I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: from Sen. Maria Cantwell

For the past six years the Bush administration has waged a war on everything that reasonable people hold dear.  For the past six years, Maria Cantwell has enthusiastically supported him in waging that war, on almost every front.  She has not joined him in his war on the environment, but that is not enough to placate me.

We obviously cannot support the Real Networks millionaires Republican opponent, SAFECO millionaire CEO Mike McGavick.  He is the lap poodle of U.S. Senator Theodore "Ted" Stevens (R-AK).

I'll most likely be voting for Aaron Dixon, a community activist and co-founder of the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party, announced earlier this week that he would challenge Sen. Maria Cantwell on the Green Party ticket…

Sure the Green Party (especially in this state) are reflexively flaky, and incapable of governing anything, but running as he is against two Republicans, I think he's a reasonable choice.  As far as I can tell, Cantwell is one of those establishment Dems that Molly Ivins (quite correctly) says must go.

My editorial comments concluded, I now will let the undistinguished Senator Cantwell speak for herself:

          For the past six years the Bush administration has waged a war on
the environment. Cloaked in Orwellian names such as "Clear Skies" and "Healthy
Forests," George Bush has slowly undone thirty years of environmental
protections. Now he is at it again.

          George Bush has reversed existing protections and is opening over
58 million acres of untouched forests across the United States to development.
Only by working together can we stop this destruction of this national
treasure. For the past six years the Beltway chattering class has declared that the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would be opened to drilling. And every year,
against all odds, we beat them back. Now, they are re-directing their
environmental attacks towards our national forests. And we must beat them back again.

          Last Thursday, I introduced the Roadless Area Conservation Act of
2006. This bill would block the Bush administration's attempts to open these 58
million acres of pristine, roadless forest by permanently protecting them
against logging and road building. Not only would this Bush plan rob future
generations, but it would irreparably harm fish and wildlife habitats.

          Now I need to show the administration and other senators that the
American people do not support destroying our forestland for a corporate
giveaway. This week, I will be asking my fellow senators to cosponsor the
legislation and today I ask you to join me as a citizen co-sponsor of the Roadless Area
Conservation Act:

          Sign as a Citizen Co-Sponsor now

          As with so many other policies, the Bush administration's attempt
to give away 58 million acres is a payoff to their special interest
contributors and an egregious abuse of power. Once again they are seeking a tiny short
term financial gain for special interests without any thought of the
consequences to the American people. We have a real chance to demonstrate to Congress,
Beltway pundits, and special interests that would destroy the environment that
we will not stand by and do nothing.

          Next week while I ask senators to cosponsor this bill, please ask
your friends and family to become citizen co-sponsors by visiting:


          If each of you can get five additional friends and family members
to support the legislation, we will send a loud message to the Senate
leadership and the Republican special interests. I will send you an update on both
Senate and citizen co-sponsors next week.

          Thank you,

          Maria Cantwell

Holy land tour Holy basil Holy land
Holy bible Holy land gifts Holy water


More news (can your heart stand the shocking facts?)

It's been an astonishingly productive couple of days here at the International House of Can Yo' Ass Dig It. In addition to getting The Mousetrap Project music site and discussion group up and running, and the creation of the lovely first hymn of the Orthodox Mystic Knights of the Easter Bunny, 4 new songs have been posted to the Pseudojandek page at soundclick ( http://www.soundclick.com/pseudojandek)

These songs were necessarily recorded recently, but they have never been heard by the hoards (both of them) of clamering Pseudojandek fans. Not one, but two follow ups to the almost-a-standard Jazzy Janky I, as well as the long awaited "Wanky Janky" and of course, the so beautiful it makes your kidneys hurt, "Good News For Modern Janky."

So check them out, you'll be glad you did!

Electronica : Dance download free mp3 mp3  play lo-fi lo-fi  play hi-fi hi-fi 
Jazzy Janky II
I continue in the Key of J 
 tell-a-friend   add to my.SoundClick   vote: hot flop     license   lyrics/story
 album:Dying To Meet You   ©The Big O  MP3: 3.0MB  

Electronica : Dance download free mp3 mp3  play lo-fi lo-fi  play hi-fi hi-fi 
Jazzy Janky III
Oh, you will like this one. It's better than baked beans 
 tell-a-friend   add to my.SoundClick   vote: hot flop     license   lyrics/story
 album:Dying To Meet You   ©The Big O  MP3: 1.7MB  

Electronica : Dance download free mp3 mp3  play lo-fi lo-fi  play hi-fi hi-fi 
Wanky Janky
what if Varese and Flavell and Jandek jammed? 
 tell-a-friend   add to my.SoundClick   vote: hot flop     license   lyrics/story
 album:Dying To Meet You   ©The Big O  MP3: 3.4MB  

Electronica : Dance download free mp3 mp3  play lo-fi lo-fi  play hi-fi hi-fi 
Good News For Modern Janky
It's very very beautiful 
 tell-a-friend   add to my.SoundClick   vote: hot flop     license   lyrics/story
 album:Dying To Meet You   ©The Big O  MP3: 3.6MB  

Orthodox Mystic Knights of the Easter Bunny church news

While The Orthodox Mystic Knights of the Easter Bunny struggles with
issues such as lower than desired subscription levels (we used to have
4 members, but since two of my personalities merged now we only have
3), there are healthy developments elsewhere.

