I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Friday, August 05, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Your Weekly Petition Update


Well, it's something, anyway

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From: Change.org <mail@change.org>
Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 9:04 AM
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To: mattlove1@gmail.com

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Patriots, Economic victims, people who believe in the rule of law: Join the campaign "Dump Obama in 2012, draft a competent progressive"
1 signature this week | 1 signature total
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99 signatures still needed to reach your goal of 100.
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Nobel Committee: Revoke Barack Obama's Peace Prize
0 signatures this week | 3 signatures total
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9999997 signatures still needed to reach your goal of 10000000.
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- The Change.org Team

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

Recent Activity:


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: Your 3rd petition has been created - Start promoting it today!


If anybody feels like devoting a few seconds to a meaningless, futile act of defiance that will accomplish nothing but might make you feel a little better for a few seconds in the midst of the ascendent police state and the economy descending into chaos (it worked for me) venture over to the Obama-campaign-founded Change.org and cast your vote!  If you agree with me that this is one small step in a perhaps impossible climb back to civilizatin, that is.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Change.org <mail@change.org>
Date: Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Your 3rd petition has been created - Start promoting it today!
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Congratulations on creating your 3rd petition: "Patriots, Economic victims, people who believe in the rule of law: Join the campaign "Dump Obama in 2012, draft a competent progressive""
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The most effective way to start recruiting signatures is to email your friends. A direct, personal note to people you know is the most powerful tool you have.

We've provided an example email below that you can customize or directly forward to your friends. If you want to use our email importer tool to send a message to many friends at the same time, click here.


I just created a petition entitled Patriots, Economic victims, people who believe in the rule of law: Join the campaign "Dump Obama in 2012, draft a competent progressive", because I care deeply about this very important issue.

I'm trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

It'll just take a minute!

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!


Looking for more ways to spread the word? Read our handy guide to promoting your petition on the web:

- The Change.org Team

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Recent Activity:


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] The end of a beautiful relationship


flossi buhmann: hey, what social networking sites are you a part of?

flossi buhmann: hey you, whats up
valis2001us: flossi
valis2001us: how are you? 
flossi buhmann: credit card is just to verify your age, it's like $1 for age verification thru my cam session invite since I'm a premium member
flossi buhmann: I'm great babe!! how about yourself?
valis2001us: do you mind if I call you dental flossi?
flossi buhmann is typing...
flossi buhmann: yup, then once your logged in just click Premium Live Cams on top right..i'm gonna slip into something nice for you..k?
valis2001us: wow, flossi, I just read something that makes my dick totally limp.  sorry, I can't perform knowing about all this crap:  http://counterpunch.org/turse08042011.html
valis2001us: read it and you'll see what I mean
valis2001us: Hey Flossi!
valis2001us: I just put our previous chat, including your private phone number, on my blog:  http://mattlove1.blogspot.com/ 
valis2001us: Does that excite you?
valis2001us: Does it make you want to take your clothes off on camera?
valis2001us: Hello?
valis2001us: Flossi?
valis2001us: Dental Flossi?
valis2001us: Don't you want to be my friend any more?

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

Recent Activity:


Thursday, August 04, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Important article


It just keeps getting worse and worse, don't it? I posted this link on Facebook, and the dialogue has already started. Talk about it while you still can!

Matt Love
The time is not far off (maybe its here) when anybody who wants a good life (or maybe a life, period) is just going to have to learn to shut the hell up about politics. Foolish me, I thought we were at war in 5 - 7 countries, turns out we're at war in 120 countries. Not only is it terrible what our government is doing in the world, and the retaliation they are inviting on us - what will they find for these psychos to do once they cycle out of their "service" and return to "civilian" life?

Nick Turse: The Pentagon's New Power Elite
America's Best Political Newsletter.
14 minutes ago ·

Steven Paige Streeter: it's terrible out there Matt. Feel like it's getting thinner every day. Hard to focus on anything without getting a migraine. The time is now to say ... well ... maybe our parents had it better. end of a cycle.

Steve Peters: ‎"they hate our freedom"

Matt Love: Wouldn't it be great if the American Empire ended sooner rather than later, and economic decline meant shrinking special ops to the size where you could drown it in the bathtub, and we could go about trying to peacefully rebuild our economy and republic? Anybody want to give odds on it playing out that way?

