I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, April 30, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] back to the 80s tearing up the soundclick charts....


82 in the world fusion subgenre!  wow, 2 people must have listened to this!

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"everyone loved it in some sort of cult-following-can't-take-my-eyes-off-the-trainwreck-sort of way." Brian Stephenson, Talk 980 K-USA, between 6:00am - 9:00am. You can stream it on the interweb: http://www.talk980kusa.com/ListenLive.aspx
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Thu Apr 29, 2010
World : World Fusion
Charts position
» highest in charts:   # 578   (64,215 songs currently listed in World)
» highest in sub-genre:   # 82   (7,149 songs currently listed in World > World Fusion)

» today's position: # 578 in World
» today's position in sub-genre: # 82 in World Fusion

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Last Rant on Wingers for a while.


The hasn't been funny (or sane) for years Dennis Miller fielded a call from somebody who was speculating that Obama himself caused the oil spill in the gulf - some kind of false flag operation, presumably so he could cancel the oil extraction in Alaska that he authorized.  Even when Obama gives them exactly what they want, they think that he secretly wants the opposite - this Islamo-terrorist socialist has so many smoke and mirrors maybe the wingnuts should just give up, there is no way they can outsmart somebody who is always doing exactly the opposite of what progressives want. What a diabolically clever plan - takeover by the left by giving the right wingers everything they want!

To Miller's credit, he rejected the notion. but he went on with an anti-Greenpeace conspiracy.  As if they would, or could, or that it wouldn't be headlines everywhere if they had done it. Facts are stupid things.

From Counterpunch:

April 29, 2010

Spill, Baby, Spill

Blow Out in the Gulf


The massive oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico formed as now an estimated 5,000 barrels of oil (210,000 gallons daily) gush to the surface following an explosion at an oil rig is what other areas of the United States will face under President Barack Obama's plan to open more offshore waters to oil and gas drilling.

This could be the Atlantic which, in a speech last month, Obama proposed be opened for drilling—despite decades of it being closed because of oil and gas drilling constituting an environmental threat.

As an investigative reporter for the daily newspaper Long Island Press, in 1970 I broke the story about the oil industry seeking to drill in the offshore Atlantic.

In years following, I probed the environmental consequences of offshore oil and gas drilling finding, as Sarah Palin put it, "drill baby drill," coming with the the inevitability of—spill baby spill.

I got on the story after a tip from a fisherman who said he had seen in the ocean east of Montauk—on the eastern tip of Long Island—the same kind of vessel as he observed searching for oil when he was a shrimper in the Gulf of Mexico.

I spent the day telephoning oil companies. PR people for each insisted their companies were not involved in searching for oil in the Atlantic. Several scoffed at the very suggestion. But at day's end, as I was walking out of the office, there was a call from a PR guy at Gulf saying, yes, Gulf was involved in exploring for oil in the Atlantic—as part of a "consortium" of 32 oil companies. These included the companies which all day issued denials. It was a first lesson in oil industry honesty, an oxymoron.

I traveled on the issue including, in 1971, visiting the first drilling rig set up in the Atlantic, off Nova Scotia. It was apparent on the rig that the offshore drilling process is fraught with danger.

A rescue boat went round and round. Positioned on the rig were sealed capsules—designed to eject workers. "We treat every foot of hole like a potential disaster," explained the representative of Shell Canada.

An oil well blow-out is one thing on land and another entirely on water. The Shell Canada official acknowledged that booms and other devices the oil industry claimed—and still maintains—contain spills "just don't work in over five foot-foot seas."  

The Atlantic, off Nova Scotia or to the south off the United States, is normally rough—over five foot seas are common.

Thus the oil could be expected in many if not most circumstances to hit shore. But there are "stockpiles of clean-up material on shore," said the man from Shell Canada. No," he said, "not straw as in the States. Here we have peat moss."

I pored over records involving spillage and offshore drilling. They reflected spillage as being chronic. According to Department of Interior records, between 1971 and 1975 there were 5,857 spills totally 51,421 barrels of oil from operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

And, it was acknowledged, the offshore Atlantic is a far more precarious place to drill. . As the President's Council on Environmental Quality declared in a 1974 report, "A major spill along the beaches of Cape Cod, Long Island or the Middle or South Atlantic states could devastate the areas affected. The Atlantic is a hostile environment for oil and gas operations. Storm and seismic conditions may be more severe than in either the North Sea or the Gulf of Mexico. Recreational industries could be hurt, especially where the character of the communities is one of isolation, historic preservation or natural beauty. Outer continental shelf oil and gas production will result in onshore development of huge refineries, petrochemical complexes, gas processing facilities."

