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Thursday, April 03, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Bom Dia to all Waiters, Punk Rock Girls, and assorted friends and fellow travelers!

Como vai sua tia?

I have to confess that I had ideas (big ideas) about how when those videos of the Waiters songs went up on YouTube, that they would be viewed hundreds and thousands of times… I was disappointed that after a fair amount of interest the first several days, the views slowed way down… while there was steady interest in some songs, others were hardly getting any views at all.  While I am very proud of all these songs, and wish they all were getting lots of listens, I am not sad that Watermelon Sugar was slowly pulling away from the rest of the songs… but then something quite interesting started happening a week ago… the number of views for this song was going up faster and faster, and now it's been viewed 3 times as often as Christmas Lights, and 13 times as often as "Espresso Bars."


views today

total views one month ago

Watermelon Sugar



Christmas Lights (Luzes de Natal)



Back In The Day



Cast a Shadow



I Got Ideas



Take A Walk To The Smithfield



Plan 13 from Outer Space



The Ugly American



The Beach (originally 'Pôr dos sóis')



Teenage Punk Rocker In Love



Absence (originally 'Tata')



Indie Rock Royalty



A Nation of Espresso Bars



I don't know if it's one person obsessively viewing it over and over again (up to 13 times an hour) or if an influential person mentioned it on their blog or something, but it's just doing great, and I hope it continues!  The momentum may eventually lead to all those rock star things I've always wanted – a private jet, a Ranch in Mogi das Cruzes (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2hPYEUWMp3Y), and all the microwave popcorn I can eat.

Today Watermelon Sugar became my 2nd most watched vid, passing my instructional video, "How to Play Blues Guitar Like Blind Kiwi Fillmore" (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=NirezTQT8Rw) which took a year to reach 287 views!

The only vid I have up that has more views is my video on the physics and metaphysics of spork use and misuse (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=v6BJLFDvrI0).  It took a year to reach 523 views, so it will no doubt soon be passed, too.

I've put up a new vid by by my new band, The Mere Mortals, featuring my niece, Tara, age 8. This particular song is in my new Guitar Hero III (tm) inspired style. It's called "Pan Tara" (like Pantera, only spelled differently, and two words instead of one, but otherwise like that).

If you have time, check it out at: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=w_q4O7UIPQM

I think you will agree that she seriously shreds.

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Bush Administration Announces Capture of Bin Laden

Bush Administration Announces Capture of Bin Laden


by neuroscott     Page 1 of 1 page(s)


(AP) – April 1st 2008 -- Breaking News

In a stunning development, the White House announced today the capture of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden. The apprehension of the world's most wanted terrorist marks an extraordinary reversal for the Bush administration, which has drawn considerable flack over its handling of the war on terror, the economy, and the conflict in Iraq. Supporters of President Bush are hailing the capture as a "masterstroke." And new details are emerging that are sure to change the perception Americans have of their president, who has endured historically low approval ratings while being maligned by critics as an "incompetent bungler."

Bush's image is certain to change as White House officials are confirming that the President personally commanded the Special Forces team that tracked bin Laden to his mountain lair, and then executed the daring daylight raid that captured the notorious evil doer. Indeed, in perhaps the most extraordinary twist of this amazing turn of events, it has been established that the "President Bush" who has governed in Washington since September 29th, 2001 – the president Americans have come to loath, despise, and revile – is actually a double. In fact, while Bush's stand-in was donning a flight suit, bungling Katrina, and mishandling Iraq the real President Bush has been doggedly leading a crack team of Green Berets as they tracked the most notorious terrorist through some of the challenging and treacherous mountain biking terrain in the world.