People are so indoctrinated, they think assassins are attractive adulterers like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.  They are mentally ill sociopaths like Charlie Manson, and the only good reason I can think of to not acknowledge this is if you're afraid you'll get on Obama's assassination list for it.


August 4, 2011

A Secret War in 120 Countries

The Pentagon's New Power Elite


Somewhere on this planet an American commando is carrying out a mission. Now, say that 70 times and you're done... for the day. Without the knowledge of the American public, a secret force within the U.S. military is undertaking operations in a majority of the world's countries. This new Pentagon power elite is waging a global war whose size and scope has never been revealed, until now.

After a U.S. Navy SEAL put a bullet in Osama bin Laden's chest and another in his head, one of the most secretive black-ops units in the American military suddenly found its mission in the public spotlight. It was atypical. While it's well known that U.S. Special Operations forces are deployed in the war zones of Afghanistan and Iraq, and it's increasingly apparent that such units operate in murkier conflict zones like Yemen and Somalia, the full extent of their worldwide war has remained deeply in the shadows.

Last year, Karen DeYoung and Greg Jaffe of the Washington Post reported that U.S. Special Operations forces were deployed in 75 countries, up from 60 at the end of the Bush presidency. By the end of this year, U.S. Special Operations Command spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told me, that number will likely reach 120. "We do a lot of traveling -- a lot more than Afghanistan or Iraq," he said recently. This global presence -- in about 60% of the world's nations and far larger than previously acknowledged -- provides striking new evidence of a rising clandestine Pentagon power elite waging a secret war in all corners of the world.

The Rise of the Military's Secret Military

Born of a failed 1980 raid to rescue American hostages in Iran, in which eight U.S. service members died, U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) was established in 1987. Having spent the post-Vietnam years distrusted and starved for money by the regular military, special operations forces suddenly had a single home, a stable budget, and a four-star commander as their turseadvocate. Since then, SOCOM has grown into a combined force of startling proportions. Made up of units from all the service branches, including the Army's "Green Berets" and Rangers, Navy SEALs, Air Force Air Commandos, and Marine Corps Special Operations teams, in addition to specialized helicopter crews, boat teams, civil affairs personnel, para-rescuemen, and even battlefield air-traffic controllers and special operations weathermen, SOCOM carries out the United States' most specialized and secret missions. These include assassinations, counterterrorist raids, long-range reconnaissance, intelligence analysis, foreign troop training, and weapons of mass destruction counter-proliferation operations.

One of its key components is the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, a clandestine sub-command whose primary mission is tracking and killing suspected terrorists. Reporting to the president and acting under his authority, JSOC maintains a global hit list that includes American citizens. It has been operating an extra-legal "kill/capture" campaign that John Nagl, a past counterinsurgency adviser to four-star general and soon-to-be CIA Director David Petraeus, calls "an almost industrial-scale counterterrorism killing machine."

This assassination program has been carried out by commando units like the Navy SEALs and the Army's Delta Force as well as via drone strikes as part of covert wars in which the CIA is also involved in countries like Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen. In addition, the command operates a network of secret prisons, perhaps as many as 20 black sites in Afghanistan alone, used for interrogating high-value targets.

Growth Industry

From a force of about 37,000 in the early 1990s, Special Operations Command personnel have grown to almost 60,000, about a third of whom are career members of SOCOM; the rest have other military occupational specialties, but periodically cycle through the command. Growth has been exponential since September 11, 2001, as SOCOM's baseline budget almost tripled from $2.3 billion to $6.3 billion. If you add in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has actually more than quadrupled to $9.8 billion in these years. Not surprisingly, the number of its personnel deployed abroad has also jumped four-fold. Further increases, and expanded operations, are on the horizon.

Lieutenant General Dennis Hejlik, the former head of the Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command -- the last of the service branches to be incorporated into SOCOM in 2006 -- indicated, for instance, that he foresees a doubling of his former unit of 2,600. "I see them as a force someday of about 5,000, like equivalent to the number of SEALs that we have on the battlefield. Between [5,000] and 6,000," he said at a June breakfast with defense reporters in Washington. Long-term plans already call for the force to increase by 1,000.

During his recent Senate confirmation hearings, Navy Vice Admiral William McRaven, the incoming SOCOM chief and outgoing head of JSOC (which he commanded during the bin Laden raid) endorsed a steady manpower growth rate of 3% to 5% a year, while also making a pitch for even more resources, including additional drones and the construction of new special operations facilities.