I traveled on the story—to Massachusetts where the Department of Interior was planning to lease 882,443 acres of offshore Atlantic lands on the George's Bank, one of the globe's foremost fishing grounds, for oil and gas drilling.

I went to the Florida Keys in whose turquoise waters Interior would let oil companies drill.

And I spent plenty of time in New Jersey—Interior held many of its meetings involving

Mid-Atlantic leasing in the state capital of Trenton. In 1976, it leased 529,446 Mid-Atlantic acres to the oil industry for $1.1 billion. There was strong resistance up and down the Atlantic coast which included lawsuits.

Various reports filed by Interior in response to the litigation admitted major environmental consequences from the drilling. In one, in 1978, in connection with the leasing of the 529,446 Mid-Atlantic acres, Interior said: "Recovery of the affected area from a large spill will be slow, probably requiring a minimum of ten years." For the anticipated 20-to-25 year lives of the fields, it forecast four large spills of more than 1,000 barrels, 58 spills of 50 to 1,000 barrels and 3,340 spills of up to 50 barrels.

Much of the Atlantic coast—like that of the Gulf of Mexico where oil from the explosion at British Petroleum's Transocean Deepwater Explorer rig is expected to arrive imminently—is composed of estuaries, bay backs and miles upon miles of fragile wetlands, the spawning and feeding grounds for the chain of marine life.  It's a "soft" coast that would absorb oil like a sop rag.  There's no way to clean oil from wetlands, to clean it off the bottoms of bays, no way to get it off bay bottoms where shellfish live.

The Department of Interior's 1978 Mid-Atlantic report warned that "adverse effects on commercial fisheries will be encountered" which would include "smothering of shellfish…Finfish and shellfish will suffer mortality from oil spills and flavor may change because of tainting."

A leading scientist speaking out on off-shore Atlantic oil and gas drilling was the late Dr. Max Blumer of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. He also noted a human-cancer connection. Oil picked up on human skin or taken in through the eating of marine life that had ingested oil could be cancer-causing, he said. "When oil is spilled into the environment we lose control of it," Dr. Blumer warned. Countermeasures are "effective only if all the oil is recovered immediately after the spill. The technology to achieve this goal does not exist."

It still does not exist.

Drilling of the Atlantic was stopped by Congressional action.

But that would end if Congress goes along with President Obama's declaration in his March 30th speech that "my administration will consider potential areas for development" for oil and gas drilling in the Mid- and South-Atlantic, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and off the north coast of Alaska.

Beyond the environmental devastation threatened, the drilling itself would have a huge price: the cost of off-shore drilling is estimated at ten times the cost of drilling for petroleum on land.

This would make for very expensive gasoline, oil requiring huge capital and operating expenses to mine—the kind of money with which could vastly expand our getting energy from the sun, the winds and other clean, safe, renewable sources. But oil companies, being oil companies, are fixed on their product.

Karl Grossman, professor of journalism at the State University of New York/College at Old Westbury, has focused on investigative reporting on energy and environmental issues for more than 40 years. He is the host of the nationally-aired TV program Enviro Close-Up (www.envirovideo.com) and the author of numerous books.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Orwell is alive and well in Canada


OK, I just sent a rant about right wing radio - how about a rant about public radio - which wingers love to portray as "pinko commie" lefty nonsense - yes, various wingnuts from Michael Savage to my friend use these outdated insults. Don't they know those insults are, like, so five minutes ago?  You have to keep current with the slander if you want people to take you seriously. You get nowhere calling somebody a Christian, or a Jew, or a Hun, or a Visigoth, or a pinko commie. "Terrorist" or "Child Molester" still work.  If there are any wingnuts lurking on this list, a little helpful advice.

But anyway, public radio, here in Canada as in the US, only looks left because there's no real left to expose it for what it is - center right. It used to be center left, but I've heard the CBC chasing NPR to the right.  There's still some good programming (and I recommend it from time to time, but it's like the prize in crackerjacks, you have to look for it.

OK, so there was this local program, and the guest was advocating all children should participate in compulsory public service.  The Orwellian aspect was they were calling it "Mandatory Volunteering."

