I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, January 28, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Your Last Issue Of Rolling Stone - thank god!


I got a free subscription, and I still couldn't bring myself to read the swill.  Glad to know things will go bac to normal, when I just have to avoid it in stores, instead of in my mailbox, and my home!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ROLLING STONE <accounts@rollingstone.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Your Last Issue Of Rolling Stone
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Rolling Stone LAST ISSUE ALERT! Receive  3 FREE Issues for Renewing Online Now


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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Useless Flavorwire site


I tried multiple times to post on this page:


But it never stuck, the closest I could get was this:

Matt Love • January 25th, 2011 at 10:32 pm

Look, Flavorwire, why hasn't my post shown up? Was it too embarrassing to you that you overlooked Blood Paradise, and three of their songs are better than anything on this list?

so I tried again (following) but still nothing. What are they afraid of?  Why won't they publish the links? Are they part of the vast conspiracy, to hold down Blood Paradise and advance that wife of a billionaire MIA?  Thanks to my blog, my free speech rights aren't totally abridged.  Listen to the music, and make up your own mind, while you still can!


well, flavorwire, you posted my post about my post, so I'll try again.  I don't think Blood Paradise would really want to be on your list, as you are really kind of snarky and dismissive about the whole idea of politically relevant music (you seem to prefer it when young men with long hair moan inarticulately about having problems) but if your site was any good, they'd be on it. I present, in all it's glory, my original post:

Blood Paradise is obviously the best protest group of the 21st century, responsible for no less than 3 classic protest anthems, Matt Bob sez check em out:
The Christmas Bush - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=772103
The Golden Age of Beer - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=1139075
California Uber Alles 2004 - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=708752

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

Posted By A Typical Matt Love to It's All About Me, Man at 1/27/2011 08:42:00 AM

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Useless Flavorwire site


I tried multiple times to post on this page:


But it never stuck, the closest I could get was this:

Matt Love • January 25th, 2011 at 10:32 pm

Look, Flavorwire, why hasn't my post shown up? Was it too embarrassing to you that you overlooked Blood Paradise, and three of their songs are better than anything on this list?

so I tried again (following) but still nothing. What are they afraid of?  Why won't they publish the links? Are they part of the vast conspiracy, to hold down Blood Paradise and advance that wife of a billionaire MIA?  Thanks to my blog, my free speech rights aren't totally abridged.  Listen to the music, and make up your own mind, while you still can!


well, flavorwire, you posted my post about my post, so I'll try again.  I don't think Blood Paradise would really want to be on your list, as you are really kind of snarky and dismissive about the whole idea of politically relevant music (you seem to prefer it when young men with long hair moan inarticulately about having problems) but if your site was any good, they'd be on it. I present, in all it's glory, my original post:

Blood Paradise is obviously the best protest group of the 21st century, responsible for no less than 3 classic protest anthems, Matt Bob sez check em out:
The Christmas Bush - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=772103
The Golden Age of Beer - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=1139075
California Uber Alles 2004 - http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=708752

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Announcing Roadmap to Progress: A State of the Union Event


Hey Sam,

Thanks for the update. I've been very discouraged about the 3rd Bush term that we're (barely) surviving - it looks like Obama is preparing to dismantle crucial parts of the country in ways that Bush failed to, just as Clinton won major battles in the war on poor people and labor that Reagan lost (see, for example, Mike Whitney's article "the most business friendly president ever?" at http://counterpunch.org/whitney01242011.html)

Anyway, if your hiphop and environmental people have any ideas about how we can stop the current Republican president from dismantling our social security safety net and business regulation (as well as continuing his war on world stability, the environment, and most everything that we care about, it seems) and how we can elect somebody who's really going to look out for the people (like McKinney, Nader, or Kucinich) I'll be there!


PS Tell Sean Gardner that it's not very damn likely he has a better record collection than I do.  I'll put my record collection up against his any time.

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Sam Patton, the League of Young Voters Education Fund <online@youngvoter.org> wrote:
The League of Young Voters Education Fund
Join the Conversation on Facebook

Hi Matt. As the country looks forward to President Obama's State of the Union Address tomorrow, the League is ready to join the conversation with our most exciting online party yet: Roadmap to Progress: The 2011 State of the Union (#BarackTalk on Twitter). Tomorrow night at 8:15pm, the League will broadcast live from the New Organizing Institute's headquarters in D.C., where we've assembled a panel of cultural and political leaders - including Chuck Creekmur, the founder of AllHipHop.com, and Jessy Tolkan, environmental movement guru - to discuss the President's Speech before it happens and come back after the fact for an open dialog about the next two years of politics. With your help, we can make this the kickoff of our 2011 and 2012 organizing.

This is our chance to contextualize modern political discourse for the Millennial Generation and start talking about the 2012 Presidential Election right now. Tomorrow, Obama addresses the Nation. And we would love to have you involved in our online watch party. 36 Hours Out, still so much to do:

  1. RSVP on Facebook and let us know you'll be there.
  2. Catch Biko @ 3:30 Eastern this afternoon on MSNBC, where he'll be promoting Roadmap to Progress with Chuck Creekmur from AllHipHop.
  3. Participate tomorrow night at youngvoterlive.com and #BarackTalk on Twitter.
  4. In D.C.? RSVP for our afterparty, hosted by Rock the Vote!

From Texas to Maine, California to Brooklyn, the League of Young Voters Education Fund is ready to make 2011 our biggest year of volunteer based activism and artistic organizing yet. We are honored to have you involved and hope you'll celebrate our great Union together, tomorrow.


Sam Patton

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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