I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Your comments about Isthar...

In your review of Hanbando at http://www.koreanfilm.org/kfilm06.html
you wrote, "In addition, there are a gaggle of scenes in this film
that provoke unintentional hilarity, in precisely the manner in which
past Hollywood disasters such as Heaven's Gate or Ishtar have done."

It's a little difficult for me to understand what you mean. I've never
seen "heaven's Gate, but I assure you that the hilarity of Ishtar was
strictly intentional - it was, in fact a comedy... one of the funniest
(and best) movies of the 80s. I have never been able to understand why
that movie has been maligned so extremely, and unfairly.

It's actually quite good, and more and more people are coming to
realize that. I think this is going to be a great year for Ishtar...
the 20th anniversary will mark a big resurgence. There is a
documentary film about Ishtar fandom in the works, the manager of the
Ishtar fan website (http://www.ishtarthemovie.com/) is putting
together a tribute CD featuring cover versions of songs from the
movie, and possibly a US release on DVD (something the heathen in
Europe have been enjoying for years). So shake off that square world,
get with the countdown, and blast off to Ishtar!


By the way, can you give me any advice on how I can acquire a copy of
the Korean short film "Plan 19 From Outer Space?" I really need it to
help complete my "Plans From Outer Space" film collection.

Thank you!


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[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: More Funny, Funny Stuff

A friend just tipped me off to "Encyclopedia Dramatica," and boy,
that's some hoohah! I don't think I could improve on what he said:

"It looked promising for some good entertainment. I went from the main
page to this one.
Note the "hippy" photo. This kind of humor reminds me of latter-day
National Lampoon, as O'Rourke regressed into his current neocon
worldview (or, maybe he was always that way, and he only expressed it
more as time went on). Nothing funnier than the plight of the underdog-
especially when she takes risks and the powers-that-be kill her. Watch
her bleed, hey-o! This is way more disturbing than some mindless hater spewing
venom. This is a concerted effort, obviously by many persons intelligent
enough to put a site together.


I couldn't agree with him more. Though I never met Rachel Corrie, she
was in my circle of friends. By all accounts she was a wonderful,
selfless, courageous, idealistic young woman.

Hooboy, damn good thing they put an end to her!

So in short, I want to sign up, I want to contribute to this wonderful
party you people have going.

My desired user name is "Contributors to Encyclopedia Dramatica are a
bunch of fucking assholes."

Thanks, I can't wait to join in the harmless fun!

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Registration at the Galactic Senate

no wonder the Galactic Empire is going down the shitter... it's run by
a guy who takes forever to reply to applications for membership, and
he writes things like "LOL."

WWDVD? That is, What Would Darth Vader Do? I don't think he'd ever
answer email with "LOL."

He has too much confidence in me. It's probably a violation of terms
of service to go in and disagree with people about Ishtar. Ranking
down off-topic movies other people like, calling them idiots for
liking them, etc is harmless fun when done by FOOM (Friends of Master
Magnus), resistance to that, however mild, from the ranks is heresy.

On 3/31/07, mls01@sverige.nu <mls01@sverige.nu> wrote:
> Hi!
> LOL! I'm sure that you are what you claim to be... I'll activate your
> membership immediately. You'll receive an email notification once that's
> finished.
> Welcome to the Galactic Senate!
> Sincerely, Master Magnus, administrator at the Galactic Senate.
> > This raises all sorts of existential questions.... what is human? I
> > think I am human, but if I'm a sufficiently advanced form of
> > artificial intelligence, I would think I'm a person.
> >
> > I do not seem to reside on a computer hard drive somewhere, I think
> > I'm sitting at a keyboard in a room with three dogs lying at my feet,
> > but sufficiently advanced artificial intelligence would provide this
> > scenerio so that I myself would believe that this is reality.
> >
> > Because if I were a computer virus sent to destroy the Galactic Senate
> > and everything it holds dear, I would be the most effective if I truly
> > believed I was just some schmoe who wants to come into the list, post
> > something, have a few larfs, and obey all the Rules of the Senate.
> >
> > Master Magnus, from your title I assume you to be an adept at
> > something or other, perhaps you could use your Jedi mind tricks to
> > probe my situation.... you tell me; am I what I think I am?
> >
> > On 3/29/07, mls01@sverige.nu <mls01@sverige.nu> wrote:
> >> Hi!
> >>
> >> You recently registered at the Galacticsenate.com forum. For spam
> >> purposes, we require a human reply back to this email to make sure you
> >> really want to join. Please reply with something informal to let me know
> >> that you're a human who wants to join the Galactic Senate, that you're
> >> going to observe the Terms of Service of the Galactic Senate which can
> >> be
> >> found here: http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=3947 and that you
> >> understand that spamming isn't allowed and then we'll accept your
> >> registration immediately. If you wish, you can present yourself in the
> >> following thread after your membership has been activated:
> >> http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=980
> >> Please observe that if we do not hear back from you within 1 (one) week,
> >> the account will be deleted.
> >>
> >> Thanks for joining!
> >> Sincerely, Master Magnus, administrator at the Galactic Senate.
> >>
> >>
> >> -----------------------------------------
> >> Skaffa gratis e-post du också på http://www.sverige.nu
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> -----------------------------------------
> Skaffa gratis e-post du också på http://www.sverige.nu

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Registration at the Galactic Senate

This raises all sorts of existential questions.... what is human? I
think I am human, but if I'm a sufficiently advanced form of
artificial intelligence, I would think I'm a person.