Now you can debate whether its a good idea to force kids to do this (my wife reports it was a big part of the program in her highly idealistic progressive high school, and it didn't seem to leave any lasting impact on the students who participated) but to introduce the oxymoronic phrase "mandatory volunteering" into the debate frankly stupefied me. Can people really not understand that it's not voluntary if it's mandatory?

There was almost total consensus from caller after caller - what a great idea this was. Then one caller suggested that it should be called "slavery."  After all, if working for a living is wage slavery, this is the same thing without the wage, so until somebody can convince him he's wrong, that's what he's going to call it.

The program host openly laughed at him, in a manner that made it clear that we're dealing with the mentally ill fringe element here, and they went right back into the discussion as if he'd never called. Because it was impossible for them to respond to what he said, so just ignore it.


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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Rant about wingnuts.


It's good to listen to what the right wingers are saying, it softens my dismay at liberals a bit. 

I've been listening to right wing talk radio a bit lately, as a friend of mine has a show, and he's been playing some of my stunt music remixes.  I'd be happy to be be played on left wing radio or college radio, but I take exposure where I can get it.

But I really can't listen for very long at a stretch, it's just one long unbroken screed of lies, deception, and ignorance.  You can't turn it on and listen for 5 minutes without being overwhelmed by the hate and stupidity.  Just one example:  Rusty Humphries, some nationally syndicated (don't ask me why, its not because he's excellent) commentator, was saying you can't go anywhere in the world without documents on you, like Arizona is just catching up with the rest of the fascist world out there with their new South African style law.

I sent an email to my friend: 

"Rusty Humphies was just plain wrong. It's never occurred to me to bring my passport with me when I go out anywhere in Brazil, or Botswana (or Canada!), or anywhere in Europe.  Sure, you show your passport at the border (except in the EU, where once you're in, you're in, you can cross borders freely). I just leave my passport back in my hotel room and move about freely, I've never looked over my shoulder or worried about it all, and I've never been hassled anywhere. I thought I was a pretty paranoid guy, but I guess I'm pretty calm compared to conservative talk radio hosts, and the US government.

In part, Americans aren't aware of their eroding freedoms because they don't get out enough.

There's billions of people in the world, and all the smart ones and all the good ideas are not contained in one part of North America."

He brought up my email on the air today to mock me.  Facts mean nothing to these people.  They took it to heart when the demented Reagan said "Facts are Stupid Things."  Just ignore the facts and press on with the ignorance, by all means.

And whatever you do, don't notice that there is freedom and prosperity, and health, and love and all the good things we cherish in many, many places in the world... even as it's being leached out of the system in the US by both branches of the business party.

My wife grew up in South Africa. Carrying documentation on you at all times was a fact of life there. Of course, only some people had to show the documentation. Isn't this what they want in Arizona?  Who needs that?  Of course, Reagan loved the apartheid regime in South Africa, maybe the wingers really do think this is a good thing.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

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Monday, April 26, 2010

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Stephen Hawking says "Galactus is coming!"


Stephen Hawking warns against contacting aliens over invasion fears

By Martin Fricker 26/04/2010

Scientist Stephen Hawking fears aliens in giant spaceships may one day terrorise earth.

The physicist said extraterrestrials almost certainly exist on other planets.

Professor Hawking, 68, an expert on the universe who wrote A Brief History of Time, warns that jealous aliens could one day want to steal Earth's resources.

And, in a scenario similar to Hollywood blockbuster movie Independence Day, he fears contact with them might be catastrophic.

He said: "We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet.

"I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.

"If aliens ever visit us, I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans." He makes the warnings in a new TV series highlighting his thoughts on big mysteries of the universe.

Prof Hawking says aliens probably will not just exist on planets or be roaming through space but will also live in the centre of stars.

He said with 100 billion galaxies, each with hundreds of millions of stars, Earth is highly unlikely to be the only planet with life: "The numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," he said. "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might be like."

Prof Hawking believes most of them will be the equivalent of microbes or simple animals.

In his Discovery Channel documentary, two-legged herbivores are dramatically picked off by flying, yellow lizard-like predators.

And fluorescent aquatic animals form vast shoals in the oceans of a moon orbiting Jupiter.

Prof Hawking, who is almost completely paralysed by a form of muscular dystrophy and who communicates through a voice synthesiser, concludes that contact with aliens is "a little too risky".

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.  

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