I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

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Democracy is a form of religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.
- H.L. Mencken

jackal music for jackass people

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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] The old dodderer vs. the strutting punk

It's a nice thought... Reagan got out of Iran Contra because people
percieved him as an "endearingly doddering, if nothing-between-the
ears, sort of president," - "Poor dear, there's nothing between his
ears" Margaret Thatcher said about him in 1988, and Caligula won't
because he's "a strutting punk with a murderous streak whose fratboy
smirk has lost its charm."

Nice turn of phrase. Hope it's true.

November 29, 2005

"Who Will Rid Me of My Meddlesome Cabinet?"
Bush the Dupe?

I read in the Drudge Report that Bush "has become isolated and feels
betrayed by key officials." Maybe Cheney and his neocon protégés are
really in the dog house these days. The report asserts that "Mr. Bush
maintains daily contact with only four people: first lady Laura Bush,
his mother, Barbara Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and
Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes."

I read too on Capitol Hill Blue news service that presidential aides
have become increasingly concerned about Bush's "short temper and
tirades," directed especially at anyone who questions his war and his
honesty. But he's also been exploding in cabinet meetings at his
subordinates. Angry at his enemies, angry at his friends, he may be
under stress and returning to his youthful habits. Check out this
video clip (http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/11/13.html#a5842) of
his appearance at Jerry Kilgore's campaign rally in Virginia awhile

No further comment on that clip, but I'm just wondering. Might the
president be feeling so messed up on account of him feeling himself,
you know----duped? Big time?

The president is of course not the most intelligent man to ever occupy
the Oval Office. In debates or news conferences, in any unrehearsed
unscripted situation, he is inarticulate, repetitious, incoherent,
unfocused, lost, fourth-grade, apparently brain-fried. He famously
avoids reading newspapers, has a poor memory for details, is unable to
grasp nuance, mistrusts science and embraces religious fundamentalism.
On the other hand, he is surrounded by people who are highly
intelligent and sophisticated, and he has been uncommonly dependent
upon them---especially Cheney and his neocon Machiavellian amoral
warmongering staff.

Quite likely, the latter think of Bush the way Margaret Thatcher
thought about Ronald Reagan. ("Poor dear," she remarked in 1988,
"there's nothing between his ears.") But just as Thatcher found in the
Gipper a staunch friend and ally, Bush's advisors may see in Dubya the
perfect front man for their world-changing agenda. He doesn't know
much about foreign countries, won't ask many questions, loves Israel
as a matter of principle, thinks its existence fulfills Bible
prophecy. The perfect patsy to get to say, "I know Ariel Sharon is a
man of peace," "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities
of uranium from Africa," "Iraq has also provided al-Qaeda with
chemical and biological weapons training," "We found the weapons of
mass destruction. We found biological laboratories" and other such
suckered nonsense.

But now, the majority of Americans think Bush's dishonest. 58% of
those polled question his integrity. Maybe that explains the reported
rages in cabinet meetings. Of course it's possible that Bush was in on
the lies all along, as I've pretty much assumed to date. But maybe
not. Maybe he really believed what he was told to say by trusted staff
members, and has only gradually come to ask, "How'd they dare make me
say all that bullshit, that makes me look like a liar?"

Cheney is out lecturing reliable neocon-friendly audiences that it's
"dishonest and reprehensible" for anyone to suggest that any member
the Bush administration "purposely misled the American people" before
the war. It's a perfectly natural self-defense mechanism for the vice
president---whom only 29% of Americans think honest at this point
because he himself indeed purposely mislead the American people before
the war---to bark in that fashion. Meanwhile, wouldn't it be nice for
Bush to have the following conversation with his trusted spouse?

Laura: I was at the library today, reading this book about Leo Strauss.

Dubya: Who's that?

Laura: He's a philosopher who had an impact on Wolfowitz, Libby,
Feith, Perle, Wurmserthose guys.

Dubya: Ok.

Laura: He divides society into three groups. The wise, the gentlemen,
and the masses. He thinks most people are pretty dumb and need the
wise to lead them.

Dubya: Well that makes sense.

Laura: The Wolfowitz-Perle guys think they're the wise ones. And they
think you're a gentleman.

Dubya: I won't argue with that.

Laura: And the function of the gentleman is to convince the masses to
support the decisions of the wise.

Dubya (exploding): Goddam it, look, nobody had to persuade me to go to
war on Iraq! I wanted to myself!

Laura: Yes dear, I know you did. But these wise guys used what Strauss
called "noble lies."

Dubya: Whadya mean?

Laura: Well, they think that if you said the truth---that we want to
invade Iraq because of the oil, and for bases, and to make it a friend
of Israel---people wouldn't agree with it. So instead, they said Iraq
might stage a nuclear attack on New York, and they got you to say
things about Niger uranium and centrifuges and mobile labs that just
weren't true. So most people supported the war.

Dubya: Dick let them make me say that?

Laura: Yes, dear. Remember when you started saying that there was no
evidence for a connection between bin Laden and Saddam?