I do not seem to reside on a computer hard drive somewhere, I think
I'm sitting at a keyboard in a room with three dogs lying at my feet,
but sufficiently advanced artificial intelligence would provide this
scenerio so that I myself would believe that this is reality.

Because if I were a computer virus sent to destroy the Galactic Senate
and everything it holds dear, I would be the most effective if I truly
believed I was just some schmoe who wants to come into the list, post
something, have a few larfs, and obey all the Rules of the Senate.

Master Magnus, from your title I assume you to be an adept at
something or other, perhaps you could use your Jedi mind tricks to
probe my situation.... you tell me; am I what I think I am?

On 3/29/07, mls01@sverige.nu <mls01@sverige.nu> wrote:
> Hi!
> You recently registered at the Galacticsenate.com forum. For spam
> purposes, we require a human reply back to this email to make sure you
> really want to join. Please reply with something informal to let me know
> that you're a human who wants to join the Galactic Senate, that you're
> going to observe the Terms of Service of the Galactic Senate which can be
> found here: http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=3947 and that you
> understand that spamming isn't allowed and then we'll accept your
> registration immediately. If you wish, you can present yourself in the
> following thread after your membership has been activated:
> http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=980
> Please observe that if we do not hear back from you within 1 (one) week,
> the account will be deleted.
> Thanks for joining!
> Sincerely, Master Magnus, administrator at the Galactic Senate.
> -----------------------------------------
> Skaffa gratis e-post du också på http://www.sverige.nu

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: Registration at the Galactic Senate

This raises all sorts of existential questions.... what is human? I
think I am human, but if I'm a sufficiently advanced form of
artificial intelligence, I would think I'm a person.

I do not seem to reside on a computer hard drive somewhere, I think
I'm sitting at a keyboard in a room with three dogs lying at my feet,
but sufficiently advanced artificial intelligence would provide this
scenerio so that I myself would believe that this is reality.

Because if I were a computer virus sent to destroy the Galactic Senate
and everything it holds dear, I would be the most effective if I truly
believed I was just some schmoe who wants to come into the list, post
something, have a few larfs, and obey all the Rules of the Senate.

Master Magnus, from your title I assume you to be an adept at
something or other, perhaps you could use your Jedi mind tricks to
probe my situation.... you tell me; am I what I think I am?

On 3/29/07, mls01@sverige.nu <mls01@sverige.nu> wrote:
> Hi!
> You recently registered at the Galacticsenate.com forum. For spam
> purposes, we require a human reply back to this email to make sure you
> really want to join. Please reply with something informal to let me know
> that you're a human who wants to join the Galactic Senate, that you're
> going to observe the Terms of Service of the Galactic Senate which can be
> found here: http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=3947 and that you
> understand that spamming isn't allowed and then we'll accept your
> registration immediately. If you wish, you can present yourself in the
> following thread after your membership has been activated:
> http://galacticsenate.com/showthread.php?t=980
> Please observe that if we do not hear back from you within 1 (one) week,
> the account will be deleted.
> Thanks for joining!
> Sincerely, Master Magnus, administrator at the Galactic Senate.
> -----------------------------------------
> Skaffa gratis e-post du också på http://www.sverige.nu

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] "1984" Owners Are Watching "Big Brother" Ad

Does anyone find this a little ironic?

"1984" Owners Are Watching "Big Brother" Ad

The owners of the TV and film rights to George Orwell 's 1984 said Tuesday that they are monitoring closely the controversy over a spoof of Apple's 1984 "Big Brother" ad produced by a supporter of Sen. Barack Obama, in which Hillary Clinton is portrayed as Big Brother.
"We recognize the legal issues inherent under the First Amendment and the copyright law as to political expression of opinion, but we want the world at large to know that we take our copyright ownership of one of the world's great novels very seriously," Gina Rosenblum, president of Rosenblum Productions Inc., said in a statement.
She noted that after Apple's original ad aired during the 1984 Super Bowl, "we immediately objected to this unauthorized commercial use of the novel, and sent a 'cease-and-desist' letter both to Apple and to its ad agency. The commercial never aired on television again."

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[CanYoAssDigIt] Re: [MIDI_Exchange] Are you online? I was impressed by your appereance.

oh this is some damn persuasive spam.  You don't even specify the gender of the person you're talking to, or yours, hoping in increase the number of suckers.  You're so clever you make my armpits tingle.

On 28 Mar 2007 09:18:01 -0700, white_mangens11 <white_mangens11@yahoo.com> wrote:

I saw your profile in my group, I was impressed by your appereance.
There must be something common between us. I want to view more of your
photos and chat with you. You can know me by joining the following
site. I'm loney, I want to meet you...


May there is something swell come out between us!

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