I've finally achieved consistency in my life. Any person of average or above intelligence can predict what I will say next with unerring accuracy. And what I say will always be wrong.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

[CanYoAssDigIt] Fwd: More Funny, Funny Stuff

A friend just tipped me off to "Encyclopedia Dramatica," and boy,
that's some hoohah! I don't think I could improve on what he said:

"It looked promising for some good entertainment. I went from the main
page to this one.
Note the "hippy" photo. This kind of humor reminds me of latter-day
National Lampoon, as O'Rourke regressed into his current neocon
worldview (or, maybe he was always that way, and he only expressed it
more as time went on). Nothing funnier than the plight of the underdog-
especially when she takes risks and the powers-that-be kill her. Watch
her bleed, hey-o! This is way more disturbing than some mindless hater spewing
venom. This is a concerted effort, obviously by many persons intelligent
enough to put a site together.


I couldn't agree with him more. Though I never met Rachel Corrie, she
was in my circle of friends. By all accounts she was a wonderful,
selfless, courageous, idealistic young woman.

Hooboy, damn good thing they put an end to her!

So in short, I want to sign up, I want to contribute to this wonderful
party you people have going.

My desired user name is "Contributors to Encyclopedia Dramatica are a
bunch of fucking assholes."

Thanks, I can't wait to join in the harmless fun!

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