Dubya: Yes.

Laura: But Dick kept saying it was true?

Dubya: I didn't notice.

Laura: Well he's been repeating the same thing over and over again. He
thinks it's completely right to say whatever it takes to get people to
want to conquer the Middle East.

Dubya: So now people think I'm a liar.

Laura: Yes, dear. As these investigations move forward I'm just afraid
more and more folks might think that way.

Dubya: What can I do?

[Indeed, how does he get out of this mess? I think of Ronald Reagan,
who finessed his way out of the Iran-Contra scandal by explaining that
he wasn't a hands-on manager but rather delegated responsibility to
trusted subordinates who let him down. Many believed and forgave him.
But he was for many an endearingly doddering, if nothing-between-the
ears, sort of president, and this one's a strutting punk with a
murderous streak whose fratboy smirk has lost its charm. And an
arms-for-hostages deal is nothing next to a bloody unwinnable war
based on lies.]

Laura: You could give a speech, and confess the truth, say you made a
mistake because of bad advice.

Dubya: But they're all in on it! All of them used me, made fun of me!
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Wolfowitz, Feith

Laura: They abused your trust, yes.

Dubya: Damn them all! Who can I trust?

In this coterie of women around the lonely president, Rice holds the
greatest power. While a team-player, willing to use the "mushroom
cloud" imagery concocted by the White House Iraq Group in September
2002 and to promote the centrifuges lie at the same time, Rice is not
a neocon ideologue. She may wish to rein the crazies in. She's stated
specifically that the U.S. seeks "policy change" rather than "regime
change" in Syria, and that she will hold John Bolton, neocon
ambassador to the UN and big-time disseminator of disinformation, "on
a short leash."

Maybe she and the other ladies should do the same for Dubya. Handcuff
him to the bed for a few days, for godsakes. Tell people he's choked
on a pretzel, fainted again, and needs rest. Do NOT let Dick Cheney
near him, lest he curse the man out so that the veep in turn lashes
out wildly at Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy again. Do NOT let Rev.
Franklin Graham in the room, lest he be shocked at Dubya's slurred and
ungodlike speech. Do NOT let Patrick Fitzgerald get anywhere near the
man until the wild glint disappears from his eyes, the impish grin
disappears from his lips, the tell-tale tongue-in-jowl dry-mouth
symptoms fade and he's ready to identify just one teeny-tiny mistake
he's made in his presidency. Bring in almost Supreme Court justice
Harriet Miers, and station her at the bedside, repeating, "You're not
a dupe, not a dupe, not a dupe. You're the most brilliant man I've
ever met!" He'll like that.

But what if he was used, unwittingly, his callous cruel arrogant
nature exploited by those who really are Evil Incarnate, and who are
going to make him go down in the "History" he alternately validates
and despises as the worst and stupidest president ever? How painful
for the spoiled brat, who as Texas governor mocked a born-again
Christian death-row inmate, pursing his lips to the camera in mock
desperation cracking that she'd pleaded, "Please, don't kill me!"
before he happily decreed her death. How painful for a child of
privilege accustomed to abusing everybody else to wake up and discover
he's been had by people far more aware and intelligent than him.

Isolated and betrayed, this most powerful of men. May he withdraw
further into himself, and those divine voices in his head telling him
"Smite! Smite!" as out in the real world the crimes of his
administration become more and more clear.

Gary Leupp is Professor of History at Tufts University, and Adjunct
Professor of Comparative Religion. He is the author of Servants,
Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa Japan; Male
Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and
Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women,
1543-1900. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's merciless
chronicle of the wars on Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Imperial

He can be reached at: gleupp@granite.tufts.edu

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Monday, November 28, 2005

[CanYoAssDigIt] The conservative position on Bush: Flip Flop! Flip Flop! Flip Flop!

November 28, 2005

The Detainees are Props in the Terror Game
The Grave Threat of the Bush Administration

According to news reports, at a US Naval Academy speech on Wednesday,
President Bush will announce plans for withdrawing US troops from
Iraq. It will be diverting to watch the propagandists at Fox "news"
flip-flop with the White House line and explain that now is the time
to cut and run after all.

A month ago the administration's line was that cutting and running was
the dastardly act of cowards and traitors who would abandon our troops
and all they have fought for. A month ago senior US commanders in Iraq
said that the US-trained new Iraqi army only had 700 troops who could
operate independently of US support.

Now suddenly the new Iraq has the troops to do the job and America's
soldiers can come home. What this means is that Republican pollsters
have made it clear that the Republicans cannot win next year's
congressional elections if the US is still mired in Iraq. The war is
unpopular. A large majority of Americans do not believe the war was
justified, and they no longer support it. Republicans have no prospect
of rehabilitating Bush if he keeps the country bogged down in a
pointless war.

The war, in other words, no longer serves the Republicans' political
interest and must be got rid of. So much for "staying the course."

What will happen to Iraq and the Middle East no one knows. Our
concerns need to be directed at what happens here in the US. Bush's
war against Iraq might be over, but the police state Bush built at
home is still in place.