A former SEAL who still sometimes accompanies troops into the field, McRaven expressed a belief that, as conventional forces are drawn down in Afghanistan, special ops troops will take on an ever greater role. Iraq, he added, would benefit if elite U.S forces continued to conduct missions there past the December 2011 deadline for a total American troop withdrawal. He also assured the Senate Armed Services Committee that "as a former JSOC commander, I can tell you we were looking very hard at Yemen and at Somalia."

During a speech at the National Defense Industrial Association's annual Special Operations and Low-intensity Conflict Symposium earlier this year, Navy Admiral Eric Olson, the outgoing chief of Special Operations Command, pointed to a composite satellite image of the world at night. Before September 11, 2001, the lit portions of the planet -- mostly the industrialized nations of the global north -- were considered the key areas. "But the world changed over the last decade," he said. "Our strategic focus has shifted largely to the south... certainly within the special operations community, as we deal with the emerging threats from the places where the lights aren't."

To that end, Olson launched "Project Lawrence," an effort to increase cultural proficiencies -- like advanced language training and better knowledge of local history and customs -- for overseas operations. The program is, of course, named after the British officer, Thomas Edward Lawrence (better known as "Lawrence of Arabia"), who teamed up with Arab fighters to wage a guerrilla war in the Middle East during World War I. Mentioning Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mali, and Indonesia, Olson added that SOCOM now needed "Lawrences of Wherever."

While Olson made reference to only 51 countries of top concern to SOCOM, Col. Nye told me that on any given day, Special Operations forces are deployed in approximately 70 nations around the world. All of them, he hastened to add, at the request of the host government. According to testimony by Olson before the House Armed Services Committee earlier this year, approximately 85% of special operations troops deployed overseas are in 20 countries in the CENTCOM area of operations in the Greater Middle East: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. The others are scattered across the globe from South America to Southeast Asia, some in small numbers, others as larger contingents.

Special Operations Command won't disclose exactly which countries its forces operate in. "We're obviously going to have some places where it's not advantageous for us to list where we're at," says Nye. "Not all host nations want it known, for whatever reasons they have -- it may be internal, it may be regional."

But it's no secret (or at least a poorly kept one) that so-called black special operations troops, like the SEALs and Delta Force, are conducting kill/capture missions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Yemen, while "white" forces like the Green Berets and Rangers are training indigenous partners as part of a worldwide secret war against al-Qaeda and other militant groups. In the Philippines, for instance, the U.S. spends $50 million a year on a 600-person contingent of Army Special Operations forces, Navy Seals, Air Force special operators, and others that carries out counterterrorist operations with Filipino allies against insurgent groups like Jemaah Islamiyah and Abu Sayyaf.

Last year, as an analysis of SOCOM documents, open-source Pentagon information, and a database of Special Operations missions compiled by investigative journalist Tara McKelvey (for the Medill School of Journalism's National Security Journalism Initiative) reveals, America's most elite troops carried out joint-training exercises in Belize, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Germany, Indonesia, Mali, Norway, Panama, and Poland. So far in 2011, similar training missions have been conducted in the Dominican Republic, Jordan, Romania, Senegal, South Korea, and Thailand, among other nations. In reality, Nye told me, training actually went on in almost every nation where Special Operations forces are deployed. "Of the 120 countries we visit by the end of the year, I would say the vast majority are training exercises in one fashion or another. They would be classified as training exercises."

The Pentagon's Power Elite

Once the neglected stepchildren of the military establishment, Special Operations forces have been growing exponentially not just in size and budget, but also in power and influence. Since 2002, SOCOM has been authorized to create its own Joint Task Forces -- like Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines -- a prerogative normally limited to larger combatant commands like CENTCOM. This year, without much fanfare, SOCOM also established its own Joint Acquisition Task Force, a cadre of equipment designers and acquisition specialists.

With control over budgeting, training, and equipping its force, powers usually reserved for departments (like the Department of the Army or the Department of the Navy), dedicated dollars in every Defense Department budget, and influential advocates in Congress, SOCOM is by now an exceptionally powerful player at the Pentagon. With real clout, it can win bureaucratic battles, purchase cutting-edge technology, and pursue fringe research like electronically beaming messages into people's heads or developing stealth-like cloaking technologies for ground troops. Since 2001, SOCOM's prime contracts awarded to small businesses -- those that generally produce specialty equipment and weapons -- have jumped six-fold.

Headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida, but operating out of theater commands spread out around the globe, including Hawaii, Germany, and South Korea, and active in the majority of countries on the planet, Special Operations Command is now a force unto itself. As outgoing SOCOM chief Olson put it earlier this year, SOCOM "is a microcosm of the Department of Defense, with ground, air, and maritime components, a global presence, and authorities and responsibilities that mirror the Military Departments, Military Services, and Defense Agencies."

Tasked to coordinate all Pentagon planning against global terrorism networks and, as a result, closely connected to other government agencies, foreign militaries, and intelligence services, and armed with a vast inventory of stealthy helicopters, manned fixed-wing aircraft, heavily-armed drones, high-tech guns-a-go-go speedboats, specialized Humvees and Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles, or MRAPs, as well as other state-of-the-art gear (with more on the way), SOCOM represents something new in the military. Whereas the late scholar of militarism Chalmers Johnson used to refer to the CIA as "the president's private army," today JSOC performs that role, acting as the chief executive's private assassination squad, and its parent, SOCOM, functions as a new Pentagon power-elite, a secret military within the military possessing domestic power and global reach.

In 120 countries across the globe, troops from Special Operations Command carry out their secret war of high-profile assassinations, low-level targeted killings, capture/kidnap operations, kick-down-the-door night raids, joint operations with foreign forces, and training missions with indigenous partners as part of a shadowy conflict unknown to most Americans. Once "special" for being small, lean, outsider outfits, today they are special for their power, access, influence, and aura.

That aura now benefits from a well-honed public relations campaign which helps them project a superhuman image at home and abroad, even while many of their actual activities remain in the ever-widening shadows. Typical of the vision they are pushing was this statement from Admiral Olson: "I am convinced that the forces… are the most culturally attuned partners, the most lethal hunter-killers, and most responsive, agile, innovative, and efficiently effective advisors, trainers, problem-solvers, and warriors that any nation has to offer."

Recently at the Aspen Institute's Security Forum, Olson offered up similarly gilded comments and some misleading information, too, claiming that U.S. Special Operations forces were operating in just 65 countries and engaged in combat in only two of them. When asked about drone strikes in Pakistan, he reportedly replied, "Are you talking about unattributed explosions?"

What he did let slip, however, was telling. He noted, for instance, that black operations like the bin Laden mission, with commandos conducting heliborne night raids, were now exceptionally common. A dozen or so are conducted every night, he said. Perhaps most illuminating, however, was an offhand remark about the size of SOCOM. Right now, he emphasized, U.S. Special Operations forces were approximately as large as Canada's entire active duty military. In fact, the force is larger than the active duty militaries of many of the nations where America's elite troops now operate each year, and it's only set to grow larger.

Americans have yet to grapple with what it means to have a "special" force this large, this active, and this secret -- and they are unlikely to begin to do so until more information is available. It just won't be coming from Olson or his troops. "Our access [to foreign countries] depends on our ability to not talk about it," he said in response to questions about SOCOM's secrecy. When missions are subject to scrutiny like the bin Laden raid, he said, the elite troops object. The military's secret military, said Olson, wants "to get back into the shadows and do what they came in to do."

Nick Turse is the associate editor of TomDispatch.com, where this article originally appeared. His latest book, The Case for Withdrawal from Afghanistan (Verso Books), which brings together leading analysts from across the political spectrum, has just gone into its second printing. Turse is currently a fellow at Harvard University's Radcliffe Institute. His website is NickTurse.com.