The Grand Ayatollah Gleaming Skull and the Archbishop of Australia the
Reverend Doctor Spider-Man have composed a wonderful anthem for the

GA sez check it out at:


We hope to have many more wonderful tunes to sing. Remember, you don't
need to sing official songs, you can sing whateva you want, we don't
care. but they will be there if you want them.

Mousetrap Project is on the map!

I put the songs that comprise The Mousetrap Project up at Soundclick
(www.soundclick.com/TheMousetrapProject) and it's already a big hit!

Check out these stats:

Charts: Only your strongest songs appear in the charts.

Currently in the daily charts:

main genres:
· #1398 in the Rock charts
· #155 in the Punk sub charts

only in sub genres:
Why Don't You Want To Be The Cat:
· #265 in the Acoustic : Cover Songs sub charts

It's only been up since yesterday, and already 2 songs are charting!
The page has been hit 40 times!

I have more songs to record - the future is bright! Join The
Mousetrap Project yahoo group by sending an e-mail to

My solume promise to you: The Mousetrap Project will bring you fast,
fast relief.

Friday, March 10, 2006

something involving a groundhog...

This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union Address fall
on the same day.

It is an ironic juxtaposition:

one involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of
little intelligence for prognostication,

and the other involves a groundhog.

With all that is happening in the world, Fox thinks THIS is important!

I'm surprised this story was on Fox and not on NPR (or locally on KUOW).  It is amazing to me how much of their programming they devote to food.  All that gushing about how one of their regulars hosted Martha Stewart, and what a delightful guest she was.  I wonder if they'd gush over the social grace of celebrity diners like Gary Ridgway or Slobodan Milosevic, too?

I've given up posting to this list or anywhere else about NPR because it's so hopeless. Every day just brings a torrent of cute, frivolous, misleading and just plain bad reporting.  I haven't been able to replace it entirely, but every time I listen, I get fed up and have to shut it off earlier.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steven McCabe < blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com >
Date: Mar 9, 2006 10:27 PM
Subject: [progressive] With all that is happening in the world, Fox thinks THIS is important!
To: "K. B." < KICKINGBIRD4@yahoo.com >

Fox News Grills Gonzales: "Are You, Sir, A Pie A La Mode Man?"

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has a central role in some very important issues: the domestic spying program, the Patriot Act, and violations by the FBI and DOJ lawyers .
Today, Fox News still found time to question Gonzales on an equally important subject — pies. Watch it:
    E.D. HILL: Ok. And finally, we were talking about this state pies. I don't believe Texas has one. Florida is changing from key lime to pecan pie –
    STEVE DOOCY: Yeah, maybe, it's a big debate.
    HILL: Now shouldn't Texas lay claim to the pecan pie?
    GONZALES: Oh, I'll tell you, I've eaten some great — both key lime pie and pecan pie in Texas.
    DOOCY: Are you a – if I can ask you a personal question – are you, sir, a pie a la mode man, do you prefer ice cream on the top or do you prefer whipped cream?
    GONZALES: I'm not a whipped cream fan. I like good old blue bell vanilla ice cream from Texas.
    HILL: The best. Ok, well, there's an answer — thank you.
    DOOCY: Alberto Gonzales, the attorney general of the United States and a confessed pie lover. http://www.thinkprogress.org/

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Yanni arrested for beating his girlfriend

    Maybe she let the "mood candles" burn out.

    Kerry to introduce line-item veto bill

    I am reeling from this news.  Kerry wants to give Bush MORE power?  What an asshole.
    Is he supporting articles of impeachment?

    On 3/6/06, Steven McCabe <blue_meanie_9@yahoo.com> wrote:
    Kerry to introduce line-item veto bill
    Published: March 6, 2006
       In a statement issued earlier today, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) announced not only his support of President Bush's request for a line-item veto power, but also plans to introduce legislation giving President Bush just such power.
    Kerry's plan would have a catch, though: The President's veto would then head to Congress for an up or down vote.
    "I'm going to introduce this legislation," Kerry said in a written statement, "Congress should immediately pass it, and I want to see President Bush use this veto pen to get tough on wasteful spending."
    Kerry points to $30 billion in spending that is never actually debated in Congress, but was attached to bills that, in their entirety, passed. "Billions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on things like research to enhance the flavor of roasted peanuts and the infamous 'bridge to nowhere.' We have the largest deficit in American history, and the guys in charge are acting like teenagers with a new credit card."
    Kerry concluded his announcement with a shot at Bush: "Let's hold the President's feet to the fire to make sure that a White House that has never once vetoed anything starts vetoing the incomprehensible waste coming out of this Congress." http://rawstory.com/news/2006/Kerry_to_introduce_lineitem_veto_bill_0306.html