Investigative Fund has been a supremely successful experiment in citizen supported journalism. I can't thank you enough.

And if you've got something hot for me — a document, a lead...go to www.GregPalast.com/contact/ and we'll get on it.

This is Greg Palast reporting ... for you.


Greg Palast is a Nation/Puffin Foundation Fellow for Investigative Reporting and recipient of the George Orwell Courage in Journalism Prize for his BBC broadcast 'Bush Family Fortunes.'

Subscribe to Palast's Newsletter and podcasts.
Follow Palast on Facebook and Twitter.


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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [progressive] Today's LUV News: 21 September, 2011


"This is the fifth day of the Wall Street protest and thousands of people have participated..." good one!

I plagerized it and posted it here on the website of the MSM news outlet I love to hate (but I had to censor the pretty harmless language of the original to get it up there:


Matt Love (ThePopeOfPop) wrote:

This is the fifth day of the Wall Street protest and thousands of people have participated. Imagine the coverage if this were a Tea*****r protest.

But none of the major media where most Americans get their news have included this protest among their major headlines this morning. Following are selected major headlines from their web sites deemed to be more important:

ABC News: Photos: Jedi Kittens Reenact 'Star Wars'

CBS News: "DWTS" results: Ron Artest is first to go

CNN: Salahi: Wife Acting Like Groupie Sl*t

FOX News: Cross in Elderly LA Woman's Yard Stirs Controversy

MSNBC News: Cops: Woman Stole Hearse-- With Body Inside

NPR: Stop 'Schweddy Balls' Effort Begins

September-21-11 1:28:42 PM

I do enjoy the comment sections, it's usually about 80% progressive people adding useful information to the propaganda feeds NPR provides... and 20% right wing trolls making themselves look rediculous.

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Monday, September 19, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: flagged & removed: 2605125857 (musicians) Re: Mobster Band


Yes, my post has been removed. However, the first response, far more offensive in my perspective, calling other Craigs List users "Pathetic losers" is still there!

I flagged it too, lets see if it comes down

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 9:44 AM, craigslist <noreply@craigslist.org> wrote:

Your posting has been flagged for removal.

Approximately 98% of postings removed are in violation of craigslist posting guidelines.

Please make sure you are abiding by all posted site rules, including our terms of use:


If you need help figuring out why your posting was flagged, try asking in our flag help forum: http://forums.craigslist.org/?forumID=3. Include posting title, body, category, city, how often posted, any images, HTML markup, etc.

If your posting was wrongly flagged down (2% of flagged ads are) please accept our apologies and feel free to repost.

Sorry for the hassle, and thanks for your understanding.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Date:2011-09-18 12:40:58 PostID:2605125857 Title:(musicians) Re: Mobster Band  THE MOBSTERBAND said:  BLUESY JAZZY SWINGY SNAZZY TYPES NEED APPLY ONLY ! KNOWLEDGE OF BLUES SOUL AND SWING IS A PLUS

Talented Genius said: You have got to be kidding? Amy Winehouse made two of the best albums ever made. Sound, unheard, you couldn't even play in the same hemisphere as Amy without being laughed out of town. Whenever I hear lesser musicians slagging off their betters, it produces a combination to destain and nausea. Write and record a 5 TIME Grammy winning record with every song on it an A Side and we'll talk. Pathetic losers!

I say: I love the internet, that's why I live most of my life there. So many people just looking to pick a fight. Even on Craig's List, bless em. I thought it was kind of obvious that the Mobster Band, whoever they are, were expressing a preference to work with a vocalist without massive substance abuse problems. I don't think anybody in their right mind would want Amy Winehouse in their band, especially about three weeks after her death (when this exchange took place). Dead people don't contribute much to a band's sound, and addicted people usually don't do much better.

  • Location: Saline/ Ann Arbor
  • it's ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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A bad score is 598. A bad idea is not checking yours, at freecreditscore.com.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: [New post] Murdoch GaveJournalism a Bad Name


I know a guy who works in one of Murdoch's turdbuckets, a guy who used to be a fun scoundrel, now he's just a sanctimonious, hypocritical dull-witted bullying scoundrel. Rupert's travails give me no small pleasure.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Saul Landau's Blog <no-reply@wordpress.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 6:36 PM
Subject: [New post] Murdoch GaveJournalism a Bad Name
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Murdoch GaveJournalism a Bad Name

valerielandau | September 18, 2011 at 10:36 pm | Categories: Blogroll | URL: http://wp.me/p4oJH-3u

Murdoch's knife in the heart of journalism

Wednesday, 20 July 2011 10:21 Saul Landau


By Saul Landau

Rupert Murdoch finally got his you know what caught in the proverbial ringer – for his employees' hacking, not for contributing to the prolonged murder of English-language journalism. Wars, revolutions, famines and disasters occurred and Murdoch's "journalists" juxtaposed lurid "blood" photos with half naked "Zoozoos" who divorced "Googoos" to wed "HooHahs." Stories on poverty, unemployment and foreclosures get dwarfed by reports of Lindsay and Britney making X-rated videos before going into rehab. And millions bought his newspapers and watched – and rely on – his TV "news."