Recent Activity:


[ItsAllAboutMeMan] My chat with flossi buhmann


flossi buhmann: im bored wuts up?
valis2001us: hey flossi.  got any robots?
flossi buhmann:  heya
valis2001us: flossi flossi flossi
flossi buhmann: whats up, I found your username on a member directory of social sites..not sure which one cause it bundles them all together lol
valis2001us: yeah, bundling is like that innit
flossi buhmann: maybe AFF, or fling?
valis2001us: I'm on both of those
flossi buhmann: i dont think so
valis2001us: why?
flossi buhmann: ya well, i am bored at home...and this usually leads to bad things
valis2001us: I thought it led to good things.  Like giant robot fights
flossi buhmann: i dont think so
valis2001us: that's too bad. Those robots get started on it, they have a good time, I'll tell you what
flossi buhmann: i dont think so
valis2001us: I don't think so either. I was just putting you on. let's just get back to the bad things
flossi buhmann: well...i am a true "Autagonistophiliac" which means I have a fetish for being on camerayou can google it if you dont believe me! lol
valis2001us: Oh I believe it. You are the expert.
flossi buhmann: have you ever used Yahoo Messenger Adult Chat? its a yahoo adult site that allows us to chat, and even go live like skype
valis2001us: i never heard about that. Holy robots, tell me more
flossi buhmann: i dont think so
valis2001us: I can make you say "I don't think so" at will
flossi buhmann: they give you a unique page, my link is http://www.ymessengermatch.com
valis2001us: i just have to use the word Robot in a sentence, and you are powerless before me.
flossi buhmann: bot? like a robot? lol
valis2001us: oh my little robot friend, I'll bet you think you are so clever
flossi buhmann: not the last time i checked
valis2001us: just say "I don't think so" robot and we can move on
flossi buhmann: bot? like a robot? lol
valis2001us: ok, all right forget it. Let's move on the the robot sex talk then
flossi buhmann: when was the last time you had any
valis2001us: any robots?
flossi buhmann: i dont think so
valis2001us: it's been 147 years since my last sexual encounter with a robot.
flossi buhmann: when was the last time you had any
valis2001us: 147 years and counting
flossi buhmann: go there and my video will load, just click the "Accept Invite" button on the bottom left and it'll connect us..if your camera shy you dont have to show yourself, I'M the one with the fetish remember LOL
valis2001us: Hey I remember that. and that was several minutes ago
flossi buhmann: im always either on the phone or online, im a chat addict lol...i dont normally give my number out but if you meet me in the chat and I get comfortable with you we can talk on the phone
valis2001us: my memory must be improving
flossi buhmann: my number is 206-222-1648...my phone is dead, so give it a few minutes to charge, and please dont go give that out! hehe...come talk to me over on the chat site
valis2001us: ah, I'll met you really do normally give out your number to all the homocidal maniacs that you chat with
flossi buhmann: yes im real
valis2001us: a real robot I'll bet
flossi buhmann: yes im real
valis2001us: I'm going to post your phone number on my blog, do you like that?
flossi buhmann: ohh hotornot, hey how are u?
valis2001us: I'm hot as an icebox and ready for some chillin. how are you?
flossi buhmann: I'm great babe!! how about yourself?
valis2001us: is it ok if I publish your private phone number on my blog?
flossi buhmann: ohh hotornot, hey how are u?
valis2001us: can I take that as a "yes"?
flossi buhmann: they charge a buck for age verification, if you dont wanna stay you can cancel it...im sure i'll keep you entertained though
valis2001us: So this is the way it works... I post this number on my blog: 206-222-1648... somebody calls you, you have a nice talk, then he comes over to your place late with an ax and cuts off your head, got it?
flossi buhmann: Like a transformer robot?? what the hell are u talking about?
valis2001us: I'm sorry, I need to run now, I have to go out - we can chat again soon, I hope?
flossi buhmann: i love the site cause its streams fast in real-time sorta like a skype, fill out your info, its only a buckk?
valis2001us: I'll put this information onto my blog, too. I'm sure some crazy man will read it there, and you'll get to meet him some day soon
flossi buhmann: i use this site to play on cause i don't want to be recorded, just watched!...this site doesn't allow people to record my camjust click the "Accept Invite" button on the left of the page and we'll be able to have a live chat
valis2001us: goodbye for now
flossi buhmann: Well if you must leave... tell ya what if ya want to see me later on my cam goto http://www.ymessengermatch.com just click the yellow JOIN FREE button at the top of the page, its 100% free to join ..its free and i'll prolly be online for the rest of the day so you can go and see me on my cam
valis2001us: thank you. goodbye.
flossi buhmann is typing...
flossi buhmann: Well if you must leave... tell ya what if ya want to see me later on my cam goto http://www.ymessengermatch.com just click the yellow JOIN FREE button at the top of the page, its 100% free to join ..its free and i'll prolly be online for the rest of the day so you can go and see me on my cam

Recent Activity:


Wednesday, August 03, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Welcome to the ddfnw group


Ok, fine.  somebody post something and I'lls ee if I want to stick around. 

who are you, ddfnw Moderator? anybody I know?

check out my song "Don't want no Sugar-Coated Satan Sandwich!" at http://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=10911961

I believe it will be helpful in meditation.