On November 27 Walter Pincus reported in the Washington Post that the
Pentagon is expanding its domestic surveillance activity and that all
sorts of proposals are afoot to allow military agencies to spy on
law-abiding Americans and to build secret dossiers on citizens. The
demand for police state powers is said to be necessary in order to
fight the "war on terror."

Considering the drastic gestapo-type activities for which Washington
is clamoring, a person would think that America is being overwhelmed
by terrorist attacks. Yet, despite an aggressive and brutal war that
Bush has been waging in Iraq for going on three years, terrorist
attacks in America are even more rare than a honest politician. There
has not been a terror attack since September 11, 2001, more than four
years ago!

The Bush administration's hype about terrorism serves no purpose other
than to build a police state that is far more dangerous to Americans
than terrorists.

Ever since the "war on terror" was initiated by the Bush
administration, the US has been holding large numbers of "detainees."
By chance or the laws of probability, a few of these people might fit
some definition of "terrorist." The vast majority, however, are
innocents picked up in the equivalent of Stalin-era KGB street sweeps.
Many are hapless people sold by warlords to the US in order to receive
cash awards for turning in "terrorists."

Despite the large number of alleged "terrorists" or "enemy combatants"
that are being held, the Bush administration simply hasn't a shred of
evidence with which to bring "detainees" to trial.

If truth be known, the "detainees" are merely props for Bush's hype
about the "terrorist threat." The "detainees" were arrested in order
to make Americans feel safe and at ease with the police state.

Perhaps the most famous of the alleged terrorists, a man held for more
than three years, is the "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla. Padilla was the
"grave threat" who was going to set off a radioactive dirty bomb in a
US city.

The charge never made any sense. If al Qaeda had a dirty bomb, they
certainly would not entrust it to the loud-mouthed Padilla, who was
being followed around by FBI agents. Such a weapon would be kept
secret and entrusted only to the most competent and proven hands.
Who could possibly believe that top al Qaeda operatives would meet and
plot with Jose Padilla?

The Bush administration has itself given up its Padilla fantasy. After
three years of hype about this most dangerous of terrorists who
allegedly intended to kill large numbers of Americans, the
government's indictment doesn't mention dirty bombs or the murder of
Americans. Instead, Padilla is indicted for conspiring "to commit at
any place outside the United States acts that would constitute murder"
for the purpose of advancing "violent jihad." Padilla is also charged
with "conspiracy to provide material support for terrorists."

In other words, the government has no case against Padilla and is
putting him on trial in the US for conspiring to kill unidentified
foreigners in an effort to overthrow an unidentified foreign country.
His case is lumped in with a case against four other persons, one or
more of whom may have committed an actual crime that can be used to
tar them all.

Both the Attorney General and President of the United States branded
Padilla a "grave threat" to the lives of Americans. After three years
of this propaganda, all the US government can come up with is the
trumped up charge of conspiracy to kill foreigners and to provide
support for terrorists.

A police state has to catch enemies in order to keep the people
frightened and appreciative of the watchful eye of the police state.
Now that the Padilla case has evaporated, the Bush administration has
come up with a replacement. An American student of Arab descent, who
was studying at a Saudi Arabian university, has been indicted by a
federal grand jury for conspiracy to assassinate President Bush. The
indictment rests on the confession wrung out of the young man by
torture in a Saudi prison.

Does anyone really believe that al Qaeda leaders would conspire with
an American college student to assassinate President Bush? Indeed,
President Bush has been Osama bin Laden's greatest benefactor. Why
would al Qaeda want to kill the man who is doing them so much good?
Before Bush launched his war on terror and invaded Iraq, the vast
majority of Muslims thought bin Laden was a nut case and supported the
US. Today Muslims think Bush is a nut case and support bin Laden.

What kind of a country have we become when we put a citizen on trial
on the basis of a confession obtained under torture by a foreign
government? Is the case against this student anything other than an
attempt to enlist the sympathy factor for Bush in order to repair his
standing in the polls?

Americans need to understand that a police state has to produce
results in order to justify its budget and its powers. It doesn't
really care who it catches. Stalin's police state caught the wife of
Stalin's foreign minister in one of its street sweeps.

The Bush administration justifies torture and threatens to veto
congressional attempts to restrain its use. The Bush administration
justifies indefinite detention of American citizens without charges.
It asserts the power of indefinite detention based on its subjective
judgment about who is a threat. An American government that preaches
"freedom and democracy" to the world claims the powers of tyrants as
its own.

Americans need to wake up. The only danger to Americans in Iraq is the
one Bush created by invading the country. The grave threat that
Americans face is the Bush administration's police state mentality.

Paul Craig Roberts has held a number of academic appointments and has
contributed to numerous scholarly publications. He served as Assistant
Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. His graduate
economics education was at the University of Virginia, the University
of California at Berkeley, and Oxford University. He is coauthor of
The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

Democracy is a form of religion. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.
- H.L. Mencken

jackal music for jackass people

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