Harry Smitten Jr., the versatile character actor who impersonated a seemingly hapless President Bush – "the role of a lifetime," as he described it – bore such a close physical resemblance to the actual President Bush that not even the First Lady noticed the difference. Indeed, the ruse was so top-secret the president's father, George H.W. Bush, wasn't privy to the deception either. "He seemed a little clueless when it came to fly-fishing, golf, and horseshoes," the elder Bush confessed. "Heck, I can't tell you how many times he poked me in the eye with his fishing pole, shanked a drive, or drove into a ditch with the golf cart. "But I chalked it up to the immense pressures of being Commander-in-Chief. Gosh dang if this whole thing doesn't put a lump in a dad's throat. God bless my boy. And God bless America, now that we don't have to worry about Obama anymore"

Grainy video of bin Laden's capture quickly made it on to Youtube, providing incontrovertible proof of Bush's success in bringing America's most wanted fugitive to justice. The clip, which has already attracted nearly as many viewers as Brittany Spears' latest breakdown, shows the real President Bush in combat fatigues single-handedly wrestling bin Laden to the ground in a dank cave. A spokesperson for al-Qaeda confirmed the authenticity of the video, but accused Bush of using an "illegal chokehold." An administration official disagreed, insisting that the chokehold was legal in both the WWF and the UFC. The official later released a secret Justice Department memo, signed by former Attorney General Gonzales, which officially scrapped the Marquis of Queensbury rules that govern hand-to-hand combat involving a head of state and enemy combatants. Gonzales dismissed the Marquis of Queensbury rules as "quaint" in signing off in favor of the no-holds barred "rules" associated with ex-cons using mixed martial arts in cage fighting as seen on Pay Per View.

The dramatic circumstances surroundings bin Laden's capture is certain to alter the political landscape. Already, Hillary is ducking for cover and Obama is taking legal steps to have his name changed to Michael Jackson. Not surprisingly, Bush's approval ratings have soared and the Dow Jones greeted the news by rising 1,200 points minutes after Martha Stewart rang the opening bell on Wall Street. "This is the end of the Bush Recession," quipped one market analyst, who predicted that paper gains in the stock market would soon wipe out losses in the housing market. Likewise, military experts now foresee a quick resolution to the situation Iraq as Al Sadr, the Sunni insurgents, the Shiite militias, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recognize that they are no longer up against the most incompetent military commander since George Armstrong Custer.

Presidential scholars, too, are marveling at the stunning turnaround in Bush's reputation. As historian Doris Kearns Goodwin put it, "Here's a guy who looked for all the world like the biggest loser in American presidential history, but then suddenly the country realizes we've witnessed one of the most audacious cover-ups and successful character reversals that ever played out on the world stage. George W. Bush is certain to go down in history as one of the boldest, most creative, and beloved presidents in American history." And what does Harry Smitten Jr., the actor who played his part to perfection as a bumbling boob of a president have to say about his role in all of this? Mr. Smitten didn't have any immediate comment, except to wish everyone a happy April Fool's Day

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] mattlove1 sent you a video!

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Rowenta Extreme Ironing Massachusetts

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Finally, an extreme sport that deserves the name. Combines high altitude and stunt thrills with the pure terror that is ironing.

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Monday, March 31, 2008

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [Bizarro_UltraZine] John McCain

Since Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos aren't available, I guess they'll have to do. I'm sure they'll be very cute and totalitarian together.

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 4:20 PM, <kdhaisch@aol.com> wrote:

Latest news...
John McCain is running for President--
and he's going to pick Condoleezza Rice
as his running mate!
well, more like "latest gossip"

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: [IowaForRickReed] Re: Med pharmaceutical stock at clearance prices

I leave the penis enlargement for people with that problem.

If you have the same problem as me, I recommend this product:


Your wife will thank you for it. She already thanked me.

On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Rick REED RxR <arexar4@yahoo.com> wrote:

The site you featured took me to a penis
enlargement site, nothing to do with boobs.

Eiether way..
been married three times,
had mutiple wives
a bigamist
and I am not even Morman or been to Wyoming..

so...not really interested in
larger boobs or larger penis.

It's hell as it is.

ThanX anyway.

In IowaForRickReed@yahoogroups.com, "mseve Leon" <painottu1992@...>
> Britney reveals all about her boob job
> Deliver intense, incredible pleasure to your woman the right way.

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Sunday, March 30, 2008

mattlove1 sent you a video!

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Last day At Wenatchee WA

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When I was growing up in that backwards little redneck town, only one language was spoken. Here's evidence that the town is growing up and joining the rest of the planet. Right on!

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