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 10:02 AM, ddfnw Moderator <ddfnw-owner@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

Recent Activity:


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Libya, elbowed off the table by domestic matters


There was some discussion here a while back about Gaddafi - is he a good guy?  a bad guy? oh, ok, bad. just how bad, then?. as if it were the case that he was really bad, we should hunker down and silently accept the far more murderous and distructive actions of NATO. 

Here's an update, one of many on the Counterpunch website that I've found useful:


How can I know I'm not just getting leftist propaganda?  Well, Cockburn and his crowd are pretty iconoclastic, pissing off the left at least part of the time (the ones who show up there to take their medicine), as well as the right. But its also their proven record for accuracy over time.  If most other news outlets had it right, Gadaffi would have been defeated months ago, perhaps in exile in Venesuala. Yet he remains, despite the tons of non-hostile bombs (thanks for the new Orwellian language, Obama) and the ongoing attempt to prop up the ragtag crew of contras we think can run the country.

Recent Activity:


Monday, August 01, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Re: Thank you for your input Re: Seeking clarification


Dear Rebuild The Dream

Thank you for your thoughtful and considerate form reply. I do hope that you eventually get around to replying to my email, as I will not hesitate to express my questions and misgivings about your organization to anybody and everybody who will put up with my complaints in the mean time.

Misgivings that were amplified, not diminished, by my visit to the page you recommended. I see NO place to submit my idea, only an opportunity to vote for ideas other people have submitted. It appears to be an extension of the change.org/farmville con I explained in my last email. Of course, the ideas are great. Nearly all the half dozen I looked at were great, all of them 5 stars.

But the question for me is "how are we going to get anywhere with these ideas when we have two right wing parties and an administration who thinks we are fucking retarded professional leftist crybabies?"

I think I can help with that. The idea I want to submit is a change you can believe in:  "Dump Obama in 2012."  I would very much like to get this idea before thousands of my fellog citizens, but I don't see a mechanism for submitting it. 

I couldn't even see if it was already there, since there seems to be no search engine or directory, just a slow crawl through one warm-fuzzy-and-unachievable idea after another.  People who have been on the internet for more than a decade are likely to come to negative opinions about what you are trying to achieve with this kind of set up. People are getting pretty net savvy. I think you'll have to try a little harder to convince people they are part of a movement when they visit your webpage. Change.org did a lot better job of it.

On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Rebuild the Dream <info@rebuildthedream.com> wrote:
Hi, thanks for writing. We receive a heavy volume of e-mails and have
a tiny staff. We read all of them and try to respond to as many of
your e-mails as possible -- but we're unable to answer each and every
e-mail. We do welcome your feedback!

If you have an idea for the Contract for the American Dream, please go
to our Contract website at http://contract.rebuildthedream.com/ to
submit it for review by thousands of your fellow citizens.

Thanks for the e-mail, and together, let's rebuild the American Dream.

I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Seeking clarification


Dear Rebuild The Dream:

After I heard Van Jones interviewed on NPR yesterday (http://www.npr.org/2011/07/31/138867706/former-obama-adviser-brews-a-different-tea-party) I left the following comment on their website. I doubt it's going to get much notice in the middle of the crazy and disturbing flames, but I want to assure you that my intent is serious, so I've contacted you directly.

"I was disappointed to read through this very lengthy list of comments, and see how few people actually wanted to discuss the piece.  It was welcome news that somebody wants to start a high profile progressive alliance, but I'm deeply troubled by the past history of the Obama team marshaling and then sidelining progressive energy and resources. I was quite irritated when Jones said: "First of all, let's be clear. The slogan was never yes, he can. The slogan was yes, we can. Too many of us sat down..." I am thinking of the website Change.org, which supposedly polled the American people on what they wanted Obama to do, but actually it was just a social network site to get them to waste time in pursuits as meaningful as farmland.  Almost everything that people wanted the most were ignored... the few that were addressed, we were told "forget it."  After the election all that stuff was stripped out, and look what the site has become now (a strange mishmash of special pleading, with no overarching progressive agenda whatsoever - http://www.change.org/).  The people didn't sit down so much as they were shut down. I want to know - is Jones' new endeavor yet another Obama Trojan Horse invented to destroy what little progressive America is left?  I would like to hear Jones discuss this."