In the name of freedom of the press Rupert's Fox News and commentators spew verbal venom on notions that smack of socialist, pink or liberal thought – like taxing billionaires and regulating their corporate and banking behavior. Indeed, the Foxers promote billionaires not paying taxes as an example of virtue and freedom. "You don't want your government squandering taxpayers' money." Sure, imagine life without cops, firemen, schools, road repair service, etc.

Murdoch's New York Post and The Sun sell vicarious thrills – reading about celebrity sex and drug adventures, which imply it's better and less risky than having your own adventures. Murdoch sold sex as news to make money and gain political influence. He succeeded.

He taught his staff to define a "breaking story" as any personal idiosyncrasy of a famous person – especially regarding unconventional use of reproductive organs (including toes) – or intake of taboo substances.

The Australian-born tycoon discovered that Protestant England's repressive cultures, exported to some of its former colonies like America, make for great markets for the sale of sex news as a commodity.

Behind Murdoch's gaudy publishing aesthetic, however, lies a drab political and economic imperative: destroy any form of regulation on capital. To achieve that end and expand his monster-size publishing and broadcasting empire, Murdoch courted, extorted and intimidated the powerful, while supporting their "patriotic" wars.

Fox and its British sisters perpetrated the fiction that Saddam Hussein possessed WMD and ties to Al-Qaeda. They never atoned for that journalistic sin. They even hired the disgraced New York Times "rogue" reporter Judy Miller, who promoted that crap and got it past her editors on the Establishment newspaper's front page.

Several Members of Congress have asked authorities to investigate if News of the World had also hacked U.S. citizens, relatives of 9/11 victims. But have journalists inquired if Murdoch's Fox operation copied its British sister? After all, Murdoch "news" outlets share the gossip-smear-ridicule-sneer ethos the tycoon has cultivated in his lust for media power and profits. He has surpassed William Randolph Hearst – "Get me the photos and I'll get you the war," Hearst's 1898 dictum to help start the Spanish-American War – in practicing yellow journalism. The hacking scandal may have finally given corruption, itself, a bad name.

The investigation has just begun, but already his employees' antics threaten to dwarf even the Watergate scandal. Nixon as President ordered crimes. Murdoch can't even invoke the two holy words, "national security," as a pretext for the crimes of his News of the World "journalists" and editors.

Murdoch's supposed journalists hacked thousands of private phone messages, including apparently those of Prime Minister Cameron, actor Hugh Grant and Prince William – and quite possibly the Queen (did she get her toes sucked by someone other than her husband?). The intimate lives of murder victims and their families and the relatives of dead soldiers also became hacking fodder for "stories."

Reporters have begun to ask the Watergate questions – not of the dead Nixon, but of the 80-year-old Murdoch. What did he know and when did he know it? Yawn. He created the perfect atmosphere for criminal activities and called it "freedom of the press." Sell papers, get political influence, buy or extort protection from the cops – hey, go for it!

What really worries Murdoch, apparently, is not the damage his employees' methods have cost on people's lives, his undermining of public trust, his manipulation of popular taste from the banal to the gross; rather, he frets over the real possibility that this indignity will cost him a major and very lucrative business acquisition – the Sky Satellite (BSkyB) communications contract.

The non-Murdoch press inundates its readers, viewers and listeners with stories about the $13.6 billion deal, as if by knowing the amount of money the wily geezer was going to invest in order to make more, we would somehow function better as citizens. Indeed, the public watches the Murdoch drama as another scandal, rather than as another example of institutional dysfunction. Nations default, banks and major investment companies go belly up without warning, and governments bicker over debt ceilings while millions fruitlessly seek jobs, teachers and cops get laid off, and health and other services deteriorate.

Meanwhile, as cable TV induced the 24/7 news programs, tailor-made for Murdoch's outlets. The public got inundated with gossip and meaningless reports of Libyan rebels gaining, losing, freeing, looting – without ever informing us of the identity of these rebels "we" support. Like the dubious and mysterious "insurgents" and "militants" in the Middle East our "good guys" become fogged in mushy language. Only the stark details of celebrity gossip get luridly reported in detail.

It's getting hotter, rivers keep rising, tsunamis threaten while government officials bicker over budgets and the media feasts on Murdoch's boo boo.

Something is rotten – and not only in Denmark. But English parents enraged over the revelation of private material from a dead girl's phone rose up and instigated the attack on the smarmy Murdoch Empire. Let us push for similar action on other needy fronts as well.

Saul Landau is an Institute for Policy Studies fellow. His WILL THE REAL TERRORIST PLEASE STAND UP plays Sept. 21 at 6 and 8 PM at the Guild Theater, Albuquerque NM

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Permanently Enlarge Your Penis At Home.


Hey Elise,

Thanks for the email. A very interesting idea. Can you tell me, does it still work when I'm not at home?  Let me know right away.


On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Elise Jerilyn <rosiolarraine@dadebehring.com> wrote:

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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