After a little further investigation, I was surprised to find Mr. Jones had put forward a proposal on the Huffington Post site (first time I've visited it since the boycott started) back in February.  There a generally more left readership responded in a way that mostly ranged from tepid to suspicious, not an auspicious beginning auguring great things for the organization.

If this movement is intended to be a progressive wing of the Democratic party in the way that the Tea Party is a reactionary wing of the Republican party, it would be greatly reassuring to me if there was evidence that it isn't just more of the center right to hard right policies dressed up in kind and gentler rhetoric that Obama has been delivering for the few scant years he's been a public figure.  The man who went on bended knee before the myth of Ronald Reagan (http://counterpunch.org/whitney08012011.html) sacked Van Jones, to appease his conservative buddies. Does Jones have nothing but reverence for this man?  I would sure like to see him address this, too.


Matt Love

Dump Obama in 2012. You know you want to.

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[ItsAllAboutMeMan] The Deal, point and counterpoint


Tom in the Great NW's analysis:

And what have we observed in this stand-off between the teanuts and the regular gop line? THE teanut-gop party is in a whirlwind fight WITH ITSELF.
..........MORE ferocious grabbing for the Oval Office among the teanuts?

............REGISTER NOW - a landslide victory for the President and the Democrats in November, 2012 is UP TO US!!

My analysis:

Beohner lost control of his party when the Tea Partiers obstructed him. My wife shouted out with exuberance that it was the end of the Republican Party. But instead of grabbing the moment, Obama urged them to regroup and within two days he had cooked up a sugar-coated Satan sandwich with them. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Or collaborating in our defeat to insure the victory of the owning classes? The administration is either supremely incompetent, or obscenely venal, or both. But some people are in a jubulent mood and see this as an opportunity to help Obama sell us out more. Dump Obama in 2012. Pass the word.

If you are inclined you can chose sides (or advocate another side entirely) at: http://www.bet.com/news/politics/2011/07/31/obama-announces-a-debt-ceiling-deal-has-been-to-avoid-default.html?cid=idnb

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

[ItsAllAboutMeMan] Fwd: A show was added to your page by a feed


If you follow the adventures of Superman, you know that he has a small army of robot doubles that he keeps around for important tasks like fooling Lois Lane into thinking Clark Kent isn't Superman. 

I've taken a page out of Superman's book, and created my own army of robot doubles to gig in the many locations where people demand I perform, but I haven't made it out there yet. 

I hope that you all will go out to the famous Powell's Books in Portland on August 22, and let me know how my robot did.

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From: <reverbnation@reverbnation.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 10:50 AM
Subject: A show was added to your page by a feed
To: mattlove1@gmail.com

Dear Matt Love,

This is to inform you that the following show has been automatically added to your schedule:

Source: Eventful
Showtime: 08/22/2011 07:30 PM
Venue: Powell's Books on Hawthorne
3723 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, OR 97214 US
Details: Matt Love & Kim Cooper Findling Monday, August 22nd @ 7:30PM Powell's Books on Hawthorne3723 SE Hawthorne Blvd. (800) 878-7323 Love and the Green Lady: Meditations on the Yaquina Bay Bridge: Oregon's Crown Jewel of Socialism by Matt Love Sale - Trade Paper$14.00Matt Love & Kim Cooper Findling Oregon opened the Yaquina Bay Bridge in Newport on Labor Day 1936. For 75 years, the bridge has stood as a monument to excellence in architecture and proof that a partnership between state and federal government can produce something practical, beautiful, and lasting. Blending a variety of genres including memoir, essay, autobiography, and commentary, Matt Love's Love and the Green Lady (Nestucca Spit Press) is an ode to an Oregon architectural landmark. In 23 essays set over 20 years, Kim Cooper Findling's Chance of Sun: An Oregon Memoir tells the story of an Oregon girl coming of age in the '70s and '80s, navigating her way through pick-up trucks, dive bars, higher education, and backwoods trails before finding a place she belonged.

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I want to play in your town for you and 2 of your friends. 

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